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Lines Matching refs:printMsg

180     printMsg("INFO", $ShortUsage);
275 printMsg("INFO", "\n".$ShortUsage);
404 printMsg("INFO", $HelpMessage."
411 printMsg("INFO", "$HelpMessage
4976 printMsg("INFO", "INCORRECT MANGLING:\n $Mngl\n $U1\n $U2\n");
7337 printMsg("WARNING", "unknown operator $1");
7393 printMsg("WARNING", "can't find \"undname\", disable MSVC unmangling");
7427printMsg("ERROR", "internal error - c++filt crashed, try to reduce MAX_CPPFILT_FILE_SIZE constant"…
7445printMsg("ERROR", "internal error - c++filt crashed, try to reduce MAX_COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS cons…
8170 printMsg("WARNING", "can't find \'ectags\' program");
8178 printMsg("WARNING", "can't find \'ctags\' program");
8187 printMsg("WARNING", "incompatible version of \'ctags\' program");
8267 printMsg("INFO", "Using MinGW compatibility mode");
8274 printMsg("INFO", "Checking the code for C++ keywords");
8381 printMsg("INFO", "Detected code: \"$Detected\"");
8397 printMsg("INFO", "Detected code: \"typedef enum $S $S;\"");
8404 printMsg("INFO", "Using C++ compatibility mode");
8407 printMsg("INFO", "C++ keywords in the C code are not found");
8636printMsg("INFO", "Add \'".$AddHeaders->{$Path}{"Header"}."\' preamble header for \'".$AddHeaders->…
8650 printMsg("INFO", "Enabling c++0x mode");
8657 printMsg("WARNING", "Probably c++0x element detected");
8673 printMsg("ERROR", "some errors occurred when compiling headers");
8856 printMsg("ERROR", "problem with \'find\' utility ($?): $!");
9152 printMsg("INFO", "checking header(s) ".$Descriptor{$Version}{"Version"}." ...");
10079 printMsg("WARNING", "missed type $TName");
10115 printMsg("ERROR", "missed type name ($Tid)");
10120 printMsg("ERROR", "missed type id $Tid");
15877 printMsg("WARNING", "unknown rule \"$Kind\" (\"$Level\")");
15892 printMsg("WARNING", "unknown rule \"$Kind\" (\"$Level\")");
16929 printMsg("WARNING", "incomplete rule \"$Kind\" (\"$Level\")");
18533 printMsg("WARNING", "checking headers only");
18617printMsg("WARNING", "the set of public symbols in library(ies) is empty ($LibVersion)");
18618 printMsg("WARNING", "checking headers only");
19897printMsg("WARNING", "the architectures of input objects and the used GCC compiler are not equal, p…
20889 printMsg("WARNING", "cannot identify a WORD size in the ABI dump (too old format)");
21026 printMsg("WARNING", "can't find ldconfig");
21058 printMsg("WARNING", "can't find ldconfig");
21310printMsg("WARNING", "doesn't work with clang, please install GCC instead (and select it by -gcc-pa…
21329 printMsg("INFO", "Using GCC $GCC_Ver ($GccTarget, target: ".getArch_GCC(1).")");
21336printMsg("ERROR", "Not working properly with GCC $GCC_Ver. Please use other GCC version with the h…
21806 sub printMsg($$) subroutine
21833 printMsg("ERROR", $Msg);
21939printMsg("INFO", "total \"$Level\" compatibility problems: ".$RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"}.", warnin…
21965 printMsg("INFO", "creating compatibility report ...");
21971printMsg("INFO", "result: INCOMPATIBLE (Binary: ".$RESULT{"Binary"}{"Affected"}."\%, Source: ".$RE…
21974 printMsg("INFO", "result: COMPATIBLE");
21987 printMsg("INFO", "result: INCOMPATIBLE (".$RESULT{"Binary"}{"Affected"}."\%)");
21990 printMsg("INFO", "result: COMPATIBLE");
22001 printMsg("INFO", "result: INCOMPATIBLE (".$RESULT{"Source"}{"Affected"}."\%)");
22004 printMsg("INFO", "result: COMPATIBLE");
22016 printMsg("INFO", "compatibility report has been generated to stdout");
22020 printMsg("INFO", "compatibility reports have been generated to stdout");
22027 printMsg("INFO", "see detailed report:\n ".getReportPath("Join"));
22031printMsg("INFO", "see detailed reports:\n ".getReportPath("Binary")."\n ".getReportPath("Source"…
22035 printMsg("INFO", "see detailed report:\n ".getReportPath("Binary"));
22039 printMsg("INFO", "see detailed report:\n ".getReportPath("Source"));
22193 printMsg("INFO", "creating library ABI dump ...");
22252 printMsg("INFO", "ABI dump has been generated to stdout");
22277 printMsg("INFO", "dump path: $OutputDumpPath");
22280 printMsg("INFO", "dump path: $DumpPath");
22345 printMsg("INFO", "Input ABI dumps are equal, so generating quick empty report");
22468 printMsg("ERROR", "see log for details:\n ".$LOG_PATH{$LibVersion}."\n");
22517 printMsg("INFO", "preparation, please wait ...");
22629 printMsg("INFO", "running perl $0 @PARAMS");
22684 printMsg("INFO", "running perl $0 @PARAMS");
22740 printMsg("INFO", "running perl $0 @CMP_PARAMS");
22779 printMsg("WARNING", "set WORD size to ".$WORD_SIZE{2}." bytes");
22784 printMsg("WARNING", "set WORD size to ".$WORD_SIZE{1}." bytes");
22802printMsg("WARNING", "the application ".get_filename($AppPath)." has no symbols imported from the $…
22864 printMsg("INFO", "comparing ABIs ...");
22867 printMsg("INFO", "comparing APIs ...");
23080printMsg("INFO", "ABI Compliance Checker (ABICC) $TOOL_VERSION\nCopyright (C) 2016 Andrey Ponomare…
23085 printMsg("INFO", $TOOL_VERSION);
23395 printMsg("INFO", $Count);