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Lines Matching full:git

1 Using Gerrit without git-cl
9 This command sets up a Git commit-message hook to add a unique Change-Id to
13 curl -Lo "$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/commit-msg"
15 chmod +x "$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/commit-msg"
22 git remote set-url origin 'https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git'
30 git checkout -b TOPIC
34 git checkout -b TOPIC -t origin/master
39 git commit --all --message 'Change Foo'
40 git log -1
42 `git log` should show that a Change-Id line has been added you your commit
52 git push origin @:refs/for/master
54 `@` is shorthand for `HEAD`, introduced in git v1.8.5.
59 git push origin @:refs/for/chrome/m57
71 git commit --all --amend
81 git push origin @:refs/for/master
85 git push origin @:refs/for/master%m=this_is_the_patch_set_comment_message
93 You may want to make git aliases for common tasks:
95 git config alias.gerrit-push 'push origin @:refs/for/master'
99 git config alias.amend-head 'commit --all --amend --reuse-message=@'
105 local MESSAGE="$(git log --format=%B ^@{upstream} @)"
106 git reset --soft $(git merge-base @ @{upstream})
107 git commit -m "$MESSAGE" -e
116 git push "$REMOTE" "@:refs/for/${REMOTE_BRANCH}%m=${MESSAGE}"
119 These shell scripts can be turned into Git aliases with a little hack:
121git config alias.squash-branch '!M="$(git log --format=%B ^@{u} @)";git reset --soft $(git merge-b…
123git config alias.gerrit-push-message '!f(){ git push origin @:refs/for/master%m=$(echo $*|sed "s/[…
125 If your branch's upstream branch (set with `git branch --set-upstream-to=...`)
129 local UPSTREAM_FULL="$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{upstream})"
138 echo git push $REMOTE @:refs/for/${REMOTE_BRANCH}%m=${MESSAGE}
139 git push "$REMOTE" "@:refs/for/${REMOTE_BRANCH}%m=${MESSAGE}"
142 As a Git alias:
144git config alias.gerrit-push '!f()(F="$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{u})";case "$F" in (re…