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12images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 200) including PNG, JPEG, JPEG-…
64 AppendImageToList(Image *images,const Image *image)
74 <dt>images</dt>
90 Image *CloneImageList(const Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
100 <dt>images</dt>
111 <p>CloneImages() clones one or more images from an image sequence, using a comma separated list of …
113images starting counting from the end of the range. Images may be refered to multiple times to clo…
115 <p>Images referenced may be reversed, and results in a clone of those images also being made with a…
120 Image *CloneImages(const Image *images,const char *scenes,
131 <dt>images</dt>
151 DeleteImageFromList(Image **images)
161 <dt>images</dt>
168 <p>DeleteImages() deletes one or more images from an image sequence, using a comma separated list o…
170images starting counting from the end of the range. Images may be refered to multiple times withou…
172 <p>If the referenced images are in the reverse order, that range will be completely ignored, unlike…
177 DeleteImages(Image **images,const char *scenes,ExceptionInfo *exception)
187 <dt>images</dt>
224 <p>DuplicateImages() duplicates one or more images from an image sequence, using a count and a comm…
226images starting counting from the end of the range. Images may be refered to multiple times withou…
231 Image *DuplicateImages(Image *images,const size_t number_duplicates,
242 <dt>images</dt>
266 Image *GetFirstImageInList(const Image *images)
276 <dt>images</dt>
292 Image *GetImageFromList(const Image *images,const ssize_t index)
302 <dt>images</dt>
318 ssize_t GetImageIndexInList(const Image *images)
328 <dt>images</dt>
335 <p>GetImageListLength() returns the length of the list (the number of images in the list).</p>
340 size_t GetImageListLength(const Image *images)
350 <dt>images</dt>
362 Image *GetLastImageInList(const Image *images)
372 <dt>images</dt>
384 Image *GetNextImageInList(const Image *images)
394 <dt>images</dt>
406 Image *GetPreviousImageInList(const Image *images)
416 <dt>images</dt>
425 <p>The images remain part of the original image list, with the array providing an alternative means…
427 …mageListToArray(images, exception); while (i = 0; group[i] != (Image *) NULL; i++) printf("s\n", g…
432 Image **ImageListToArray(const Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
458 InsertImageInList(Image **images,Image *insert)
468 <dt>images</dt>
494 PrependImageToList(Image *images,Image *image)
504 <dt>images</dt>
522 Image *RemoveImageFromList(Image **images)
532 <dt>images</dt>
546 Image *RemoveFirstImageFromList(Image **images)
556 <dt>images</dt>
570 Image *RemoveLastImageFromList(Image **images)
580 <dt>images</dt>
587 <p>ReplaceImageInList() replaces an image in the list with the given image, or list of images. Old…
589 <p>The images list pointer is set to point to the first image of the inserted list of images.</p>
594 ReplaceImageInList(Image **images,Image *replace)
604 <dt>images</dt>
615 …ctly as ReplaceImageInList() except the images pointer is set to the last image in the list of rep…
617 … image that follows the just replaced image, even if a list of replacement images was inserted.</p>
622 ReplaceImageInListReturnLast(Image **images,Image *replace)
632 <dt>images</dt>
648 void ReverseImageList(Image **images)
658 <dt>images</dt>
665 …iceImageIntoList() removes 'length' images from the list and replaces them with the specified spli…
670 SpliceImageIntoList(Image **images,const size_t,
681 <dt>images</dt>
701 Image *SplitImageList(Image *images)
711 <dt>images</dt>