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1 Alert: border.s is solid
2 Alert: border.b is beveled
3 Alert: border.d is dashed
4 Alert: border.i is inset
5 Alert: border.u is underline
6 Alert: border.nonesuch is undefined
7 Alert: display.visible is 0
8 Alert: display.hidden is 1
9 Alert: display.noPrint is 2
10 Alert: display.noView is 3
11 Alert: display.nonesuch is undefined
12 Alert: font.Times is Times-Roman
13 Alert: font.TimesB is Times-Bold
14 Alert: font.TimesI is Times-Italic
15 Alert: font.TimesBI is Times-BoldItalic
16 Alert: font.Helv is Helvetica
17 Alert: font.HelvB is Helvetica-Bold
18 Alert: font.HelvI is Helvetica-Oblique
19 Alert: font.HelvBI is Helvetica-BoldOblique
20 Alert: font.Cour is Courier
21 Alert: font.CourB is Courier-Bold
22 Alert: font.CourI is Courier-Oblique
23 Alert: font.CourBI is Courier-BoldOblique
24 Alert: font.Symbol is Symbol
25 Alert: font.ZapfD is ZapfDingbats
26 Alert: font.Nonesuch is undefined
27 Alert: highlight.n is none
28 Alert: highlight.i is invert
29 Alert: highlight.p is push
30 Alert: highlight.o is outline
31 Alert: highlight.nonesuch is undefined
32 Alert: position.textOnly is 0
33 Alert: position.iconOnly is 1
34 Alert: position.iconTextV is 2
35 Alert: position.textIconV is 3
36 Alert: position.iconTextH is 4
37 Alert: position.textIconH is 5
38 Alert: position.overlay is 6
39 Alert: position.nonesuch is undefined
40 Alert: scaleHow.proportional is 0
41 Alert: scaleHow.anamorphic is 1
42 Alert: scaleHow.nonesuch is undefined
43 Alert: scaleWhen.always is 0
44 Alert: scaleWhen.never is 1
45 Alert: scaleWhen.tooBig is 2
46 Alert: scaleWhen.tooSmall is 3
47 Alert: scaleWhen.nonesuch is undefined
48 Alert: style.ch is check
49 Alert: style.cr is cross
50 Alert: style.di is diamond
51 Alert: style.ci is circle
52 Alert: style.st is star
53 Alert: style.sq is square
54 Alert: style.nonesuch is undefined
55 Alert: zoomtype.none is NoVary
56 Alert: zoomtype.fitP is FitPage
57 Alert: zoomtype.fitW is FitWidth
58 Alert: zoomtype.fitH is FitHeight
59 Alert: zoomtype.fitV is FitVisibleWidth
60 Alert: zoomtype.pref is Preferred
61 Alert: zoomtype.refW is ReflowWidth
62 Alert: zoomtype.nonesuch is undefined
63 Alert: IDS_GREATER_THAN is Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s.
64 Alert: IDS_GT_AND_LT is Invalid value: must be greater than or equal to % s and less than or equal …
65 Alert: IDS_LESS_THAN is Invalid value: must be less than or equal to % s.
66 Alert: IDS_INVALID_MONTH is **Invalid**
67 Alert: IDS_INVALID_DATE is Invalid date / time: please ensure that the date / time exists.Field
68 Alert: IDS_INVALID_VALUE is The value entered does not match the format of the field
69 Alert: IDS_AM is am
70 Alert: IDS_PM is pm
71 Alert: IDS_MONTH_INFO is January[1] February[2] March[3] April[4] May[5] June[6] July[7] August[8] …
72 Alert: IDS_STARTUP_CONSOLE_MSG is ** ^ _ ^ **
85 Alert: RE_ZIP_ENTRY is
87 Alert: RE_ZIP_COMMIT is
89 Alert: RE_ZIP4_ENTRY is
91 Alert: RE_ZIP4_COMMIT is
93 Alert: RE_PHONE_ENTRY is
100 Alert: RE_PHONE_COMMIT is
105 Alert: RE_SSN_ENTRY is
107 Alert: RE_SSN_COMMIT is