apply plugin: dependencies { api project(':support-core-utils') androidTestImplementation libs.test_runner, { exclude module: 'support-annotations' } androidTestImplementation libs.espresso_core, { exclude module: 'support-annotations' } androidTestImplementation libs.mockito_core, { exclude group: 'net.bytebuddy' } // DexMaker has it"s own MockMaker androidTestImplementation libs.dexmaker_mockito, { exclude group: 'net.bytebuddy' } // DexMaker has it"s own MockMaker } android { defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 14 } sourceSets { 'src' main.res.srcDirs 'res', 'res-public' } } supportLibrary { name 'Android Support DynamicAnimation' publish true inceptionYear '2017' description "Physics-based animation in support library, where the animations are driven by physics force. You can use this Animation library to create smooth and realistic animations." }