before lock #1 before lock #2 before lock #3 before unlock #1 before unlock #2 before unlock #3 before unlock #4 ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------ Thread #x is the program's root thread ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thread #x unlocked a not-locked lock at 0x........ at 0x........: mutex_unlock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:...) by 0x........: pthread_mutex_unlock (hg_intercepts.c:...) by 0x........: nearly_main (tc10_rec_lock.c:42) by 0x........: main (tc10_rec_lock.c:47) Lock at 0x........ was first observed at 0x........: pthread_mutex_init (hg_intercepts.c:...) by 0x........: nearly_main (tc10_rec_lock.c:24) by 0x........: main (tc10_rec_lock.c:47) Address 0x........ is on thread #x's stack in frame #x, created by nearly_main (tc10_rec_lock.c:15) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thread #x's call to pthread_mutex_unlock failed with error code 1 (EPERM: Operation not permitted) at 0x........: mutex_unlock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:...) by 0x........: pthread_mutex_unlock (hg_intercepts.c:...) by 0x........: nearly_main (tc10_rec_lock.c:42) by 0x........: main (tc10_rec_lock.c:47) ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)