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94 That, to the height of this great argument, 
132 As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames
188 Since, through experience of this great event,
364 Of some great ammiral, were but a wand--
418 Of their great Sultan waving to direct
428 Their great Commander--godlike Shapes, and Forms
448 At their great Emperor's call, as next in worth
788 Nor great Alcairo such magnificence
864 The great Seraphic Lords and Cherubim
868 And summons read, the great consult began.
1011 Heaven's purest light, yet our great Enemy,
1076 If we were wise, against so great a foe
1132 Then most conspicuous when great things of small,
1259 The great Creator? But their spite still serves
1266 Great things resolved, which from the lowest deep
1326 Refusing to accept as great a share
1389 With trumpet's regal sound the great result:
1401 The irksome hours, till his great Chief return.
1596 To meet so great a foe. And now great deeds
1796 Great things with small) than when Bellona storms
2103 To whom the great Creator thus replied.
2207 Of his great Father. Admiration seized
2249 Far more than great or high; because in thee
2514 Or longitude,) where the great luminary
2566 Lay waving round; on some great charge employed
2594 The first art wont his great authentick will
2611 On whom the great Creator hath bestowed
2634 The great Work-master, leads to no excess
2748 As great might have aspired, and me, though mean,
2749 Drawn to his part; but other Powers as great
2898 Of great Seleucia, built by Grecian kings,
3370 Singing their great Creator? oft in bands
3877 Thou Sun, of this great world both eye and soul,
3890 Vary to our great Maker still new praise.
3894 In honour to the world's great Author rise;
4017 Risen on mid-noon; some great behest from Heaven
4056 Mean while our primitive great sire, to meet
4160 Given him by this great conference to know
4250 To whom our great progenitor. Thy words
4266 His other half in the great zone of Heaven.
4289 As Heaven's great year brings forth, the empyreal host
4315 Under his great vice-gerent reign abide
4366 If not the first Arch-Angel, great in power,
4369 Honoured by his great Father, and proclaimed
4397 The great Messiah, and his new commands,
4407 The great hierarchal standard was to move;
4412 Of their great Potentate; for great indeed
4466 The palace of great Lucifer, (so call
4475 About the great reception of their King,
4539 Thyself, though great and glorious, dost thou count,
4714 Unanimous, as sons of one great Sire,
4876 The great Arch-Angel from his warlike toil
4922 Fit to decide the empire of great Heaven.
4930 Great things by small, if, nature's concord broke,
5294 That his great purpose he might so fulfil,
5321 Of ending this great war, since none but Thou
5394 When the great ensign of Messiah blazed
5418 Or faint retreat; when the great Son of God
5607 Great things, and full of wonder in our ears,
5635 And the great light of day yet wants to run
5672 Into his place, and the great Son returned
5717 Great triumph and rejoicing was in Heaven,
5730 On his great expedition now appeared,
5804 Of this great round; partition firm and sure,
5818 Fermented the great mother to conceive,
5831 For haste; such flight the great command impressed
5844 The dry land, Earth; and the great receptacle
5883 And God made two great lights, great for their use
5890 Surveying his great work, that it was good:
5900 Her gathered beams, great palace now of light.
5918 Revolved on Heaven's great axle, and her reign
5928 And God created the great whales, and each
6037 Her motions, as the great first Mover's hand
6094 Answering his great idea. Up he rode
6104 The great Creator from his work returned
6125 With his great Father; for he also went
6139 Great are thy works, Jehovah! infinite
6255 From Man or Angel the great Architect
6273 The benefit: Consider first, that great
6334 Which two great sexes animate the world,
6461 Not of myself;--by some great Maker then,
6818 His great command; take heed lest passion sway
7038 From the Earth's great altar send up silent praise
7512 Raised, as of some great matter to begin.
7515 Flourished, since mute! to some great cause addressed,
7588 Great are thy virtues, doubtless, best of fruits,
7658 Our great Forbidder, safe with all his spies
7686 Great joy he promised to his thoughts, and new
7765 And peril great provoked, who thus hast dared,
8274 Idly, while Satan, our great author, thrives
8322 Flew diverse; and with power (their power was great)
8344 So, if great things to small may be compared,
8388 Great joy was at their meeting, and at sight
8478 Each hour their great adventurer, from the search
8494 Forth rushed in haste the great consulting peers,
8507 With peril great achieved. Long were to tell
9148 By their great intercessour, came in sight
9354 While the great visitant approached, thus spake.
9355 Eve$ now expect great tidings, which perhaps
9360 None of the meanest; some great Potentate
9443 Therefore to his great bidding I submit.
9475 And reverence thee, their great progenitor.
9520 To Agra and Lahor of great Mogul,
9539 Guiana, whose great city Geryon's sons
9579 O Teacher, some great mischief hath befallen
9824 Of triumph, to be styled great conquerours
9849 And of their doings great dislike declared,
9919 And great exploits, but of true virtue void;
9974 Down the great river to the opening gulf,
10107 As mocked they storm: great laughter was in Heaven,
10189 From Hermon east to the great western Sea;
10197 Is meant thy great Deliverer, who shall bruise
10273 Their government, and their great senate choose
10292 Of great Messiah shall sing. Thus, laws and rites
10426 Why our great Expectation should be called
10515 As at the world's great period; and our sire,
10551 Great numbers of each nation to receive
10615 Accomplishing great things, by things deemed weak
10648 The great deliverance by her seed to come
10660 Which he hath sent propitious, some great good