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28 …ucing optimized code -- so that the complexity of Eigen, that we'll explain here, is really useful.
44 Obviously, the introduction of the temporary \a tmp here is useless. It has a very bad effect on pe…
51 …that Eigen also supports AltiVec and that all the discussion that we make here applies also to Alt…
77 …determined by the first 3. So you don't need to worry about them for now. Here, Matrix\<float, Dyn…
89 …see that there are many partial template specializations of DenseStorages here, treating separatel…
94 Here, the constructor called is DenseStorage::DenseStorage(int size, int rows, int columns)
97 Here is this constructor:
102 Here, the \a m_data member is the actual array of coefficients of the matrix. As you see, it is dyn…
126 Here, v and w are of type VectorXf, which is a typedef for a specialization of Matrix (as we explai…
150 …sm in C++ is by means of virtual functions. This is dynamic polymorphism. Here we don't want dynam…
152 Here, what we want is to have a single class MatrixBase as the base of many subclasses, in such a w…
166 …friend, let's write fully the prototype of the operator+ that gets called here (this code is from …
182 Here of course, \a Derived and \a OtherDerived are VectorXf.
184 …is, a class in which we have an operator() so it behaves like a function. Here, the functor used i…
186here. The internal::scalar_sum_op class takes one template parameter: the type of the numbers to h…
190 Unfortunately, we can't do that here, as the compiler would complain that the type Derived hasn't y…
209 …oring references to the left-hand-side and right-hand-side expressions -- here, these are the vect…
221 What operator= is being called here? The vector u is an object of class VectorXf, i.e. Matrix. In s…
230 Here, Base is a typedef for MatrixBase\<Matrix\>. So, what is being called is the operator= of Matr…
235 Here, \a Derived is VectorXf (since u is a VectorXf) and \a OtherDerived is CwiseBinaryOp. More spe…
260 Here is its declaration (all that is still in the same file src/Core/Assign.h)
274here to enforce the EvalBeforeAssigningBit. As explained <a href="TopicLazyEvaluation.html">here</…
276here for the case where the user wants to copy a row-vector into a column-vector. We allow this as…
278 So, here we are in the partial specialization:
283 Here's how it is defined:
306 What do we see here? Some assertions, and then the only interesting line is:
313 Here is its declaration:
324 …internal::assign_traits at the top of the same file). Let's just say that here \a Vectorization ha…
331 Here is how it's defined:
358 Here's how it works. \a LinearVectorization means that the left-hand and right-hand side expression…
360 As we said at the beginning, vectorization works with blocks of 4 floats. Here, \a PacketSize is 4.
364 …ize. Here, there are 50 coefficients to copy and \a packetSize is 4. So we'll have to copy the las…
388 OK, what are writePacket() and packet() here?
390 First, writePacket() here is a method on the left-hand side VectorXf. So we go to src/Core/Matrix.h…
398 Here, \a StoreMode is \a #Aligned, indicating that we are doing a 128-bit-aligned write access, \a …
404 Here, __m128 is a SSE-specific type. Notice that the enum \a size here is what was used to define \…
406 And here is the implementation of internal::pstoret:
410 Here, __mm_store_ps is a SSE-specific intrinsic function, representing a single SSE instruction. Th…
428 Here, \a other is our sum expression \a v + \a w. The .derived() is just casting from MatrixBase to…
440 Here, \a m_lhs is the vector \a v, and \a m_rhs is the vector \a w. So the packet() function here i…
454 …is function do? It calls m_functor.packetOp() on them. What is m_functor? Here we must remember wh…
469 As you can see, all what packetOp() does is to call internal::padd on the two packets. Here is the …
473 Here, _mm_add_ps is a SSE-specific intrinsic function, representing a single SSE instruction.
484 There remains the second loop handling the last few (here, the last 2) coefficients:
489 …lained, it is just simpler because there is no SSE vectorization involved here. copyPacket() becom…