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Lines Matching refs:Allow

1689 msgid "Allow %s to call bindresvport with 0. Binding to port 600-1024"
2237 "Allow ABRT to modify public files used for public file transfer services."
2242 "Allow ABRT to run in abrt_handle_event_t domain to handle ABRT event scripts"
2247 "Allow abrt-handle-upload to modify public files used for public file "
2252 msgid "Allow antivirus programs to read non security files on a system"
2260 msgid "Allow auditadm to exec content"
2265 "Allow users to resolve user passwd entries directly from ldap rather then "
2270 msgid "Allow users to login using a radius server"
2274 msgid "Allow users to login using a yubikey server"
2282 msgid "Allow boinc_domain execmem/execstack."
2293 "Allow cluster administrative domains to connect to the network using TCP."
2297 msgid "Allow cluster administrative domains to manage all files on a system."
2302 "Allow cluster administrative cluster domains memcheck-amd64- to use "
2334 "Allow system cron jobs to relabel filesystem for restoring file contexts."
2342 msgid "Allow all daemons to write corefiles to /"
2346 msgid "Allow all daemons to use tcp wrappers."
2350 msgid "Allow all daemons the ability to read/write terminals"
2372 msgid "Allow dhcpc client applications to execute iptables commands"
2380 msgid "Allow all domains to use other domains file descriptors"
2384 msgid "Allow all domains to have the kernel load modules"
2420 msgid "Allow all domains to execute in fips_mode"
2454 msgid "Allow ftpd to use ntfs/fusefs volumes."
2513 "Allow glusterfsd to modify public files used for public file transfer "
2518 msgid "Allow glusterfsd to share any file/directory read only."
2522 msgid "Allow glusterfsd to share any file/directory read/write."
2527 "Allow usage of the gpg-agent --write-env-file option. This also allows gpg-"
2533 "Allow gpg web domain to modify public files used for public file transfer "
2539 "Allow gssd to list tmp directories and read the kerberos credential cache."
2543 msgid "Allow guest to exec content"
2548 "Allow Apache to modify public files used for public file transfer services. "
2553 msgid "Allow httpd to use built in scripting (usually php)"
2557 msgid "Allow http daemon to check spam"
2562 "Allow httpd to act as a FTP client connecting to the ftp port and ephemeral "
2567 msgid "Allow httpd to connect to the ldap port"
2571 msgid "Allow http daemon to connect to mythtv"
2575 msgid "Allow http daemon to connect to zabbix"
2579 msgid "Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to the network using TCP."
2583 msgid "Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to cobbler over the network."
2588 "Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to databases over the network."
2592 msgid "Allow httpd to connect to memcache server"
2596 msgid "Allow httpd to act as a relay"
2600 msgid "Allow http daemon to send mail"
2604 msgid "Allow Apache to communicate with avahi service via dbus"
2608 msgid "Allow httpd cgi support"
2612 msgid "Allow httpd to act as a FTP server by listening on the ftp port."
2616 msgid "Allow httpd to read home directories"
2620 msgid "Allow httpd scripts and modules execmem/execstack"
2624 msgid "Allow HTTPD to connect to port 80 for graceful shutdown"
2628 msgid "Allow httpd processes to manage IPA content"
2632 msgid "Allow Apache to use mod_auth_ntlm_winbind"
2636 msgid "Allow Apache to use mod_auth_pam"
2640 msgid "Allow httpd to read user content"
2644 msgid "Allow Apache to run in stickshift mode, not transition to passenger"
2648 msgid "Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to server cobbler files."
2652 msgid "Allow httpd daemon to change its resource limits"
2657 "Allow HTTPD to run SSI executables in the same domain as system CGI scripts."
2662 "Allow apache scripts to write to public content, directories/files must be "
2667 msgid "Allow Apache to execute tmp content."
2681 msgid "Allow httpd to access cifs file systems"
2685 msgid "Allow httpd to access FUSE file systems"
2689 msgid "Allow httpd to run gpg"
2693 msgid "Allow httpd to access nfs file systems"
2697 msgid "Allow httpd to access openstack ports"
2701 msgid "Allow httpd to connect to sasl"
2705 msgid "Allow Apache to query NS records"
2720 "Allow the Irssi IRC Client to connect to any port, and to bind to any "
2725 msgid "Allow confined applications to run with kerberos."
2729 msgid "Allow ksmtuned to use cifs/Samba file systems"
2733 msgid "Allow ksmtuned to use nfs file systems"
2737 msgid "Allow syslogd daemon to send mail"
2741 msgid "Allow syslogd the ability to read/write terminals"
2745 msgid "Allow logging in and using the system from /dev/console."
2749 msgid "Allow epylog to send mail"
2753 msgid "Allow mailman to access FUSE file systems"
2779 msgid "Allow mock to read files in home directories."
2783 msgid "Allow the mount commands to mount any directory or file."
2787 msgid "Allow mozilla plugin domain to connect to the network using TCP."
2791 msgid "Allow mozilla plugin to support GPS."
2795 msgid "Allow mozilla plugin to support spice protocols."
2799 msgid "Allow confined web browsers to read home directory content"
2819 msgid "Allow mysqld to connect to all ports"
2833 msgid "Allow any files/directories to be exported read/only via NFS."
2837 msgid "Allow any files/directories to be exported read/write via NFS."
2842 "Allow nfs servers to modify public files used for public file transfer "
2847 msgid "Allow system to run with NIS"
2851 msgid "Allow confined applications to use nscd shared memory."
2855 msgid "Allow openshift to lockdown app"
2867 msgid "Allow openvpn to run unconfined scripts"
2871 msgid "Allow piranha-lvs domain to connect to the network using TCP."
2875 msgid "Allow polipo to connect to all ports > 1023"
2903 msgid "Allow postfix_local domain full write access to mail_spool directories"
2907 msgid "Allow postgresql to use ssh and rsync for point-in-time recovery"
2911 msgid "Allow transmit client label to foreign database"
2915 msgid "Allow database admins to execute DML statement"
2919 msgid "Allow unprivileged users to execute DDL statement"
2923 msgid "Allow pppd to load kernel modules for certain modems"
2927 msgid "Allow pppd to be run for a regular user"
2940 msgid "Allow Puppet client to manage all file types."
2944 msgid "Allow Puppet master to use connect to MySQL and PostgreSQL database"
2948 msgid "Allow racoon to read shadow"
2953 "Allow rsync to modify public files used for public file transfer services. "
2958 msgid "Allow rsync to run as a client"
2962 msgid "Allow rsync to export any files/directories read only."
2966 msgid "Allow rsync server to manage all files/directories on the system."
2970 msgid "Allow samba to create new home directories (e.g. via PAM)"
2975 "Allow samba to act as the domain controller, add users, groups and change "
2980 msgid "Allow samba to share users home directories."
2984 msgid "Allow samba to share any file/directory read only."
2988 msgid "Allow samba to share any file/directory read/write."
2992 msgid "Allow samba to act as a portmapper"
2996 msgid "Allow samba to run unconfined scripts"
3000 msgid "Allow samba to export ntfs/fusefs volumes."
3004 msgid "Allow samba to export NFS volumes."
3008 msgid "Allow sanlock to read/write fuse files"
3012 msgid "Allow sanlock to manage nfs files"
3016 msgid "Allow sanlock to manage cifs files"
3020 msgid "Allow sasl to read shadow"
3024 msgid "Allow secadm to exec content"
3045 msgid "Allow regular users direct dri device access"
3050 "Allow unconfined executables to make their heap memory executable. Doing "
3057 "Allow all unconfined executables to use libraries requiring text relocation "
3063 "Allow unconfined executables to make their stack executable. This should "
3069 msgid "Allow users to connect to the local mysql server"
3074 "Allow confined users the ability to execute the ping and traceroute commands."
3078 msgid "Allow users to connect to PostgreSQL"
3083 "Allow user to r/w files on filesystems that do not have extended attributes "
3088 msgid "Allow user music sharing"
3093 "Allow users to run TCP servers (bind to ports and accept connection from the "
3099 msgid "Allow user to use ssh chroot environment."
3126 msgid "Allow sge to connect to the network using any TCP port"
3130 msgid "Allow sge to access nfs file systems."
3139 "Allow samba to modify public files used for public file transfer services. "
3144 msgid "Allow user spamassassin clients to use the network."
3148 msgid "Allow spamd to read/write user home directories."
3161 "Allow ssh with chroot env to read and write files in the user home "
3170 msgid "Allow ssh logins as sysadm_r:sysadm_t"
3174 msgid "Allow staff to exec content"
3182 msgid "Allow sysadm to exec content"
3186 msgid "Allow the Telepathy connection managers to connect to any network port."
3191 "Allow the Telepathy connection managers to connect to any generic TCP port."
3195 msgid "Allow testpolicy to exec content"
3200 "Allow tftp to modify public files used for public file transfer services."
3204 msgid "Allow tftp to read and write files in the user home directories"
3212 msgid "Allow tor to act as a relay"
3222 msgid "Allow a user to login as an unconfined domain"
3227 "Allow unconfined users to transition to the Mozilla plugin domain when "
3232 msgid "Allow unprivledged user to create and transition to svirt domains."
3256 msgid "Allow user to exec content"
3270 msgid "Allow virtual processes to run as userdomains"
3275 "Allow confined virtual guests to use serial/parallel communication ports"
3280 "Allow confined virtual guests to use executable memory and executable stack"
3284 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to read fuse files"
3288 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to manage nfs files"
3292 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to interact with rawip sockets"
3296 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to manage cifs files"
3300 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to interact with the sanlock"
3304 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to use usb devices"
3308 msgid "Allow confined virtual guests to interact with the xserver"
3326 msgid "Allow the graphical login program to execute bootloader"
3331 "Allow the graphical login program to login directly as sysadm_r:sysadm_t"
3336 "Allow the graphical login program to create files in HOME dirs as xdm_home_t."
3340 msgid "Allow xen to manage nfs files"
3345 "Allow xend to run blktapctrl/tapdisk. Not required if using dedicated "
3350 msgid "Allow xend to run qemu-dm. Not required if using paravirt and no vfb."
3355 "Allow xguest users to configure Network Manager and connect to apache ports"
3359 msgid "Allow xguest to exec content"
3363 msgid "Allow xguest users to mount removable media"
3367 msgid "Allow xguest to use blue tooth devices"
3387 msgid "Allow zarafa domains to setrlimit/sys_rouserce."
3391 msgid "Allow zebra daemon to write it configuration files"
3396 "Allow ZoneMinder to modify public files used for public file transfer "
3401 msgid "Allow ZoneMinder to run su/sudo."
4838 msgid "Boolean %s Allow Rules"