Emulation warning: unsupported action: The specified rounding mode cannot be supported. That feature requires the floating point extension facility which is not available on this host. Continuing using the rounding mode from FPC. Results may differ! at 0x........: main (fpext_warn.c:11) Emulation warning: unsupported action: The specified rounding mode cannot be supported. That feature requires the floating point extension facility which is not available on this host. Continuing using the rounding mode from FPC. Results may differ! at 0x........: main (fpext_warn.c:12) Emulation warning: unsupported action: The specified rounding mode cannot be supported. That feature requires the floating point extension facility which is not available on this host. Continuing using the rounding mode from FPC. Results may differ! at 0x........: main (fpext_warn.c:13)