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79 <li>Fixed processing of various kinds of closures in Java 8.
80 <li>Fixed shrinking of generic signatures in classes and methods.
81 <li>Fixed shrinking of debug information about generic local variable types.
82 <li>Fixed optimization of default implementations in interfaces.
83 <li>Fixed optimization of variable initializations.
84 <li>Fixed obfuscation of internal class names in strings.
97 <li>Fixed occasional preverification problem.
98 <li>Fixed shrinking of generic class signatures.
99 <li>Fixed shrinking of generic variable signatures.
100 <li>Fixed analysis of unused parameters for bootstrap methods in library
102 <li>Fixed inlining problem of non-returning subroutines.
103 <li>Fixed possible IllegalArgumentException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
105 <li>Fixed unnecessary notes about dynamic class instantiations with constant
107 <li>Fixed preverification of unnecessary casts of null values.
108 <li>Fixed lazy resolution of output jars in Gradle task.
109 <li>Fixed processing of synthetic code with alternative initializer invocations.
119 <li>Fixed criteria for class merging.
120 <li>Fixed simplification of variable initializations.
121 <li>Fixed simplification of redundant boolean variables.
122 <li>Fixed optimization of unused stack entries in exception handlers.
123 <li>Fixed correction of access flags after class merging, method inlining, and
144 <li>Fixed shrinking of access widening abstract methods, for the Dalvik VM.
145 <li>Fixed overly aggressive shrinking of class annotations.
146 <li>Fixed processing of unused classes in generic signatures.
147 <li>Fixed merging of classes with similar class members.
152 <li>Fixed optimization of unnecessary variable initializations.
153 <li>Fixed optimization of code involving NaN.
154 <li>Fixed inlining of methods that are supposed to be kept.
155 <li>Fixed preverification of artificially convoluted dup constructs.
156 <li>Fixed quotes for java commands in .bat scripts.
169 <li>Fixed parsing of empty file filters on input and output.
170 <li>Fixed parsing of '*' wildcard for file filters and name filters.
171 <li>Fixed obfuscation of private methods that are overridden in concrete
174 <li>Fixed optimization of complex finally blocks, compiled with JDK 1.4 or
176 <li>Fixed optimizing signatures of methods that are marked as not having
178 <li>Fixed optimization of long local variables possibly causing verification
180 <li>Fixed merging of classes defined inside methods.
181 <li>Fixed stack consistency in optimization step.
184 <li>Fixed updating manifest files with carriage return characters.
200 <li>Fixed removal of unused classes referenced by annotations.
201 <li>Fixed simplifying parameters of constructors that should actually be
203 <li>Fixed simplifying parameters of large numbers of similar constructors.
204 <li>Fixed exceptions in optimization of unusual obfuscated code.
205 <li>Fixed NullPointerException when specifying <code>-keepclassmembers</code>
207 <li>Fixed potential problems with mixed-case class name dictionaries when not
209 <li>Fixed obfuscation of classes with EnclosingMethod attributes that don't
211 <li>Fixed preverification of returning try blocks with finally blocks, inside
213 <li>Fixed sorting of interfaces containing generics.
214 <li>Fixed paths in shell scripts.
215 <li>Fixed filling in of text fields showing class obfuscation dictionary and
225 <li>Fixed merging of package visible classes.
226 <li>Fixed optimization of fields that are only accessed by reflection.
227 <li>Fixed optimization of read-only or write-only fields that are volatile.
228 <li>Fixed handling of side-effects due to static initializers.
229 <li>Fixed handling of bridge flags in obfuscation step.
230 <li>Fixed handling of super flag when merging classes.
231 <li>Fixed updating of variable tables when optimizing variables.
232 <li>Fixed removal of unused parameters with 32 or more parameters.
233 <li>Fixed incorrect removal of exception handler for instanceof instruction.
234 <li>Fixed inlining of methods with unusual exception handlers.
235 <li>Fixed optimization of unusual code causing stack underflow.
236 <li>Fixed keeping of constructor parameter names.
237 <li>Fixed unwanted wrapping of non-standard META-INF files.
238 <li>Fixed filtering of warnings about references to array types.
239 <li>Fixed overriding of warning option and note option in Ant task.
260 <li>Fixed missing warnings about missing library classes.
261 <li>Fixed shrinking of annotations with arrays of length 0.
262 <li>Fixed handling of -0.0 and NaN values when simplifying expressions.
263 <li>Fixed copying of exception handlers when simplifying tail recursion calls.
264 <li>Fixed optimization of introspected fields.
265 <li>Fixed simplification of unnecessary variable initializations.
266 <li>Fixed evaluation of subroutines in pre-JDK 1.5 code.
267 <li>Fixed updating of access flags in inner classes information.
268 <li>Fixed disabling of field privatization.
269 <li>Fixed invocations of privatized methods.
270 <li>Fixed updating of local variable debug information in optimization step.
271 <li>Fixed print settings without file name in GUI.
272 <li>Fixed field privatization setting in GUI.
273 <li>Fixed saving incorrectly quoted arguments in GUI.
274 <li>Fixed handling of regular expressions with only negators.
275 <li>Fixed unwanted wrapping of non-standard META-INF files.
276 <li>Fixed regular expression pattern for constructors in ReTrace.
299 <li>Fixed configuration with annotations that are not preserved themselves.
300 <li>Fixed preverification of invocations of super constructors with arguments
302 <li>Fixed processing of unreachable exception handlers.
303 <li>Fixed merging of exception classes.
304 <li>Fixed repeated method inlining.
305 <li>Fixed inlining of finally blocks surrounded by large try blocks, compiled
307 <li>Fixed optimization of complex finally blocks, compiled with JDK 1.4 or
309 <li>Fixed obfuscation of anonymous class names, if <code>EnclosingMethod</code>
311 <li>Fixed obfuscation of inner class names in generic types.
312 <li>Fixed decoding of UTF-8 strings containing special characters.
313 <li>Fixed copying of debug information and annotations when merging classes.
314 <li>Fixed writing out of unknown attributes.
315 <li>Fixed updating manifest files with split lines.
328 <li>Fixed optimization of unused variable initializations causing negative
330 <li>Fixed optimization of unusual initialization code causing
332 <li>Fixed optimization of half-used long and double parameters.
333 <li>Fixed processing of complex generics signatures.
336 <li>Fixed obfuscation of classes with inner classes whose names are preserved.
337 <li>Fixed access of protected methods in repackaged classes.
349 <li>Fixed handling of exceptions when inlining subroutines.
350 <li>Fixed inlining of incompatible code constructs between different java
352 <li>Fixed computation of local variable frame size.
353 <li>Fixed optimization of infinite loops.
354 <li>Fixed optimization of subroutine invocations.
355 <li>Fixed optimization of floating point remainder computations.
356 <li>Fixed removal of unused parameters in method descriptors containing arrays
362 <li>Fixed processing of generic types in Signature attributes in shrinking and
364 <li>Fixed processing of inner class names in Signature attributes in obfuscation
367 <li>Fixed interpretation of package names in GUI.
368 <li>Fixed default settings for Xlets in GUI.
374 <li>Fixed shrinking of default annotation element values.
375 <li>Fixed optimization of invocations of methods in same class that are
377 <li>Fixed optimization of invocations of synchronized methods without other
379 <li>Fixed optimization of some non-returning subroutines.
380 <li>Fixed handling of local variable debug information when inlining methods.
382 <li>Fixed obfuscation of potentially ambiguous non-primitive constants in
384 <li>Fixed preverification of some code constructs involving String, Class, and
449 <li>Fixed optimization of invocations of methods in same class that are
451 <li>Fixed optimization of invocations of synchronized methods without other
460 <li>Fixed optimization of synchronization on classes, as compiled by Eclipse
462 <li>Fixed optimization of switch statements with unreachable cases.
469 <li>Fixed processing of .class constructs in Java 6.
470 <li>Fixed repeated processing of .class constructs.
471 <li>Fixed possible division by 0 in optimization step.
472 <li>Fixed handling of variable instructions with variable indices larger than
479 <li>Fixed optimization of parameters used as local variables.
480 <li>Fixed obfuscation with conflicting class member names.
481 <li>Fixed incremental obfuscation with incomplete mapping file for library jars.
488 <li>Fixed shrinking of partially used annotations.
492 <li>Fixed optimization of repeated array length instruction.
493 <li>Fixed optimization of subsequent try/catch/finally blocks with return
495 <li>Fixed optimization of complex stack operations.
496 <li>Fixed optimization of simple infinite loops.
497 <li>Fixed optimization of expressions with constant doubles.
499 <li>Fixed overflows of offsets in long code blocks.
508 <li>Fixed inlining of interfaces that are used in .class constructs.
509 <li>Fixed removal of busy-waiting loops reading volatile fields.
510 <li>Fixed optimization of comparisons of known integers.
511 <li>Fixed optimization of known branches.
512 <li>Fixed optimization of method calls on arrays of interfaces.
513 <li>Fixed optimization of method calls without side-effects.
514 <li>Fixed optimization of nested try/catch/finally blocks with return
516 <li>Fixed initialization of library classes that only appear in descriptors.
517 <li>Fixed matching of primitive type wildcards in configuration.
518 <li>Fixed the boilerplate specification for enumerations in the GUI.
524 <li>Fixed obfuscation of class members with complex visibility.
525 <li>Fixed optimization bugs causing stack verification errors.
526 <li>Fixed optimization bug causing overridden methods to be finalized.
527 <li>Fixed optimization bug causing abstract method errors for retro-fitted
529 <li>Fixed optimization bug evaluating code with constant long values.
530 <li>Fixed bug in updating of optional local variable table attributes and local
532 <li>Fixed interpretation of comma-separated class names without wildcards.
543 <li>Fixed <code>Class.forName</code> detection.
544 <li>Fixed incremental obfuscation bug.
545 <li>Fixed optimization bug causing stack verification errors.
546 <li>Fixed optimization bugs related to removal of unused parameters.
547 <li>Fixed exception when optimizing code with many local variables.
548 <li>Fixed exception when saving configuration with initializers in GUI.
564 <li>Fixed reading and writing of parameter annotations.
565 <li>Fixed various optimization bugs.
566 <li>Fixed wildcards not matching '-' character.
567 <li>Fixed wildcard bug and checkbox bugs in GUI.
576 <li>Fixed JDK5.0 processing bugs.
577 <li>Fixed optimization bugs.
578 <li>Fixed relative paths in Ant task.
590 <li>Fixed various optimization bugs.
592 <li>Fixed two Ant task bugs.
621 <li>Fixed various processing bugs.
622 <li>Fixed ReTrace parsing bugs.
632 <li>Fixed use of multiple filters on output jars.
633 <li>Fixed option to keep all attributes.
634 <li>Fixed various Ant task bugs.
648 <li>Fixed exception when ignoring warnings.
649 <li>Fixed various Ant task bugs.
655 <li>Fixed various Ant task bugs.
656 <li>Fixed ClassCastException due to explicitly used abstract classes with
658 <li>Fixed <code>-defaultpackage</code> bug for protected classes and class
660 <li>Fixed ReTrace bug when retracing without line number tables.
676 <li>Fixed processing of libraries containing public as well as non-public
678 <li>Fixed examples for processing libraries, midlets, and serializable code.
684 <li>Fixed processing of retrofitted library interfaces.
685 <li>Fixed processing of <code>.class</code> constructs in internal classes
687 <li>Fixed <code>-dump</code> option when <code>-outjar</code> option is not
709 <li>Fixed processing of implicitly used interfaces targeted at JRE1.2 (the
711 <li>Fixed processing of configurations with negated access modifiers.
712 <li>Fixed duplicate class entry bug.
719 <li>Fixed processing of classes targeted at JRE1.2 (the default in JDK1.4)
721 <li>Fixed processing of static initializers in J2ME MIDP applications.
722 <li>Fixed processing of retrofitted interfaces (again).
736 <li>Fixed processing of retrofitted interfaces.