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40 const [[]] int between_attr_2 = 0; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
70 attr_after_class_name_decl [[]] [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
73 …attr_after_class_name_definition [[]] [[]] [[]]{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot ap…
82 alignas(float) [[]] final // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
83 …alignas(float) [[]] [[]] alignas(float): base{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appe…
86 [[]] [[]] alignas(16) final // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
87 [[]] [[]] alignas(16) [[]]{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
90 …f undeclared identifier}} expected-error {{expected ']'}} expected-error {{an attribute list canno…
91 …cted-error {{expected ',' or ']' in lambda capture list}} expected-error {{an attribute list canno…
94 [[]] struct no_init_declarators; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
95 template<typename> [[]] struct no_init_declarators_template; // expected-error {{an attribute list …
98 [[]] struct no_init_declarators; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
113 int (paren_attr) [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
114 unsigned [[]] int attr_in_decl_spec; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
115 unsigned [[]] int [[]] const double_decl_spec = 0; // expected-error 2{{an attribute list cannot ap…
119 extern "C++" [[]] { } // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
120 [[]] template <typename T> void before_template_attr (); // expected-error {{an attribute list cann…
121 [[]] namespace ns { int i; } // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}} expected-no…
122 [[]] static_assert(true, ""); //expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
123 [[]] asm(""); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
125 [[]] using ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
130 using [[]] alignas(4) [[]] ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
131 using [[]] alignas(4) [[]] foobar = int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}…
143 [[ab]ab] ns::i); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
148 [[]] using T = int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
151 using ns::i [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
152 using [[]] ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
158 auto trailing() -> [[]] const int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
159 auto trailing() -> const [[]] int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
169 struct [[]] N::S s; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
170 struct [[]] Template<int> t; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
171 struct [[]] ::template Template<int> u; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
172 template struct [[]] Template<char>; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
180 …k_123 [[]] = 123 // expected-warning {{attributes on an enumerator declaration are incompatible wi…
182 enum [[]] E1 e; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
183 enum [[]] class E4 { }; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
187 friend int f [[]] (); // expected-FIXME{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
188 friend int f1 [[noreturn]] (); //expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
190 [[]] friend int g(); // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
193 [[]] friend int f3(), f4(), f5(); // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
194 …friend int f6 [[noreturn]] (), f7 [[noreturn]] (), f8 [[noreturn]] (); // expected-error3 {{an att…
195 friend class [[]] C; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
196 [[]] friend class D; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
197 [[]] friend int; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
200 template void tmpl [[]] (int); // expected-FIXME {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
201 template [[]] void tmpl(char); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
229 } [[]] catch (...) { // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
232 …expected-error {{C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute}}
233 …expected-error {{C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute}}
243 …void bar [[noreturn...]] (); // expected-error {{attribute 'noreturn' cannot be used as an attribu…
266 // An attribute can be applied to an expression-statement, such as the first
267 // statement in a for. But it can't be applied to a condition which is an
269 for ([[]] x = 0; ; ) {} // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
270 for (; [[]] x < 5; ) {} // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
273 while ([[]] true) { // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
276 } while ([[]] false); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
296 expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
298 expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}