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Lines Matching refs:ALOGE

66       ALOGE("Failed to create dummy fence %d", ret);  in CreateDummyFence()
74 ALOGE("Failed to increment dummy sync timeline %d", ret); in CreateDummyFence()
109 ALOGE("Failed to fill %s (%p == %d) before destruction", in ~CheckedOutputFd()
163 ALOGE("Failed to set active config %d", ret); in HandleEvent()
169 ALOGE("Failed to set dpms mode off %d", ret); in HandleEvent()
225 ALOGE("Failed to close native handle %d", ret); in free_buffer_handle()
228 ALOGE("Failed to delete native handle %d", ret); in free_buffer_handle()
233 ALOGE("Access of non-existent BO"); in operator ->()
269 ALOGE("Failed to duplicate handle"); in CopyBufferHandle()
275 ALOGE("Failed to register buffer handle %d", ret); in CopyBufferHandle()
342 ALOGE("Invalid blending in hwc_layer_1_t %d", sf_layer->blending); in InitFromHwcLayer()
357 ALOGE("Failed to get usage for buffer %p (%d)", handle.get(), ret); in InitFromHwcLayer()
395 ALOGE("Failed to get DrmConnector for display %d", i); in hwc_prepare()
528 ALOGE("Invalid HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET with HWC_SKIP_LAYER present"); in hwc_set()
557 ALOGE( in hwc_set()
588 ALOGE("Failed to init composition from layer %d", ret); in hwc_set()
598 ALOGE("Drm composition init failed"); in hwc_set()
705 ALOGE("Failed to get connector for display %d", display); in hwc_get_display_configs()
711 ALOGE("Failed to update display modes %d", ret); in hwc_get_display_configs()
733 ALOGE("Failed to get DrmConnector for display %d", display); in hwc_get_display_attributes()
744 ALOGE("Failed to find active mode for display %d", display); in hwc_get_display_attributes()
780 ALOGE("Failed to get DrmConnector for display %d", display); in hwc_get_active_config()
798 ALOGE("Invalid config index %d passed in", index); in hwc_set_active_config()
804 ALOGE("Failed to get connector for display %d", display); in hwc_set_active_config()
819 ALOGE("Could not find active mode for %d/%d", index, hd->config_ids[index]); in hwc_set_active_config()
824 ALOGE("Failed to set active config %d", ret); in hwc_set_active_config()
829 ALOGE("Failed to set dpms mode on %d", ret); in hwc_set_active_config()
856 ALOGE("Failed to set active config d=%d ret=%d", hd->display, ret); in hwc_set_initial_config()
870 ALOGE("Failed to set initial config for d=%d ret=%d", display, ret); in hwc_initialize_display()
876 ALOGE("Failed to create event worker for display %d %d\n", display, ret); in hwc_initialize_display()
888 ALOGE("Failed to initialize display %d", conn->display()); in hwc_enumerate_displays()
895 ALOGE("Failed to initialize virtual compositor worker"); in hwc_enumerate_displays()
904 ALOGE("Invalid module name- %s", name); in hwc_device_open()
910 ALOGE("Failed to allocate hwc context"); in hwc_device_open()
916 ALOGE("Can't initialize Drm object %d", ret); in hwc_device_open()
923 ALOGE("Failed to open gralloc module %d", ret); in hwc_device_open()
929 ALOGE("Failed to create dummy sw sync timeline %d", ret); in hwc_device_open()
935 ALOGE("Failed to create importer instance"); in hwc_device_open()
941 ALOGE("Failed to enumerate displays: %s", strerror(ret)); in hwc_device_open()