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2 Fixed: GITHUB-841: testName from @Test is now used and available from ITestResult#getName() and ITe…
4 Fixed: GITHUB-872: Enable end-users of TestNG to alter XmlSuite and XmlTest (Krishnan Mahadevan)
7 Fixed: GITHUB-889: XmlSuite in nested directories results in FIleNotFoundException (Virender Singh)
8 Fixed: GITHUB-811: Timeout is not working with parallel=tests (@michael-yxf & Julien Herr)
9 Fixed: GITHUB-839: Missing encoding meta data for report file (@banbq & Julien Herr)
10 Fixed: GITHUB-876: NullPointerException creating tests with parameters by a factory (@vixgeo & Juli…
13 Fixed: GITHUB-866 / GITHUB-869 : Some attributes were not cloned when XmlSuite#clone was used (Vire…
14 Fixed: GITHUB-842: Add TestResult#getTestName() support for @Test(testName) (Julien Herr)
19 Fixed: GITHUB-829: Allowing suites to have duplicate names. You can now configure the same suite-fi…
20 Fixed: GITHUB-834: nested suites not supported by 'testnames' (Tibor Digana & Julien Herr)
30 Fixed: GITHUB-798: Set suitethreadpoolsize for Maven Surefire (Jan Dundáček)
31 Fixed: GITHUB-171: ISuiteListener methods called multiple times if multiple test elements (Daniel Q…
32 Fixed: GITHUB-169: IInvokedMethodListener methods executed several times before/after each test met…
33 Fixed: GITHUB-154: MethodInterceptor will be called twice (Tim wu & Julien Herr)
39 Fixed: GITHUB-755: Fixed reporting of retried tests (Ryan Schmitt)
40 Fixed: GITHUB-773: Test should not be skipped when the exception is expected (@CandyLiuM & Julien H…
45 Fixed: The ServiceLoaderTest on Windows (Mathieu Sebire)
46 Fixed: GITHUB-691: Fix classloading issue when using TestNG 6.9.4 and JMockit. (Mathieu Sebire)
47 Fixed: GITHUB-686: IAnnotationTransformer.transform is called for methods with testClass populated.…
48 Fixed: GITHUB-420: Before/AfterSuite methods may not run, when use inheritance, and enabled=false (…
49 Fixed: GITHUB-697: Make addFailedInvocationNumber thread-safe (Ryan Schmitt)
50 Fixed: GITHUB-698: Fix exit code reporting when IRetryAnalyzer is used (Ryan Schmitt)
51 Fixed: GITHUB-465: assertEquals(Collection, Collection) prints "null" when collections are differen…
53 Fixed: GITHUB-599: IHookable ignored when a timeout is set (@ryanlevell & Julien Herr)
55 Fixed: Allow '-testnames' option to work with '-xmlpathinjar' (@earthling)
56 Fixed: GITHUB-739: TestNG skips all test classes from suite when a @BeforeClass fails (Priyanshu Sh…
57 Fixed: GITHUB-471: If @beforeMethod or @afterMethod fails then all children of the same base class …
58 Fixed: GITHUB-595: testng hang at switching test cases when running test cases with high thread cou…
62 Fixed: The 57% freeze bug (Patrick Hensley and @denyska)
71 Fixed: GITHUB-606: RetryAnalyzer loops endlessly. (Krishnan Mahadevan)
72 Fixed: GITHUB-618: Start TestNG from jar cause recursive run of tests from packages in Suite XML wi…
73 Fixed: GITHUB-639: Typo on preserveOrder (tabei-k & Julien Herr)
74 Fixed: GITHUB-632: Typo in doc (Pétur Ingi Egilsson & Julien Herr)
75 Fixed: GITHUB-629: InvokedMethod doesn't recognize configuration method (Jan Mewes & Julien Herr)
76 Fixed: GITHUB-615: XmlSuite, XmlTest: Time-out tag not preserved (jphollingworth & Julien Herr)
80 Fixed: GITHUB-634: Review of the collections package (Julien Herr)
81 Fixed: GITHUB-624: Fixed failure/error inversion in JUnitReportReporter (Jerome Jacob)
82 Fixed: GITHUB-545: TestNG running JUnit tests but not reporting all results for parameterized tests…
83 Fixed: GITHUB-610: CustomizedSuites must be saved using utf-8 encoding (Juha Heljoranta)
84 Fixed: GITHUB-602: NoClassDefFoundError in TestNGClassFinder.<init> (aanno)
85 Fixed: GITHUB-529: Close InputStream and OuputStream after use (Andrew Gaul)
86 Fixed: GITHUB-532: Create the parent directory if it's missing (Ion Savin)
87 Fixed: GITHUB-541: Some OSGi manifest fixes (Evgeny Zhuravlev)
88 Fixed: GITHUB-657: Fix OSGI Import-Package to make jUnit4 dependency optional (Xavier Fournet)
89 Fixed: GITHUB-523: externally synchronize our use of the static SimpleDateFormat (mcosby)
90 Fixed: GITHUB-477: Typo in DTD attribute comment (Kamil Szymański)
91 Fixed: GITHUB-353: Typo in documentation (Jan Święcki)
92 Fixed: GITHUB-656: Upgrade to JCommander 1.48 (Ryan Schmitt)
93 Fixed: GITHUB-582: TestNG tests don't pass reliably on JDK8 (Ryan Schmitt)
95 Fixed: GITHUB-310: Upgrade Guice (kronar & Julien Herr)
96 Fixed: GITHUB-87: @BeforeSuite/@BeforeTest methods happens to be disabled by mistake (romlom & Juli…
97 Fixed: GITHUB-425: Wrong invocation order with lastTimeOnly (Rafael Winterhalter & Julien Herr)
98 Fixed: GITHUB-417: Expected Exceptions Message fails to match multi-line messages (Michael Diamond)
107 Fixed: OutOfMemoryException while generating reports.
108 Fixed: GITHUB-566: Build does not fail when successPercentage for @Test is not met
109 Fixed: XmlTest#setGroupInstances was not being shown in toXml().
110 Fixed: GITHUB-376: Some results can be lost (Konstantin Savin).
111 Fixed: Handle relative paths of Suite XML files properly (Nalin Makar)
116 Fixed: the OutOfMemoryException in reports
117 Fixed: Surefire + listeners "Can't load class" problem
126 Fixed: Assertions in the Assertions class were not failing properly.
127 Fixed: GITHUB-337: ConfigurationMethod#m_instance set to Boolean.FALSE due to incorrect constructor…
128 Fixed: Fix NPE for dependency methods/groups (Krishnan Mahadevan)
129 Fixed: preserve-order bug (found by VladSarrokhin).
130 Fixed: GITHUB-300: OutOfMemoryException from reporters when there are a lot of tests
131 Fixed: GITHUB-137: Main parameters with a default value should be overridden if a main parameter is…
132 Fixed: GITHUB-107: Allow enum values without converting them to uppercase.
133 Fixed: @Guice with no modules specified is now supported
134 Fixed: Reporter.log() invoked from listeners were being discarded
138 Fixed: Compare dialog
149 Fixed: Better HTML escaping of the stack traces
150 Fixed: The failed assertions now use [] as delimiters instead of <> (better for the HTML reports)
151 Fixed: GITHUB-237: Wrong time format in XML reporter
152 Fixed: Threads were started sequentially instead of being interleaved
153 Fixed: dataProvider(parallel = true) was not killing its threads properly
154 Fixed: XmlSuite#toXml wasn't outputting the <groups> tag correctly
155 Fixed: testng-failed.xml was not carrying over the parameters from the original testng.xml
156 Fixed: BeforeClass failing in parent failed to skip methods in sub classes
157 Fixed: Better error message if <suite name=""> is missing
158 Fixed: GITHUB-221: Honor excludeGroups on testng tests when run in mixed mode (criccio)
159 Fixed: dependsOnGroups = {regexp} wasn't working properly (Alistair Ward)
160 Fixed: GITHUB-205: white-space was spelled whitespace in testng.css (carlin-scott)
163 Fixed: Environment is not transferred when rerunning failed tests.
164 Fixed: Rerunning failed tests will preserve the environment of the original launch
177 Fixed: GITHUB-198: JUnitReportsReporter use commas in certain locales, which JUnitReports doesn't l…
178 Fixed: GITHUB-173: Dependent methods executed out-of-order if method names match across classes (jj…
179 Fixed: ThreadLocal<ITestResult> leak (aslakknutsen)
180 Fixed: In the HTML reports, only show the first 100 characters of the parameters
181 Fixed: SkippedException are considered as real exception with @Test(expectedExceptions)
184 Fixed: Java constants are properly resolved if they are used as group names (susanin)
185 Fixed: @Test(groups = Foo.CONSTANT) (susanin)
186 Fixed: Failed tests with allow-return-values="true" were not rerun
198 Fixed: invocationCount > 1 + timeOut wasn't timing out properly
199 Fixed: When running TestNG programmatically, child xml suites are not run (when added using setSuit…
200 Fixed: GITHUB-145: Excessive test method execution (githubCast)
201 Fixed: GITHUB-149: reversed arguments in failAssertEqualsNoOrder().
202 Fixed: EmailableReporter: methods are now *really* sorted chronologically.
209 Fixed: @Parameters now works with both ("foo") and ({"foo"}) (davekerber)
216 Fixed: Configuration methods were reported incorrectly in listeners.
217 Fixed: Was creating too many listeners (Jacek Pulut)
218 Fixed: IAnnotationTransformer2 beforeTest/afterTest booleans were not being set
219 Fixed: GITHUB-92: @BeforeTest method in a super class will be called multiple time when alwayRun = …
220 Fixed: GITHUB-111: @AfterClass on base classes run once too many (lrivera)
221 Fixed: GITHUB-107: Displaying 0 tests run if a listener modifies the parameters of the suite
229 Fixed: A method that's both a test and a factory would not invoke its data provider
230 Fixed: @AfterClass was not called if one of the methods was not enabled (Aleksey Kabanov)
231 Fixed: Groovy access bug
232 Fixed: The XML parser doesn't recognize parallel="instances"
233 Fixed: NPE when using inner classes
234 Fixed: GITHUB-90: @AfterClass not being run when the class contains included and not included metho…
235 Fixed: @AfterClass not being run in some subclassing situations
239 Fixed: Verbose levels specified in suites not respected
240 Fixed: Variable substitution in VM arguments is not working properly (svenhoff)
254 Fixed: JUnitReports reports now report the cumulated time @{Before,After}Method+@Test for each test…
255 Fixed: JUnitReports reports have the name of the <test> instead of that of the first class
256 Fixed: Using preserve-order with a factory that creates instances of a different class causes NPE
257 Fixed: GITHUB-74: Bad ordering of test methods when using a @Factory constructor with dataProvider
258 Fixed: Changing the test result from success to failure in a listener would still count the test as…
259 Fixed: ServiceLoader wasn't resolving correctly if no service loader classloader was specified
260 Fixed: Better ordering with mixed priorities and dependencies
261 Fixed: Improved detection of graph cycles in parallel runs
262 Fixed: @BeforeTest was invoked multiple times if a factory is used
263 Fixed: GITHUB-57: Allow usage of package protected constructor of test classes
264 Fixed: Injecting both Object[] and Method in @BeforeMethod didn't always work
265 Fixed: testng-results.xml now lists the results chronologically
266 Fixed: @Listeners specified on a base class will only be run once per listener class (dbriones)
267 Fixed: -groups and -excludegroups were no longer overriding testng.xml
272 Fixed: Nodes in error would sometimes remain green
273 Fixed: The TestNG context menu no longer appears where it shouldn't
280 Fixed: https://github.com/cbeust/testng/issues/56 testng-results.xml was reporting the instance nam…
281 Fixed: NPE when using preserve-order and factories.
282 Fixed: Depending on a skipped method would not cause a method to be skipped
308 Fixed: Thread safety problem in MethodInvocationHelper (Baron Roberts)
309 Fixed: Group dependencies were not being skipped properly.
310 Fixed: Dependency failures only impact the same instance
311 Fixed: Static classes could cause a StackOverFlowError
312 Fixed: IConfigurationListener was not extending ITestNGListener
313 Fixed: IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationFailure was never called
314 Fixed: TESTNG-476: <test> tags are now run in the order found in testng.xml
315 Fixed: Now showing failed/skipped error messages on the console for verbose >= 2
316 Fixed: ITestResult#getEndMillis() return 0
317 Fixed: TESTNG-410: Clearer error message
318 Fixed: TESTNG-475: @DataProvider doesn't support varargs
319 Fixed: Performance problems in EmailableReporter
320 Fixed: TESTNG-472: Better output for assertNull()
321 Fixed: ConcurrentModificationException when using parallel data providers.
322 Fixed: TESTNG-282: Problem when including+excluding packages (addicted)
323 Fixed: TESTNG-471: assertEquals(Map, Map) fails if a map is a subset of the other
324 Fixed: JUnitReporter generates an <error> tag for successful expectedExceptions tests
325 Fixed: ISSUE-47: Don't allow two <test>s with same name within same suite (Nalin Makar)
326 Fixed: If a listener implements both ISuiteListener and IInvokedMethodListener, only one of them ge…
340 Fixed: JUnit conversion: super.setUp()/tearDown() were being removed when extending a class other t…
341 Fixed: "Run as" menu not appearing for methods that take a generic parameter.
342 Fixed: The tree was incorrect if the same class is used in different <test> tags
343 Fixed: When creating a new Run/Debug configuration, "Launch.label" was displayed
344 Fixed: TESTNG-459: TestNG menu should not always be present in context menu (Mykola Nikishov)
345 Fixed: Performance problems in the plug-in
346 Fixed: Workspace-wide XML template files are not being honored.
347 Fixed: @BeforeClass/@AfterClass from JUnit4 are not being properly converted
348 Fixed: Conversions generate @Test() instead of @Test
360 Fixed: @Test(priority) was not being honored in parallel mode
361 Fixed: @Test(timeOut) was causing threadPoolSize to be ignored
362 Fixed: TESTNG-468: Listeners defined in suite XML file are ignored (Michael Benz)
363 Fixed: TESTNG-465: Guice modules are bound individually to an injector meaning that multiple module…
364 Fixed: Method selectors from suites were not properly initialized (toddq)
365 Fixed: Throw an error when two data providers have the same name
366 Fixed: Better handling of classes that don't have any TestNG annotations
367 Fixed: XmlTest#toXml wasn't displaying the thread-count attribute
368 Fixed: TESTNG-438: Regression in 5.14.1: JUnit Test Execution no longer working
369 Fixed: TESTNG-436: Deep Map comparison for assertEquals() (Nikolay Metchev)
370 Fixed: Skipped tests were not always counted.
371 Fixed: test listeners that throw were not reporting correctly (ansgarkonermann)
372 Fixed: <suite junit="true"> wasn't working.
373 Fixed: In parallel "methods" mode, method interceptors that remove methods would cause a lock up
374 Fixed: EmailableReporter now sorts methods chronologically
375 Fixed: TESTNG-411: Throw exception on mismatch of parameter values (via DP and/or Inject) and test …
376 Fixed: IDEA-59073: exceptions that don't match don't have stack trace printed in console (Anna Kozl…
377 Fixed: IDEA's plug-in was not honoring ITest (fixed in TestResultMessage)
378 Fixed: Methods depending on a group they belong were skipped instead of throwing a cycle exception
379 Fixed: TESTNG-401: ClassCastException when using a listener from Maven
380 Fixed: TESTNG-186: Rename IWorkerApadter to IWorkerAdapter (Tomas Pollak)
381 Fixed: TESTNG-415: Assert.assertEquals() for sets and maps fails with 'null' as arguments
382 Fixed: typo -testRunFactory
383 Fixed: NPE while printing results for an empty suite (Nalin Makar)
384 Fixed: Invoke IInvokedMethodListener.afterInvocation after fixing results for tests expecting excep…
385 Fixed: TESTNG-441: NPE in SuiteHTMLReporter#generateMethodsChronologically caused by a race conditi…
412 Fixed: Green nodes could override red parent nodes back to green
413 Fixed: Was trying to load the classes found in the XML template file
414 Fixed: Stack traces of skipped tests were not showing in the Exception view
415 Fixed: XML files should be run in place and not copied.
416 Fixed: NPE when you select a passed test and click on the Compare Result icon (Mohamed Mansour)
417 Fixed: When the run is over, the plug-in will no longer force the focus back to the Console view
418 Fixed: The counter in the progress bar sometimes went over the total number of test methods (5.14.2…
419 Fixed: org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorViewPart cannot be cast to org.testng.eclipse.ui.TestRunnerView…
420 Fixed: Workspace preferences now offer the "XML template" option as well as the project specific pr…
421 Fixed: TESTNG-418: Only last suite-file in testng.xml run by Eclipse plugin
439 Fixed: TESTNG-401: ClassCastException when using a listener from Maven
447 Fixed: @Listeners now aggregate through base classes
448 Fixed: ISuite was no longer serializable
449 Fixed: Injection was sometimes not working properly when used with @Parameters
450 Fixed: TESTNG-400: afterMethod was called after onTestFailure()
451 Fixed: "excludedgroups" was not working on the ant task because of a typo
452 Fixed: ant task error if <classfileset> is used with no classes (welex91)
453 Fixed: TESTNG-404: threaded tests fail due to use of non-threadsafe collections (Marcus Better)
454 Fixed: preserve-order was not preserving class order with dependent methods
455 Fixed: RetryAnalyzer wasn't working properly with factories
456 Fixed: The ant task was no longer supporting ',' for testclass
460 Fixed: The plug-in wasn't running Groovy tests correctly (Andrew Eisenberg)
461 Fixed: TESTNG-402 [Eclipse Plug-In] NPE occurred when I run twice a custom "Run configuration" on a…
479 Fixed: NullPointerException when a suite produces no results (Cefn Hoile)
480 Fixed: Identical configuration methods were not always invoked in the correct order in superclasses…
481 Fixed: @DataProvider(parallel = true) was passing incorrect parameters with injection
482 Fixed: Replaced @Test(sequential) with @Test(singleThreaded)
483 Fixed: If inherited configuration methods had defined deps, they could be invoked in incorrect orde…
484 Fixed: Initialize all Suite/Test runners at beginning to catch configuration issues right at start …
485 Fixed: Issue7: Issue86 Incorrect dates reported for configuration methods
486 Fixed: Issue24: OOM errors in SuiteHTMLReporter (Nalin Makar)
487 Fixed: Time outs specified in XML were not honored for <suite parallel="tests">
488 Fixed: <suite> and <test> time outs were hardcoded, they now honor their time-out attribute
489 Fixed: TestNG was hanging if no test methods were found
490 Fixed: onTestSuccess() was called after @AfterMethod instead of after the test method (test: test.l…
491 Fixed: XML test results contained skipfailedinvocationCounts instead of skipfailedinvocationcounts
492 Fixed: Issue4 assertEquals for primitive arrays, Issue34 assertNull javadoc updated
493 Fixed: Issue78 NPE with non-public class. Now throws TestNG exception
494 Fixed: NPE with @Optional null parameters (Yves Dessertine)
495 Fixed: TESTNG-387 TestNG not rerunning test method with the right data set from Data Provider (Fran…
496 Fixed: Show correct number of pass/failed numbers for tests using @DataProvider
497 Fixed: Return correct method status and exception (if any) in InvokedMethodListener.afterInvocation…
498 Fixed: Trivial fixes: TESTNG-241 (log message at Info), Issue2 (throw SAXException and not NPE for …
499 Fixed: Configuration methods couldn't depend on an abstract method (Nalin Makar)
500 Fixed: TestNG#setTestClasses was not resetting m_suites
501 Fixed: Exceptions thrown by IInvokedMethodListeners were not caught (Nalin Makar)
502 Fixed: @Listeners now works on base classes as well
503 Fixed: Test priorities were not working properly in non-parallel mode
504 Fixed: @Listeners wasn't working properly with ITestListener
508 Fixed: TESTNG-395 New wizard was creating classes called "NewTest"
509 Fixed: TESTNG-397 Class level @Test was preventing groups from showing up in the launch configurati…
535 Fixed: @Before methods run from factories were not properly interleaved
536 Fixed: The TextReporter reports skipped tests as PASSED (Ankur Agrawal)
542 Fixed: @Test(groups = <constant>) was taking name of the constant instead of its value.
543 Fixed: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRECLIPSE-476 NPE with Groovy Tests (Andrew Eisenberg)
544 Fixed: The custom XML file is now created in the temp directory instead of inside the project
545 Fixed: In the launch dialog, now display an error if trying to pick groups when no project is selec…
546 Fixed: Was not setting the parallel attribute correctly on the temporary XML file
556 Fixed: The text reporter was no longer reporting stack traces for verbose >= 2
557 Fixed: dataProviderClass was not respecting inheritance (like most attributes still)
558 Fixed: @BeforeSuite/@AfterSuite would run multiple times when used in a @Factory
559 Fixed: packages=".*" wasn't working properly (sandopolus)
560 Fixed: TestResult#getName now returns the description instead of the method
561 Fixed: @DataProvider and dependent methods were not skipping correctly (Francois Reynaud)
562 Fixed: TESTNG-347 suite with parallel="tests" and test with parallel="classes" doesn't work correct…
563 Fixed: TESTNG-67: @Configuration/@Factory methods in base class being ignored
564 Fixed: Inner test classes were not excluded properly (Carsten Gubernator)
565 Fixed: threadPoolSize without invocationCount was causing reporters not to be invoked
566 Fixed: A @Factory throwing an exception did not cause any error
567 Fixed: <classfilesetref> was not working properly in the ant task (Ed Randall)
568 Fixed: @BeforeClass methods were not running in parallel (Aidan Short)
569 Fixed: Test class with @ObjectFactory doesn't get instantiated via the factory
570 Fixed: Allow IObjectFactory to load from non-standard classloader (for PowerMock support)
574 Fixed: IIinvokedMethodListeners were not invoked
590 Fixed: @Test(dataProvider) was not working at the class level
591 Fixed: Display a better error message if the wrong exception is thrown with an expectedExceptions
592 Fixed: Classes created by factories were not run in the order they were created
593 Fixed: Dependent methods are now run closer to methods within their class
594 Fixed: xmlFileSet in ant was not working correctly (Sean Shou)
595 Fixed: Various oversights in the DTD (Will McQueen)
596 Fixed: XMLUtils was not escaping XML attribute values
597 Fixed: TESTNG-317: Sequence order mis-calculation: testing using suite in sequence for classes and …
598 Fixed: Test names (classes that implement org.testng.ITest) now appear more prominently in the HTML…
599 Fixed: expectedExceptions=RuntimeException.class was not failing when no exception was throw
600 Fixed: TESTNG-291: Exceptions thrown by Iterable DataProviders are not caught, no failed test repor…
601 Fixed: TESTNG-301: Need to include parameters in testNG report for test created by @Factory
602 Fixed: testng-failed.xml now includes skipped tests
603 Fixed: TestNG couldn't find Groovy files (Haw-Bin)
607 Fixed: TESTNG-313: Provide extension point to contribute test and report listeners (Erik Putrycz)
608 Fixed: Quick fixes no longer introduce deprecated annotations (Greg Turnquist)
623 Fixed: IInvokedMethodListener wasn't properly recognized from the command line (Leonardo Rafaeli)
624 Fixed: TESTNG-309 Illegal default value for attribute in DTD file
625 Fixed: TESTNG-192: JUnit XML output includes wrong tests (Aleksandar Borojevic)
626 Fixed: Set a generated suite to default to non-parallel (Mark Derricutt)
627 Fixed: -testJar command line parsing bug
628 Fixed: testng-failed.xml didn't include the listeners
629 Fixed: annotation transformers were not run when specified in testng.xml
630 Fixed: TESTNG-192: JUnit XML output includes wrong tests (Borojevic)
631 Fixed: @Parameters was not working correctly on @BeforeMethods with @DataProvider used on @Test met…
632 Fixed: testng-failed.xml was sometimes incorrectly generated (Borojevic)
633 Fixed: TestNG-228: Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder
634 Fixed: TestNG-229: Assert.assertEquals does not behave properly when arguments are sets
635 Fixed: TESTNG-36: assertEquals(Collection actual, Collection expected, String message) may have bug
636 Fixed: TESTNG-296: Malformed jar URLs breaking -testJar
637 Fixed: TESTNG-297: TestNG seemingly never stops running while building failed test suite (Gregg Yos…
638 Fixed: TESTNG-285: @Test(sequential=true) works incorrectly for classes with inheritance
639 Fixed: TESTNG-254: XMLSuite toXML() ignores listeners
640 Fixed: TESTNG-276: Thread safety problem in Reporter class
641 Fixed: TESTNG-277: Make Reporter.getCurrentTestResult() public
642 Fixed: Potential NPE in XmlTest#getVerbose (Ryan Morgan)
643 Fixed: EmailableReporter only displayed the first group for each test method
644 Fixed: time-outs were not working in <test> and <suite>
645 Fixed: @BeforeTest failing in a base class would not cause subsequent test methods to be skipped
646 Fixed: TESTNG-195: @AfterMethod has no way of knowing if the current test failed
647 Fixed: TESTNG-249: Overridden test methods were shadowing each other if specified with <include>
648 Fixed: DataProviders from @Factory-created tests were all invoked from the same instance
649 Fixed: enabled was not working on configuration methods
650 Fixed: IIinvokedMethodListener was not correctly added in TestNG
651 Fixed: NPE in XmlSuite#toXml
652 Fixed: TESTNG-231: NullPointerException thrown converting a suite to XML (Mark)
661 Fixed: TestNG-220: Ignore class definition/loader issues when scanning classpath for implicit class…
662 Fixed: TestNG-224: Fix for relative suite filenames in XML file
664 Fixed: TestNG-214: SkipException and TimeBombSkipException should accept nested exceptions
665 Fixed: TestNG-211: new Parser(inputStream) doesn't work
670 Fixed: @AfterMethod(lastTimeOnly) didn't work properly with data providers
672 Fixed: name attribute on <test> is required
685 Fixed: logging about abstract classes moved to level 5
687 Fixed: Don't run a @DataProvider method as a test when a class-level @Test is present
689 Fixed: TESTNG-169 Error message: <method> is depending on nonexistent method null ("null" is uninfo…
690 Fixed: -listener takes comma-separated classes
700 Fixed: @BeforeClass methods would incorrectly report cyclic graphs
705 Fixed: TESTNG-139 dependsOnMethods gets confused when dependency is "protected"
706 Fixed: TESTNG-141 junit attribute set to false in testng-failed.xml when it should be true
707 Fixed: TESTNG-142 Exceptions in DataProvider are not reported as failed test
714 Fixed: TESTNG-152 If DataProvider is not found, the exception message should tell exactly what happ…
718 Fixed: Bug that made group launch configurations unusable
719 Fixed: The plugin doesn't create the correct launch configuration for @Factory
720 Fixed: Method based launchers cannot be editted
721 Fixed: Plugin hangs while executing test with dataprovider that sends \n, \r messages
726 Fixed: IDEA 7.0 compatibility
727 Fixed: occasional 'illegal arguments exception'
728 Fixed: TESTNG-151 Final passing test result is not properly hidden
736 Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice when in a base class
737 Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice with a @Test at class level
738 Fixed: parallel="tests" didn't work as advertised
741 Fixed: XmlMethodSelector was always run first regardless of its priority
744 Fixed: Wasn't parsing <selector-class-name> correctly
745 Fixed: Annotation Transformers now work on class-level annotations
746 Fixed: Some class-level @Test attributes were not always honored
750 Fixed: @Before/@AfterGroups invocation order
751 Fixed: TESTNG-27: Parameters are not used on <test> level anymore
752 Fixed: TESTNG-107 don't create an output directory if "outputDirectory" is null
753 Fixed: TESTNG-127 UseDefaultListeners in Ant Task does not work
754 Fixed: TESTNG-119 Running TestNG runner with invalid '-sourcedir' on JDK14 JavaDoc annotated test c…
755 Fixed: TESTNG-113 Dependent methods within the same static inner class are not found
756 Fixed: TESTNG-125 TestNG failed for test classes under *.java*.* pakages
759 Fixed: issue with launch configuration
760 Fixed: TESTNG-124: setting location of testng reports output
765 Fixed: Ant task issue with paths containing spaces
769 Fixed: reports are correctly displaying the thread info
772 Fixed: TextReporter logs information about the parameters of the test methods
773 Fixed: concurrency issue in JUnitXMLReporter
774 Fixed: output of JUnitXMLReporter must be CDATA
775 Fixed: XML unsupported annotations/parallel attribute values are reported
778 Fixed: groups with multi-attribute javadoc annotations
779 Fixed: consistent behavior for dependsOnMethods
780 Fixed: consistent behavior for tests with dependsOnGroups (a warning is emitted)
781 Fixed: consistent merge of configuration arguments when an existing launch configuration exists
786 Fixed: use a single instance of bsh.Interpreter
788 Fixed: super classes must not be listed in testng-failures.xml
789 Fixed: parallel attribute must not appear if empty or null in testng-failures.xml
790 Fixed: parsing for javadoc annotations is done on request only
793 Fixed: filesets in the ant task didn't work if the paths have spaces in them
794 Fixed: Before/After Suite were behaving wrong in parallel execution
796 Fixed: Before/AfterGroup-s were behaving wrong when using invocationCount, dataProvider and threadP…
797 Fixed: improved support for running different annotation type tests in the same suite
798 Fixed: testng-failed.xml was generated even if there were no failures/skipps
799 Fixed: -usedefaultlisteners was wrongly passed to JVM instead of TestNG options
801 Fixed: Forgot to account for cases where both invocationCount and DataProviders are present
802 Fixed: AfterGroups were invoked out of order with invocationCount and DataProviders
803 Fixed: Reporter.getOutput() returned an empty array if a timeOut was specified
806 Fixed: TESTNG-109 Skipped tests with expected exceptions are reported as failures
808 Fixed: ant task correctly deals with empty groups and excludedgroups parameters
827 Fixed: Throw proper exception when a DataProvider declares parameters
829 Fixed: TESTNG-40 (Bug in testng-failed.xml generation)
830 Fixed: TESTNG-106 (Failed "@BeforeSuite" method just skipps the last test in xml-file)
831 Fixed: Success on 0 tests (http://forums.opensymphony.com/thread.jspa?threadID=41213)
841 Fixed: TESTNG-102 (Incorrect ordering of @BeforeMethod calls when a dependency is specified)
842 Fixed: TESTNG-101 (HTML output contains nested <P> tags and a missing <tr> tag)
844 Fixed: TESTNG-93 (method selectors filtering @BeforeMethod)
845 Fixed: TESTNG-81 (Assert.assertFalse() displays wrong expected, actual value)
846 Fixed: TESTNG-59 (multiple method selectors usage results in no tests run)
847 Fixed: TESTNG-56 (invocation of @Before/AfterClass methods in parallel/sequential scenarios)
848 Fixed: TESTNG-40 (failures suite does not contain @Before/After Suite/Test methods)
849 Fixed: TESTNG-37 (allow passing null parameter value from testng.xml)
850 Fixed: TESTNG-7 (display classname when hovering method)
861 Fixed: TESTNG-72 (display groups with non-array values)
862 Fixed: TESTNG-64 (Eclipse plug-in applies added groups to all launch configurations)
863 Fixed: TESTNG-28 (Cannot select groups from dependent eclipse projects)
864 Fixed: TESTNG-25 (do not display fully qualified method name when running contextual test class)
867 TESTNG-98 (temporary files have guaranteed fixed names)
884 Fixed: reports generated by SuiteHTMLReporter do not work with JDK1.4
898 Fixed: Exit with error when no methods are run
901 Fixed: Class-scoped annotations were not recognized when inherited
906 Fixed: Was returning an exit code of 0 if a cyclic graph was detected
908 Fixed: The Text reporter was reporting the square of the actual number of methods
909 Fixed: Bug reported by Eran about dependencies with an afterClass method
912 Fixed: TestNGAntTask was hardcoding m_haltOnFSP to true
913 Fixed: Passing a null parameter caused an NPE in the reports
925 Fixed: Message formattings in TestNG assertion utility class
926 Fixed: @Factory methods were counted as @Test as well
928 Fixed: All DataProvider parameters were shown in the HTML report
929 Fixed: Bug in testng-failed.xml generation
930 Fixed: <packages> bug when using a jar file to load the test classes
933 Fixed: groupless @Configurations were not invoked if a method depends on a group
940 Fixed: 3.2M5 integration (removed dependency on non-existing class)
941 Fixed: testng-failures.xml generation
961 Fixed: Extraneous implicit inclusion of a method
966 Fixed: TESTNG-24: 'Run as testng test' does not appear of the Test annotation does not have a group
967 Fixed: TESTNG-18: Eclipse plugin ignores Factory annotation
968 Fixed: TESTNG-21: Show differences when double clicking assertion exceptions
979 Fixed: Methods were not implicitly included, only groups
980 Fixed: Bug with failed parent @Configuration don't skip child @Configuration/@Test invocations
981 Fixed: Bug with overridding @Configuration methods (both parent and child were run)
982 Fixed: Bug when overriding beforeClass methods in base class (cyclic graph)
984 Fixed: Problem with nested classes inside <package name="foo.*"
985 Fixed: If a group is not found, mark the method as a skip instead of aborting
986 Fixed: testng-failed.xml was not respecting dependencies
987 Fixed: class/include method in testng.xml didn't work on default package
988 Fixed: DTD only allowed one <define>
989 Fixed: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for jMock
991 Fixed: JUnitConverter required -restore, not any more (option is now a no-op)
992 Fixed: JUnit mode wasn't invoking setName() on test classes
995 Fixed: Command line parameters and testng.xml are now cumulative
996 Fixed: Reports now work for multiple suites
997 Fixed: Was ignoring abstract classes even if they have non-abstract instances
998 Fixed: If setUp() failed, methods were not skipped
999 Fixed: Was not clearly indicating when beforeSuite fails
1001 Fixed: inconsistency between testng.xml and objects regarding method selectors
1013 Fixed: testng-failures.xml was not excluding methods from base classes
1014 Fixed: Bug in suites of suites for JUnit mode
1022 Fixed: testng-failures.xml was not excluding methods from base classes
1023 Fixed: Bug in suites of suites for JUnit mode
1025 Fixed: When including a group, implicitly include groups depended upon
1026 Fixed: When depending on several groups, wasn't skipped if one of them failed
1027 Fixed: Failures weren't reported accurately in the JUnitReports report
1028 Fixed: Wasn't throwing an exception if depending on a non-existing group
1036 Fixed: wasn't excluding methods in base classes
1038 Fixed: Class-level enabled=false were not honored
1039 Fixed: Bug with multiple dataproviders on same class
1040 Fixed: Bug with dataprovider defined in the parent class
1041 Fixed: Bug with dataprovider defined in a subclass
1042 Fixed: Bug with dataprovider defined in an abstract class
1043 Fixed: testng-failures generation was excluding the methods even if a failed test depended on it
1052 Fixed: Superclass test methods were not called in the presence of a class @Test
1062 Fixed: suite methods now invoked only once in a hierarchy
1064 Fixed: Interleave order now respected for before/afterClass methods
1068 Fixed: In the absence of dependencies, @Configuration methods respect inheritance
1069 Fixed: Bug in multithreaded dependencies on methods
1070 Fixed: dependsOnGroups wasn't working on regular expressions
1071 Fixed: Bug in <package> when directories contain spaces in their names
1072 Fixed: Introduced a JDK5 dependency in the JDK1.4 build (getEnclosingClass())
1073 Fixed: Output directory in ant task was not honored if it didn't exist
1074 Fixed: Problem with timeout according to
1079 Fixed: Wasn't handling linked directories correctly
1080 Fixed: Bug in QuickFix implementation
1082 Fixed: Methods Run as TestNG test
1084 Fixed: Resources from the linked directories are using a wrong path when
1090 Fixed: Classes that contained only configuration were ignored
1100 Fixed: @Configuration methods were not invoked with individual test methods
1101 Fixed: Bug with ExpectedExceptions
1102 Fixed: Didn't support nested factory classes
1103 Fixed: NPE if -target is omitted with JDK 1.4
1104 Fixed: @Configuration failures in a class would cause other classes to fail
1106 Fixed: beforeTestClass/afterTestClass were broken for a pathological case
1109 Fixed: < and > characters in reports were not escaped
1113 Fixed: Class dialog wasn't showing @Factory classes
1123 Fixed: Numbering of sections
1131 Fixed: Bug with @ExpectedException occuring the parallel mode
1132 Fixed: Bug with parameters and beforeTest
1134 Fixed: methods were not excluded when included by groups
1135 Fixed: testng-failures.xml is now including also the beforeSuite/afterSuite methods
1136 Fixed: generating the testng-failures.xml is now working as expected
1137 Fixed: Factories call all the tests even if some of them fail along the way
1138 Fixed: Better JUnit support (wasn't creating individual instances)
1139 Fixed: dependsOnGroups didn't work across different classes
1143 Fixed: Better interleaving of before/afterTestMethods
1144 Fixed: Ant task
1145 Fixed: TestNGException thrown when TestNG conditions are not fulfilled
1158 Fixed: Spaces are now legal in JavaDoc comments
1160 Fixed: factories were called multiple times
1162 Fixed: inheritance and scope now working properly for annotations
1163 Fixed: dependsOnMethods wasn't working for 1.4
1166 Fixed: Better verbose support
1167 Fixed: Various fixes for the Eclipse plug-in
1169 Fixed: Default package bug in JUnitConverter
1177 Fixed: Wasn't handling several testng.xml files correctly
1178 Fixed: Renamed -src to -sourcedir
1179 Fixed: Complains if no sourcedir is specified in 1.4
1181 Fixed: If setUp fails, complain and mark test methods as skips
1182 Fixed: Dependent methods weren't working for 1.4
1190 Fixed: expected-exceptions now fails if test passes
1191 Fixed: reports now use the suite name in HTML
1217 Fixed: Bug with afterClasses (test: AfterClassCalledAtTheEnd)
1233 Fixed: Updated to the new DTD
1234 Fixed: Suite table of contents displays failures first
1235 Fixed: Bug in afterTestClass
1255 Fixed: Merged TestMethod and TestClass into Test
1258 Fixed: Inheritance of methods
1259 Fixed: ExpectedException is now called ExpectedExceptions