; Test stack pointer restore after setjmp() with the function-call safestack ABI. ; RUN: opt -safe-stack -S -mtriple=arm-linux-androideabi < %s -o - | FileCheck %s @env = global [64 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4 define void @f(i32 %b) safestack { entry: ; CHECK: %[[SPA:.*]] = call i8** @__safestack_pointer_address() ; CHECK: %[[USP:.*]] = load i8*, i8** %[[SPA]] ; CHECK: %[[USDP:.*]] = alloca i8* ; CHECK: store i8* %[[USP]], i8** %[[USDP]] ; CHECK: call i32 @setjmp %call = call i32 @setjmp(i32* getelementptr inbounds ([64 x i32], [64 x i32]* @env, i32 0, i32 0)) returns_twice ; CHECK: %[[USP2:.*]] = load i8*, i8** %[[USDP]] ; CHECK: store i8* %[[USP2]], i8** %[[SPA]] %tobool = icmp eq i32 %b, 0 br i1 %tobool, label %if.end, label %if.then if.then: %0 = alloca [42 x i8], align 1 %.sub = getelementptr inbounds [42 x i8], [42 x i8]* %0, i32 0, i32 0 call void @_Z7CapturePv(i8* %.sub) br label %if.end if.end: ; CHECK: store i8* %[[USP:.*]], i8** %[[SPA:.*]] ret void } declare i32 @setjmp(i32*) returns_twice declare void @_Z7CapturePv(i8*)