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Lines Matching refs:window

158    operations such as :meth:`addstr` have been performed on a window.  The normal
228 Read window related data stored in the file by an earlier :func:`putwin` call.
229 The routine then creates and initializes a new window using that data, returning
230 the new window object.
304 Return ``True`` if :func:`resize_term` would modify the window structure,
356 the given window's mouse event mask. If this function is never called, no mouse
368 of lines and columns. A pad is returned as a window object.
370 A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the screen size, and
372 used when a large window is needed, and only a part of the window will be on the
386 Return a new window, whose left-upper corner is at ``(begin_y, begin_x)``, and
389 By default, the window will extend from the specified position to the lower
498 window dimensions (in particular the SIGWINCH handler).
617 window (in which case default behavior would be to use the window size if
636 the main window 'stdscr' as its first argument, followed by any other arguments
643 .. _curses-window-objects:
652 .. method:: window.addch(ch[, attr])
653 window.addch(y, x, ch[, attr])
664 position and attributes are the current settings for the window object.
667 .. method:: window.addnstr(str, n[, attr])
668 window.addnstr(y, x, str, n[, attr])
674 .. method:: window.addstr(str[, attr])
675 window.addstr(y, x, str[, attr])
681 .. method:: window.attroff(attr)
684 current window.
687 .. method:: window.attron(attr)
690 current window.
693 .. method:: window.attrset(attr)
699 .. method:: window.bkgd(ch[, attr])
701 Set the background property of the window to the character *ch*, with
703 that window:
705 * The attribute of every character in the window is changed to the new
712 .. method:: window.bkgdset(ch[, attr])
714 Set the window's background. A window's background consists of a character and
716 (OR'ed) with all non-blank characters that are written into the window. Both
722 .. method:: window.border([ls[, rs[, ts[, bs[, tl[, tr[, bl[, br]]]]]]]])
724 Draw a border around the edges of the window. Each parameter specifies the
756 .. method:: window.box([vertch, horch])
762 .. method:: window.chgat(attr)
763 window.chgat(num, attr)
764 window.chgat(y, x, attr)
765 window.chgat(y, x, num, attr)
772 window refresh.
775 .. method:: window.clear()
777 Like :meth:`erase`, but also cause the whole window to be repainted upon next
781 .. method:: window.clearok(yes)
783 If *yes* is 1, the next call to :meth:`refresh` will clear the window
787 .. method:: window.clrtobot()
789 Erase from cursor to the end of the window: all lines below the cursor are
793 .. method:: window.clrtoeol()
798 .. method:: window.cursyncup()
800 Update the current cursor position of all the ancestors of the window to
801 reflect the current cursor position of the window.
804 .. method:: window.delch([y, x])
809 .. method:: window.deleteln()
814 .. method:: window.derwin(begin_y, begin_x)
815 window.derwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
817 An abbreviation for "derive window", :meth:`derwin` is the same as calling
819 of the window, rather than relative to the entire screen. Return a window
820 object for the derived window.
823 .. method:: window.echochar(ch[, attr])
826 on the window.
829 .. method:: window.enclose(y, x)
832 enclosed by the given window, returning ``True`` or ``False``. It is useful for
837 .. method:: window.erase()
839 Clear the window.
842 .. method:: window.getbegyx()
847 .. method:: window.getbkgd()
849 Return the given window's current background character/attribute pair.
852 .. method:: window.getch([y, x])
860 .. method:: window.getkey([y, x])
867 .. method:: window.getmaxyx()
869 Return a tuple ``(y, x)`` of the height and width of the window.
872 .. method:: window.getparyx()
874 Return the beginning coordinates of this window relative to its parent window
875 into two integer variables y and x. Return ``-1, -1`` if this window has no
879 .. method:: window.getstr([y, x])
884 .. method:: window.getyx()
886 Return a tuple ``(y, x)`` of current cursor position relative to the window's
890 .. method:: window.hline(ch, n)
891 window.hline(y, x, ch, n)
897 .. method:: window.idcok(flag)
905 .. method:: window.idlok(yes)
911 .. method:: window.immedok(flag)
913 If *flag* is ``True``, any change in the window image automatically causes the
914 window to be refreshed; you no longer have to call :meth:`refresh` yourself.
919 .. method:: window.inch([y, x])
921 Return the character at the given position in the window. The bottom 8 bits are
925 .. method:: window.insch(ch[, attr])
926 window.insch(y, x, ch[, attr])
932 .. method:: window.insdelln(nlines)
934 Insert *nlines* lines into the specified window above the current line. The
941 .. method:: window.insertln()
947 .. method:: window.insnstr(str, n[, attr])
948 window.insnstr(y, x, str, n[, attr])
957 .. method:: window.insstr(str[, attr])
958 window.insstr(y, x, str[, attr])
966 .. method:: window.instr([n])
967 window.instr(y, x[, n])
969 Return a string of characters, extracted from the window starting at the
975 .. method:: window.is_linetouched(line)
979 exception if *line* is not valid for the given window.
982 .. method:: window.is_wintouched()
984 Return ``True`` if the specified window was modified since the last call to
988 .. method:: window.keypad(yes)
995 .. method:: window.leaveok(yes)
1004 .. method:: window.move(new_y, new_x)
1009 .. method:: window.mvderwin(y, x)
1011 Move the window inside its parent window. The screen-relative parameters of
1012 the window are not changed. This routine is used to display different parts of
1013 the parent window at the same physical position on the screen.
1016 .. method:: window.mvwin(new_y, new_x)
1018 Move the window so its upper-left corner is at ``(new_y, new_x)``.
1021 .. method:: window.nodelay(yes)
1026 .. method:: window.notimeout(yes)
1034 .. method:: window.noutrefresh()
1037 representing the desired state of the window, but does not force an update of
1041 .. method:: window.overlay(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol])
1043 Overlay the window on top of *destwin*. The windows need not be the same size,
1050 coordinates of the source window, and the other variables mark a rectangle in
1051 the destination window.
1054 .. method:: window.overwrite(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol])
1056 Overwrite the window on top of *destwin*. The windows need not be the same size,
1063 coordinates of the source window, the other variables mark a rectangle in the
1064 destination window.
1067 .. method:: window.putwin(file)
1069 Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. This
1073 .. method:: window.redrawln(beg, num)
1079 .. method:: window.redrawwin()
1081 Touch the entire window, causing it to be completely redrawn on the next
1085 .. method:: window.refresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol])
1090 The 6 optional arguments can only be specified when the window is a pad created
1102 .. method:: window.resize(nlines, ncols)
1104 Reallocate storage for a curses window to adjust its dimensions to the
1106 window's data is filled with blanks that have the current background
1110 .. method:: window.scroll([lines=1])
1115 .. method:: window.scrollok(flag)
1117 Control what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of the
1118 window or scrolling region, either as a result of a newline action on the bottom
1120 cursor is left on the bottom line. If *flag* is true, the window is scrolled up
1125 .. method:: window.setscrreg(top, bottom)
1131 .. method:: window.standend()
1137 .. method:: window.standout()
1142 .. method:: window.subpad(begin_y, begin_x)
1143 window.subpad(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
1145 Return a sub-window, whose upper-left corner is at ``(begin_y, begin_x)``, and
1149 .. method:: window.subwin(begin_y, begin_x)
1150 window.subwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
1152 Return a sub-window, whose upper-left corner is at ``(begin_y, begin_x)``, and
1155 By default, the sub-window will extend from the specified position to the lower
1156 right corner of the window.
1159 .. method:: window.syncdown()
1161 Touch each location in the window that has been touched in any of its ancestor
1166 .. method:: window.syncok(flag)
1169 whenever there is a change in the window.
1172 .. method:: window.syncup()
1174 Touch all locations in ancestors of the window that have been changed in the
1175 window.
1178 .. method:: window.timeout(delay)
1180 Set blocking or non-blocking read behavior for the window. If *delay* is
1188 .. method:: window.touchline(start, count[, changed])
1195 .. method:: window.touchwin()
1197 Pretend the whole window has been changed, for purposes of drawing
1201 .. method:: window.untouchwin()
1203 Mark all lines in the window as unchanged since the last call to
1207 .. method:: window.vline(ch, n)
1208 window.vline(y, x, ch, n)
1608 :synopsis: Emacs-like input editing in a curses window.
1616 elementary text editing in a curses window, supporting a set of keybindings
1626 Draw a rectangle. The first argument must be a window object; the remaining
1627 arguments are coordinates relative to that window. The second and third
1649 containing window, with coordinates ``(0, 0)``. The instance's
1661 is done on the result. This method returns the window contents as a
1662 string; whether blanks in the window are included is affected by the
1674 | :kbd:`Control-A` | Go to left edge of window. |
1687 | :kbd:`Control-G` | Terminate, returning the window contents. |
1691 | :kbd:`Control-J` | Terminate if the window is 1 line, |
1729 Return the window contents as a string; whether blanks in the
1730 window are included is affected by the :attr:`stripspaces` member.
1736 the window. When it is on, trailing blanks on each line are ignored; any
1738 end of that line instead, and trailing blanks are stripped when the window