[simple_loop] driver: simple_loop_main.c test: simple_loop.c [mem_intrin] driver: mem_intrin_main.cpp test: mem_intrin.cpp flags: --sz=-fmem-intrin-opt [test_arith] driver: test_arith_main.cpp # Note: Originally test_arith.cpp was used to generate the bulk of the tests. # However, the C++ integral promotion rules mean that most of the time i8 and # i16 operations are not actually tested; instead, they are extended to i32 and # only the i32 operation is tested. To help fix this, the relevant parts of # test_arith.cpp are commented out, and instead a python script auto-generates # test_arith_ll.ll which contains the proper functionality. #test: test_arith.cpp test_arith_frem.ll test_arith_sqrt.ll test_arith_fabs.ll test: test_arith_ll.ll test_arith.cpp test_arith_sqrt.ll test_arith_fabs.ll [test_bitmanip] driver: test_bitmanip_main.cpp test: test_bitmanip.cpp test_bitmanip_intrin.ll [test_calling_conv] driver: test_calling_conv_main.cpp test: test_calling_conv.cpp [test_cast] driver: test_cast_main.cpp test: test_cast.cpp test_cast_to_u1.ll test_cast_vectors.ll [test_fcmp] driver: test_fcmp_main.cpp test: test_fcmp.pnacl.ll [test_global] driver: test_global_main.cpp test: test_global.cpp [test_icmp] driver: test_icmp_main.cpp test: test_icmp.cpp test_icmp_i1vec.ll [test_select] driver: test_select_main.cpp test: test_select.ll [test_stacksave] driver: test_stacksave_main.c test: test_stacksave.c [test_strengthreduce] driver: test_strengthreduce_main.cpp test: test_strengthreduce.cpp # Disable clang-side optimizations so that pnacl-sz sees suitable # bitcode patterns. flags: --clang-opt=0 [test_sync_atomic] driver: test_sync_atomic_main.cpp test: test_sync_atomic.cpp [test_vector_ops] driver: test_vector_ops_main.cpp test: test_vector_ops.cpp test_vector_ops_ll.ll