# connect gdb to Valgrind gdbserver: target remote | ./vgdb --wait=60 --vgdb-prefix=./vgdb-prefix-hgtls echo vgdb launched process attached\n monitor v.set vgdb-error 999999 # # # insert break: break tls.c:55 command set $tls_ip = main if test == &tests[0] set $tls_ip = &race end if test == &tests[1] set $tls_ip = &local end if test == &tests[2] set $tls_ip = &global end if test == &tests[3] set $tls_ip = &static_extern end if test == &tests[4] set $tls_ip = &so_extern end if test == &tests[5] set $tls_ip = &so_local end if test == &tests[6] set $tls_ip = &global end printf "test %s tls_ip %p ip %p equal %d\n", test->name, $tls_ip, ip, $tls_ip == ip continue end # continue till the end continue quit