TEST SUITE: The directory cpuctl contains the tests related to the cpu controller. There are total 10 testcases that have been added till date. More testcases are expected to be added in future. TESTS AIM: The aim of the tests is to test cpu controller functionality. FILES DESCRIPTION: cpuctl_testN.c --------------- These are the tasks to run for cpu controller testing. The tasks have been automated in the sense that they can assign themselves to the appropriate group, can modify their group shares, can migrate etc. Each task runs for an interval TIME_INTERVAL seconds and eports the total time it could run on all cpus in an interval of INTERVAL seconds. (for convinience calculate cpu time is given in % and seconds both). A task can call a library routine from libcontrollers library to calculate total amount of shares of all the groups, total number of tasks in it's group etc. And thus a task knows what is the expected cpu time it should get to run. After say n SETS it modifies it's parameters and again report the cpu usage. Maximum effort has been used to reuse the code and keep total code size low. parameters.sh ---------- This file contains the functions which do setup for the test. It creates a /dev/cpuctl directory, mounts cgroup filesystem on it with cpu. It then creates a number(n) of groups in /dev/cpuctl. The cleanup function does a complete cleanup of the system. (*However most of the error scenarios ahve been tested for a sane cleanup, still if sometime it is unable to do it justt manualy execute the commands written in cleanup function) run_cpuctl_test.sh ------------------ This script creates different scenarios for cpu controller testing and fires (n) tasks in different groups to run at the same time. It waits for the return status from tasks and reports test pass/fail accordingly. Makefile -------- The usual makefile for this directory $LTPROOT/output/cpuctl_resultsN.txt -------------- This file will be created to log the results once the test is run. It contains the test results which are numbers and following is a description which will help to understand the results. There are two common major expected outcomes of all the tests: 1. A group should get cpu time in the same ratio as it's shares. 2. This time should not change with the changes in share values while the ratio in those values is same. The results file are straight forward to read. To keep things very simple just look at the two fields calc:- and exp:- in % as below: CPU TIME{calc:- 60.01(s)i.e. 50.01(%) exp:- 50.00(%)} PASS/FAIL CRITERIO: ================== A major difference in the two % values is a failure of cpu controller. Also the difference between consecutive runs under similar conditions is fail. Because of some feature which is not currently developed in kernel it is not possible to create an ideal scenario and hence the decision of PASS/FAIL is not taken for all the tests at the moment. The statistics is generated in the results file and a quick look on it gives a proper understanding. NOTE: In current scenario a variation of 1-3 % is acceptable. README: -------- The one you have gone through.