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Lines Matching refs:earth

79 In the beginning how the heavens and earth 
435 Got them new names, till, wandering o'er the earth,
780 Anon out of the earth a fabric huge
1358 Their specious deeds on earth, which glory excites,
1376 Wasting the earth, each other to destroy:
1999 His only son; on earth he first beheld
2082 For which both Heaven and earth shall high extol
2382 None yet, but store hereafter from the earth
2389 All who have their reward on earth, the fruits
2395 Dissolved on earth, fleet hither, and in vain,
2446 The portal shone, inimitable on earth
2458 Who after came from earth, failing arrived
2530 Compared with aught on earth, metal or stone;
2653 The cumbrous elements, earth, flood, air, fire;
2677 Took leave, and toward the coast of earth beneath,
2691 Woe to the inhabitants on earth! that now,
2838 When God hath showered the earth; so lovely seemed
2914 Of porous earth with kindly thirst up-drawn,
3027 All beasts of the earth, since wild, and of all chase
3046 Creatures of other mould, earth-born perhaps,
3226 With earth and ocean meets, the setting sun
3232 Accessible from earth, one entrance high;
3280 Diurnal, or this less volubil earth,
3331 Glistering with dew; fragrant the fertile earth
3347 These have their course to finish round the earth,
3358 On earth, made hereby apter to receive
3363 Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth
3408 The God that made both sky, air, earth, and heaven,
3419 To fill the earth, who shall with us extol
3625 To settle here on earth, or in mid air;
3685 The pendulous round earth with balanced air
3708 Advancing, sowed the earth with orient pearl,
3784 'Thyself a Goddess, not to earth confined,
3794 The earth outstretched immense, a prospect wide
3847 Shot parallel to the earth his dewy ray,
3896 Or wet the thirsty earth with falling showers,
3907 The earth, and stately tread, or lowly creep;
4027 To whom thus Eve. Adam, earth's hallowed mould,
4107 The earth to yield; unsavoury food perhaps
4122 The grosser feeds the purer, earth the sea,
4282 Each to other like, more than on earth is thought?
4355 Than all this globous earth in plain outspread,
4458 Than what this garden is to all the earth,
4814 His massy spear upstaid; as if on earth
4918 Liken on earth conspicuous, that may lift
4993 Eternize here on earth; but those elect
5135 Part hidden veins digged up (nor hath this earth
5560 Standing on earth, not rapt above the pole,
5806 Dividing: for as earth, so he the world
6005 Rising, the crumbled earth above them threw
6008 Behemoth biggest born of earth upheaved
6039 Consummate lovely smiled; air, water, earth,
6097 Angelick harmonies: The earth, the air
6166 Over his works, on earth, in sea, or air,
6312 The planet earth, so stedfast though she seem,
6320 If earth, industrious of herself, fetch day
6327 This earth? reciprocal, if land be there,
6344 Rise on the earth; or earth rise on the sun;
6894 Twilight upon the earth, short arbiter
6902 From compassing the earth; cautious of day,
6992 A creature formed of earth, and him endow,
6996 Magnificent this world, and earth his seat,
7501 Yet Lords declared of all in earth or air$?
7563 I question it; for this fair earth I see,
7854 Wherewith to scorn the earth: But that false fruit
8074 Nor troubled at these tidings from the earth,
8110 On earth these thy transgressours; but thou knowest,
8132 To fan the earth now waked, and usher in
8311 Of mortal change on earth. As when a flock
8398 That thou on earth hadst prospered, which thy looks
8437 There dwell, and reign in bliss; thence on the earth
8442 Plenipotent on earth, of matchless might
8691 As might affect the earth with cold and heat
8707 The poles of earth, twice ten degrees and more,
8717 Perpetual smiled on earth with vernant flowers,
8795 Mortality my sentence, and be earth
8854 That burden, heavier than the earth to bear;
8910 This novelty on earth, this fair defect
8916 Disturbances on earth through female snares,
9151 See$ Father, what first-fruits on earth are sprung
9265 The earth; when Adam and first matron Eve
9468 All the earth he gave thee to possess and rule,
9474 From all the ends of the earth, to celebrate
9508 The hemisphere of earth, in clearest ken,
9602 In meats and drinks, which on the earth shall bring
9697 Down to the veins of earth; thence gliding hot
9827 Thus fame shall be achieved, renown on earth;
9873 Impetuous; and continued, till the earth
9909 When violence was ceased, and war on earth,
9933 Shall leave them to enjoy; for the earth shall bear
10024 Lest it again dissolve, and shower the earth?
10029 The whole earth filled with violence, and all flesh
10034 The earth again by flood; nor let the sea
10037 Over the earth a cloud, will therein set
10077 Concord and law of nature from the earth;
10195 This ponder, that all nations of the earth
10231 And wheel on the earth, devouring where it rolls;
10329 Among whom God will deign to dwell on earth
10485 Longer on earth, than certain times to appear
10576 Their own faith, not another's? for, on earth,
10627 Or works of God in Heaven, air, earth, or sea,