TEST SUITE: The directory memcg contains the tests related to memory resource controller. Those testcases can reproduce bugs we found. There are total 44 testcases that have been added. These testcases contain the regression test, basis operation test and stress test of memctl. NOTE: the test can be run by root only. TESTS AIM: The aim of the tests is to track any future regressions, test the functionality of memctl.. FILES DESCRIPTION: control/memcg_control_test.sh -------------------- This script runs the testcases of control test. control/mem_process.c -------------------- The program allocates memory specified using the '-m' option when 'm' is received through the named pipe /tmp/status_pipe and frees it on receiving 'm' again. It exits on receiving 'x'. It gets the page size on specifying the '-p' option. functional/memcgroup_function_test.sh -------------------- This script runs all the 38 testcases of basis operation. functional/memcgroup_getpagesize.c -------------------- The program gets page size through getpagesize(). functional/memcgroup_process.c -------------------- The program allocates some memory according to the user input when received SIGUSR. And, it frees all the allocated when received SIGUSR again. stress/memcgroup_stress_test.sh -------------------- This script runs all the 2 testcases of stress test. stress/memcgroup_process_stress.c -------------------- The program allocates some memory in a specified time period when received SIGUSR. regression/memcg_regression_test.sh -------------------- This script runs all the 4 testcases of regression test. regression/memcg_test_*.c/sh -------------------- The programs run each regression test. README ------ The one you have gone through.