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Lines Matching refs:CIL_ERR

87 		cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s unsupported statement in attributee policy (line %d)\n",  in __extract_attributees_helper()
112 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s unsupported statement in attributee policy (line %d)\n", in __extract_attributees_helper()
117 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s unsupported statement in attributee policy (line %d)\n", in __extract_attributees_helper()
123 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s unsupported statement in attributee policy (line %d)\n", in __extract_attributees_helper()
290 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported.\n"); in cil_attrib_type_expr()
310 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported.\n"); in cil_attrib_check_context()
361 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. !!! Not yet supported.\n"); in cil_attrib_roletype()
381 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. !!! Not yet supported.\n"); in cil_attrib_type()
402 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. ### Not yet supported.\n"); in cil_attrib_typepermissive()
416 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported (line %d).\n", in cil_attrib_typeattribute()
444 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported (line %d).\n", in cil_attrib_typeattributeset()
473 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s with platform public type not allowed (line %d)\n", in cil_attrib_typealiasactual()
490 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported (line %d).\n", in cil_attrib_nametypetransition()
520 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported (line %d).\n", in cil_attrib_type_rule()
546 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "AST already resolved. Not yet supported (line %d).\n", in cil_attrib_avrule()
624 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s declaration illegal non-platform policy (line %d)\n", in __attributize_helper()
722 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "unsupported policy statement (line %d)\n", node->line); in __attributize_helper()
738 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "unsupported policy statement (line %d)\n", node->line); in __attributize_helper()
865 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to create version mapping table.\n"); in cil_android_attrib_mapping()
870 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to build source db AST.\n"); in cil_android_attrib_mapping()
875 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to extract attributizable elements from source db.\n"); in cil_android_attrib_mapping()
880 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to create mapping db from source db.\n"); in cil_android_attrib_mapping()
895 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to create version mapping table.\n"); in cil_android_attributize()
900 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to build source db AST.\n"); in cil_android_attributize()
905 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to extract attributizable elements from source db.\n"); in cil_android_attributize()
910 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to build target db AST.\n"); in cil_android_attributize()
915 cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to attributize target db.\n"); in cil_android_attributize()