#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Calculates the test-coverage percentage for non-test files in the # update_engine directory. Requires a file 'app.info' to contain the # results of running the unittests while collecting coverage data. cat app.info | awk -F '[,:]' ' BEGIN { OFS = ":"; } /^SF:/{ FILEN = $2; } /^end_of_record$/{ FILEN = ""; } /^DA:/{ print FILEN, $2, $3; } ' | sort | awk -F : ' BEGIN { OFS = ":"; FILEN = ""; LINE = ""; HITS = 0; } { NEWFILEN = $1; NEWLINE = $2; if ((NEWFILEN == FILEN) && (NEWLINE == LINE)) { HITS += $3 } else { if (FILEN != "") { print FILEN, LINE, HITS; } FILEN = NEWFILEN; LINE = NEWLINE; HITS = $3; } } ' | grep '^.*\/trunk\/src\/platform\/update_engine\/' | \ fgrep -v '_unittest.cc:' | \ fgrep -v '/test_utils.' | \ fgrep -v '/test_http_server.cc' | \ fgrep -v '/testrunner.cc' | \ fgrep -v '/mock' | \ fgrep -v '.pb.cc' | \ awk -F : ' function printfile() { if (FNAME != "") printf "%-40s %4d / %4d: %5.1f%%\n", FNAME, FILE_GOOD_LINES, (FILE_BAD_LINES + FILE_GOOD_LINES), (FILE_GOOD_LINES * 100) / (FILE_BAD_LINES + FILE_GOOD_LINES); } BEGIN { FNAME = ""; FILE_BAD_LINES = 0; FILE_GOOD_LINES = 0; } { // calc filename ARR_SIZE = split($1, PARTS, "/"); NEWFNAME = PARTS[ARR_SIZE]; if (NEWFNAME != FNAME) { printfile(); FILE_BAD_LINES = 0; FILE_GOOD_LINES = 0; FNAME = NEWFNAME; } if ($3 == "0") { BAD_LINES += 1; FILE_BAD_LINES += 1; } else { GOOD_LINES += 1; FILE_GOOD_LINES += 1; } } END { printfile(); print "---\nSummary: tested " GOOD_LINES " / " (BAD_LINES + GOOD_LINES); printf( "Test coverage: %.1f%%\n", ((GOOD_LINES * 100) / (BAD_LINES + GOOD_LINES))); } '