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Lines Matching refs:ALOGE

56   ALOGE("unhandled response %.2x %.2x", code[0], code[1]);  in check_apdu_status()
73 ALOGE("Invalid |ese| or |session|"); in ese_boot_session_open()
77 ALOGE("|session| is already active"); in ese_boot_session_open()
84 ALOGE("transceive error: code:%d message:'%s'", ese_error_code(ese), in ese_boot_session_open()
89 ALOGE("transceive error: rx_len: %d", rx_len); in ese_boot_session_open()
93 ALOGE("transceive error: reply too short"); in ese_boot_session_open()
99 ALOGE("MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN failed with error code: %x %x", in ese_boot_session_open()
104 ALOGE("transceive error: successful reply unexpectedly short"); in ese_boot_session_open()
120 ALOGE("transceive error: caller should check ese_error()"); in ese_boot_session_open()
124 ALOGE("transceive error: reply too short"); in ese_boot_session_open()
129 ALOGE("SELECT failed with error code: %x %x", rx_buf[rx_len - 2], in ese_boot_session_open()
212 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xget: failed to read lock state (%d)", lock); in ese_boot_lock_xget()
216 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xget: SE exception"); in ese_boot_lock_xget()
223 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xget: received applet error code %x %x", lockData[0], in ese_boot_lock_xget()
257 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_get: failed to read lock state (%d).", lock); in ese_boot_lock_get()
262 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_get: SE OS error."); in ese_boot_lock_get()
266 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_get: communication error"); in ese_boot_lock_get()
271 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_get: Applet error: %x %x", reply[0], reply[1]); in ese_boot_lock_get()
305 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_clear: communication failure"); in ese_boot_meta_clear()
310 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_clear: SE exception"); in ese_boot_meta_clear()
315 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_clear: received applet error code %.2x %.2x", reply[0], in ese_boot_meta_clear()
331 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_append: too much data provided"); in ese_boot_meta_append()
353 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_append: communication failure"); in ese_boot_meta_append()
358 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_append: SE exception"); in ese_boot_meta_append()
363 ALOGE("ese_boot_meta_append: received applet error code %.2x %.2x", in ese_boot_meta_append()
384 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: too much data: %hu > %d", dataLen, in ese_boot_lock_xset()
393 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: unable to clear scratch metadata"); in ese_boot_lock_xset()
404 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: unable to upload metadata"); in ese_boot_lock_xset()
427 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: failed to set lock state (%d).", lockId); in ese_boot_lock_xset()
431 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: SE exception"); in ese_boot_lock_xset()
437 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: communication error"); in ese_boot_lock_xset()
441 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_xset: received applet error code %x %x", reply[0], in ese_boot_lock_xset()
477 ALOGE("Failed to set lock state (%d).", lockId); in ese_boot_lock_set()
482 ALOGE("ese_boot_lock_set: SE exception"); in ese_boot_lock_set()
487 ALOGE("Received applet error code %x %x", reply[0], reply[1]); in ese_boot_lock_set()
499 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: invalid session"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
503 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: slot invalid"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
532 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: comm error"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
536 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: too few bytes recieved."); in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
540 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: APDU Error"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
545 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: applet error code %x %x", rx_buf[0], in ese_boot_rollback_index_write()
558 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: invalid session"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
562 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: NULL value supplied"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
566 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_write: slot invalid"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
592 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_read: comm error"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
596 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_read: too few bytes recieved."); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
601 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_read: APDU Error"); in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
605 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_read: applet error code %x %x", rx_buf[0], in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
610 ALOGE("ese_boot_rollback_index_read: unexpected partial reply (%d)", in ese_boot_rollback_index_read()
654 ALOGE("ese_boot_carrier_lock_test: failed to test carrier vector"); in ese_boot_carrier_lock_test()
658 ALOGE("ese_boot_carrier_lock_test: SE exception"); in ese_boot_carrier_lock_test()
663 ALOGE("ese_boot_carrier_lock_test: applet error %x %x", reply[0], reply[1]); in ese_boot_carrier_lock_test()
695 ALOGE("ese_boot_set_production: comms failure."); in ese_boot_set_production()
699 ALOGE("ese_boot_set_production: SE exception"); in ese_boot_set_production()
705 ALOGE("ese_boot_set_production: not enough data (%d)", rx_len); in ese_boot_set_production()
709 ALOGE("ese_boot_set_production: applet error code %x %x", reply[0], in ese_boot_set_production()
736 ALOGE("ese_boot_reset_locks: comms failure."); in ese_boot_reset_locks()
740 ALOGE("ese_boot_reset_locks: SE exception"); in ese_boot_reset_locks()
746 ALOGE("ese_boot_reset_locks: not enough data (%d)", rx_len); in ese_boot_reset_locks()
750 ALOGE("ese_boot_reset_locks: applet error code %x %x", reply[0], reply[1]); in ese_boot_reset_locks()
793 ALOGE("ese_boot_get_state: comm failure"); in ese_boot_get_state()
797 ALOGE("ese_boot_get_state: SE exception"); in ese_boot_get_state()
803 ALOGE("ese_boot_get_state: did not receive enough data: %d", rx_len); in ese_boot_get_state()
805 ALOGE("Received applet error code %x %x", reply[0], reply[1]); in ese_boot_get_state()
814 ALOGE("ese_boot_get_state: may be truncated: %d != %d", rx_len - 5, in ese_boot_get_state()
819 ALOGE("ese_boot_get_state: missing version tag"); in ese_boot_get_state()