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1n\nAlthough uclibc lets you detect support for things like fork() and\ndaemon() at compile time, m…
3 #define HELP_toybox_uid_usr "When commands like useradd/groupadd allocate user IDs, start here.\n\n"
5 …fine HELP_toybox_uid_sys "When commands like useradd/groupadd allocate system IDs, start here.\n\n"
7 #define HELP_toybox_pedantic_args "Check arguments for commands that have no arguments.\n\n"
9 …g purposes. All of them catch\nthings that can only go wrong at development time, not runtime.\n\n"
11n\nThis disables that optimization, so toybox will run external commands\n even when it has …
13n(free memory, close files, etc). To save size, toybox usually relies\non this behavior. If you're…
15 #define HELP_toybox_i18n "Support for UTF-8 character sets, and some locale support.\n\n"
17 …LP to disable.) Produces the same output\nas \"help command\". --version shows toybox version.\n\n"
19 #define HELP_toybox_help "Include help text for each command.\n\n"
21 …ELP_toybox_float "Include floating point support infrastructure and commands that\nrequire it.\n\n"
23 #define HELP_toybox_libz "Use libz for gz support.\n\n"
25 #define HELP_toybox_libcrypto "Use faster hash functions out of exteral -lcrypto library.\n\n"
27 #define HELP_toybox_smack "Include SMACK options in commands like ls for systems like Tizen.\n\n\n"
29 … in commands such as ls, and add\nSELinux-specific commands such as chcon to the Android menu.\n\n"
31 …nventional unix security (and possibly\nLinux Containers) for a simple straightforward system.\n\n"
33n\nchown root:root toybox; chmod +s toybox\n\nprompt \"Security Blanket\"\ndefault TOYBOX_LSM_NONE…
35n\nWith no arguments, shows available commands. First argument is\nname of a command to run, follo…
37 …efine HELP_stop "usage: stop [SERVICE...]\n\nStop the given system service, or netd/surfaceflinger…
39 …ne HELP_start "usage: start [SERVICE...]\n\nStarts the given system service, or netd/surfaceflinge…
41 #define HELP_setprop "usage: setprop NAME VALUE\n\nSets an Android system property.\n\n"
43 …usage: setenforce [enforcing|permissive|1|0]\n\nSets whether SELinux is enforcing (1) or permissiv…
45 #define HELP_sendevent "usage: sendevent DEVICE TYPE CODE VALUE\n\nSends a Linux input event.\n\n"
47 …P_runcon "usage: runcon CONTEXT COMMAND [ARGS...]\n\nRun a command in a specified security context…
49n] [-v] FILE...\n\nRestores the default security contexts for the given files.\n\n-D apply to /dat…
51n\nLogs message to logcat.\n\n-p use the given priority instead of INFO:\n d: DEBUG e: ERROR f: …
53 #define HELP_load_policy "usage: load_policy FILE\n\nLoad the specified policy file.\n\n"
55 … HELP_getprop "usage: getprop [NAME [DEFAULT]]\n\nGets an Android system property, or lists them a…
57 #define HELP_getenforce "usage: getenforce\n\nShows whether SELinux is disabled, enforcing, or perm…
59 #define HELP_test_scankey "usage: test_scankey\n\nMove a letter around the screen. Hit ESC to exit.…
61 …options "usage: test_many_options -[a-zA-Z]\n\nPrint the optflags value of the command arguments, …
63 #define HELP_test_human_readable "usage: test_human_readable [-sbi] NUMBER\n\n"
65 …\n\nExample of a second command with different arguments in the same source\nfile as the first. Th…
67n\nTemplate for new commands. You don't need this.\n\nWhen creating a new command, copy this file …
69 #define HELP_hostid "usage: hostid\n\nPrint the numeric identifier for the current host.\n\n"
71n\nA hello world program. You don't need this.\n\nMostly used as a simple template for adding new…
73n\nUnmount the listed filesystems.\n\n-a Unmount all mounts in /proc/mounts instead of command lin…
75 #define HELP_sync "usage: sync\n\nWrite pending cached data to disk (synchronize), blocking until d…
77n\nSwitch to user (or root) and run shell (with optional command line).\n\n-s shell to use\n-c com…
79n\nCount from first to last, by increment. Omitted arguments default\nto 1. Two arguments are used…
81 …pid...]] [NAME]...\n\nPrint the PIDs of all processes with the given names.\n\n-s single shot, onl…
83 …re previous password\n(but changing password1, password2, password3 is fine). This heuristic\nacce…
85n\nupdate user's authentication tokens. Default : current user\n\n-a ALGO Encryption method (des, …
87n\nMount new filesystem(s) on directories. With no arguments, display existing\nmounts.\n\n-a moun…
89n\nSafely create a new file \"DIR/TEMPLATE\" and print its name.\n\n-d Create directory instead of…
91 #define HELP_mknod_z "usage: mknod [-Z CONTEXT] ...\n\n-Z Set security context to created file\n\n"
93n\nCreate a special file NAME with a given type. TYPE is b for block device,\nc or u for character…
95 #define HELP_sha512sum "See sha1sum\n\n"
97 #define HELP_sha384sum "See sha1sum\n\n"
99 #define HELP_sha256sum "See sha1sum\n\n"
101 #define HELP_sha224sum "See sha1sum\n\n"
103n\ncalculate sha hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none. Output\none hash (40 hex di…
105n\nCalculate md5 hash for each input file, reading from stdin if none.\nOutput one hash (32 hex di…
107n\nSend a signal (default: TERM) to all processes with the given names.\n\n-i ask for confirmation…
109 …] [newname]\n\nGet/Set the current hostname\n\n-b Set hostname to 'localhost' if otherwise unset\n
111n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] [-w]\n\nPrint or control the kernel ring buffer.\n\n-C Clear ring buffer withou…
113n\nCreate and delete tun/tap virtual ethernet devices.\n\n-T Use tap (ethernet frames) instead of …
115n\nEnable/disable wireless devices.\n\nCommands:\nlist [DEVICE] List current state\nblock DEVICE…
117n\nDisplay networking information. Default is netsat -tuwx\n\n-r routing table\n-a all sockets (…
119n\n-L listen for multiple incoming connections (server mode)\n-W SECONDS timeout for idle connecti…
121 …m [-s SPEED] [-X] DEVICE\n\nSimple serial console.\n\n-s Set baud rate to SPEED\n-X Ignore ^@ (s…
123n\nDisplay or configure network interface.\n\nWith no arguments, display active interfaces. First …
125 #define HELP_ftpput "An ftpget that defaults to -s instead of -g\n\n"
127n\nTalk to ftp server. By default get REMOTE file via passive anonymous\ntransfer, optionally savi…
129 #define HELP_yes "usage: yes [args...]\n\nRepeatedly output line until killed. If no args, output '…
131n] [-g n] [-l n] [-p] [-r] [-s n] [file]\n\nHexdump a file to stdout. If no file is listed, copy …
133 …h "usage: which [-a] filename ...\n\nSearch $PATH for executable files matching filename(s).\n\n-a…
135 #define HELP_w "usage: w\n\nShow who is logged on and since how long they logged in.\n\n"
137n] [DELAY [COUNT]]\n\nPrint virtual memory statistics, repeating each DELAY seconds, COUNT times.\
139n\nCreate and remove virtual ethernet devices\n\nadd [interface-name] [vlan_id]\nrem …
141 #define HELP_usleep "usage: usleep MICROSECONDS\n\nPause for MICROSECONDS microseconds.\n\n"
143n\nTell the current time, how long the system has been running, the number\nof users, and the syst…
145n\nSet length of file(s), extending sparsely if necessary.\n\n-c Don't create file if it doesn't e…
147n\nRun command line as a child process, sending child a signal if the\ncommand doesn't exit soon e…
149n\nLaunch a new task which may only run on certain processors, or change\nthe processor affinity o…
151 …proc "usage: nproc [--all]\n\nPrint number of processors.\n\n--all Show all processors, not just o…
153 #define HELP_tac "usage: tac [FILE...]\n\nOutput lines in reverse order.\n\n"
155n\nRead/write system control data (under /proc/sys).\n\n-a,A Show all values\n-e Don't warn about …
157n\nUse from PID 1 under initramfs to free initramfs, chroot to NEW_ROOT,\nand exec NEW_INIT.\n\n-c…
159 …e: swapon [-d] [-p priority] filename\n\nEnable swapping on a given device/file.\n\n-d Discard fre…
161 #define HELP_swapoff "usage: swapoff swapregion\n\nDisable swapping on a given swapregion.\n\n"
163n\nDisplay status of files or filesystems.\n\n-c Output specified FORMAT string instead of default…
165n COUNT] [-s SIZE] FILE...\n\nSecurely delete a file by overwriting its contents with random data.…
167 …[-t] command [args...]\n\nRun process in a new session.\n\n-t Grab tty (become foreground process,…
169 …[MODULE]\n\nUnload the module named MODULE from the Linux kernel.\n-f Force unload of a module\n-w…
171 #define HELP_rev "usage: rev [FILE...]\n\nOutput each line reversed, when no files are given stdin …
173 #define HELP_reset "usage: reset\n\nreset the terminal\n\n"
175 …/halt/poweroff [-fn]\n\nRestart, halt or powerdown the system.\n\n-f Don't signal init\n-n Don't s…
177 #define HELP_realpath "usage: realpath FILE...\n\nDisplay the canonical absolute pathname\n\n"
179n\nWith no options, show what symlink points to, return error if not symlink.\n\nOptions for produ…
181 #define HELP_readahead "usage: readahead FILE...\n\nPreload files into disk cache.\n\n"
183 #define HELP_pwdx "usage: pwdx PID...\n\nPrint working directory of processes listed on command lin…
185 …nv "usage: printenv [-0] [env_var...]\n\nPrint environment variables.\n\n-0 Use \\0 as delimiter i…
187 … [pids...]\n\nReports the memory map of a process or processes.\n\n-x Show the extended format\n-q…
189n\nSwap OLD and NEW filesystems (as if by simultaneous mount --move), and\nmove all processes with…
191 …be DEVICE...\n\nTell the kernel about partition table changes\n\nAsk the kernel to re-read the par…
193n\nSimple init program that runs a single supplied command line with a\ncontrolling tty (so CTRL-C…
195n] [-p] [-u] [-U] COMMAND...\n\nRun COMMAND in an existing (set of) namespace(s).\n\n-t PID to ta…
197n\nCreate new container namespace(s) for this process and its children, so\nsome attribute is not …
199 …nbd-client [-ns] HOST PORT DEVICE\n\n-n Do not fork into background\n-s nbd swap support (lock ser…
201n mountpoint [-q] [-x] device\n\n-q Be quiet, return zero if directory is a mountpoint\n-d P…
203 …e...]\n\nDisplay module fields for all specified modules, looking in\n<basedir>/lib/modules/<kernr…
205 …fine HELP_mkswap "usage: mkswap [-L LABEL] DEVICE\n\nSets up a Linux swap area on a device or file…
207n\nCrypt PASSWORD using crypt(3)\n\n-P FD Read password from file descriptor FD\n-m TYPE Encrypt…
209n\nList OSS sound channels (module snd-mixer-oss), or set volume(s).\n\n-c CHANNEL Set/show volume…
211n\nCreate a range of special files as specified in a device table.\n\n-d file containing device ta…
213 #define HELP_lsusb "usage: lsusb\n\nList USB hosts/devices.\n\n"
215 …ge: lspci [-n] [-i FILE ]\n\n-n Numeric output (repeat for readable and numeric)\n-i PCI ID databa…
217 …"usage: lspci [-ekm]\n\nList PCI devices.\n\n-e Print all 6 digits in class\n-k Print kernel drive…
219 #define HELP_lsmod "usage: lsmod\n\nDisplay the currently loaded modules, their sizes and their dep…
221n\nChange file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.\n\n-R Recurse\n-v Set the file's…
223n\nList file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.\n(AacDdijsStu defined in chattr --…
225n\nAssociate a loopback device with a file, or show current file (if any)\nassociated with a loop …
227n\nLog in as a user, prompting for username and password if necessary.\n\n-p Preserve environment\
229n\nDisplay or change I/O priority of existing process. CLASS can be\n\"rt\" for realtime, \"be\" f…
231n LEVEL] [COMMAND...|-p PID]\n\nChange the I/O scheduling priority of a process. With no arguments…
233 …insmod "usage: insmod MODULE [MODULE_OPTIONS]\n\nLoad the module named MODULE passing options if g…
235n\nWhen a filesystem event matching MASK occurs to a FILE, run PROG as:\n\n PROG EVENTS FILE [DIR…
237n\n-f FILE Use specified device file instead of /dev/rtc (--rtc)\n-l Hardware clock uses loca…
239n\nHexadecimal file editor. All changes are written to disk immediately.\n\n-r Read only (display …
241 …\n\nShow usage information for toybox commands.\nRun \"toybox\" with no arguments for a list of av…
243 …c "usage: fsync [-d] [FILE...]\n\nSynchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.\n\n-d Av…
245 …reeze "usage: fsfreeze {-f | -u} MOUNTPOINT\n\nFreeze or unfreeze a filesystem.\n\n-f freeze\n-u u…
247 …HELP_freeramdisk "usage: freeramdisk [RAM device]\n\nFree all memory allocated to specified ramdis…
249 …mgt]\n\nDisplay the total, free and used amount of physical memory and swap space.\n\n-bkmgt Outpu…
251 … fd\n\nManage advisory file locks.\n\n-s Shared lock\n-x Exclusive lock (default)\n-u Unlock\n-n N…
253 …te "usage: fallocate [-l size] [-o offset] file\n\nTell the filesystem to allocate space for a fil…
255 #define HELP_factor "usage: factor NUMBER...\n\nFactor integers.\n\n"
257 …e: eject [-stT] [DEVICE]\n\nEject DEVICE or default /dev/cdrom\n\n-s SCSI device\n-t Close tray\n-…
259 …[FILE...]\n\nConvert newline format from unix \"\\n\" to dos \"\\r\\n\".\nIf no files listed copy …
261 …[FILE...]\n\nConvert newline format from dos \"\\r\\n\" to unix \"\\n\".\nIf no files listed copy …
263 #define HELP_count "usage: count\n\nCopy stdin to stdout, displaying simple progress indicator to s…
265 #define HELP_clear "Clear the screen.\n\n"
267N\n\nChange to virtual terminal number N. (This only works in text mode.)\n\nVirtual terminals are…
269n\nGet/set a process' real-time scheduling policy and priority.\n\n-p Set/query given pid (instead…
271 …usage: chroot NEWPATH [commandline...]\n\nRun command within a new root directory. If no command, …
273n\nChange the SELinux security context of listed file[s].\n\n-h change symlinks instead of what th…
275 …efine HELP_bzcat "usage: bzcat [FILE...]\n\nDecompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no fil…
277n\nDecompress listed files (file.bz becomes file) deleting archive file(s).\nRead from stdin if no…
279n\nCall ioctl(s) on each listed block device\n\nOPTIONs:\n--setro Set read only\n--setrw Set rea…
281 #define HELP_fstype "usage: fstype DEV...\n\nPrints type of filesystem on a block device or image.\
283 …efine HELP_blkid "usage: blkid DEV...\n\nPrints type, label and UUID of filesystem on a block devi…
285 …E...]\n\nEncode or decode in base64.\n\n-d decode\n-i ignore non-alphabetic characters\n-w wrap ou…
287 #define HELP_ascii "usage: ascii\n\nDisplay ascii character set.\n\n"
289n\nShow status of power sources and thermal devices.\n\n-a show power adapters\n-b show batteries\
291 …HELP_xzcat "usage: xzcat [filename...]\n\nDecompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files…
293n-f filename: specify the filename to be saved\nURL: HTTP uniform resource location and only HTTP,…
295n SEC] [-t] PROG ARGS\n\nRun PROG periodically\n\n-n Loop period in seconds (default 2)\n-t Don'…
297 …"usage: vi FILE\n\nVisual text editor. Predates the existence of standardized cursor keys,\nso the…
299 …rdel [-r] USER\nusage: deluser [-r] USER\n\nOptions:\n-r remove home directory\nDelete USER from t…
301n\nCreate new user, or add USER to GROUP\n\n-D Don't assign a password\n-g NAME Real name\n
303n\nTranslate, squeeze, or delete characters from stdin, writing to stdout\n\n-c/-C Take complemen…
305n[-s SRC_IP] [-t TOS] [-w WAIT_SEC] [-g GATEWAY] [-i IFACE] [-z PAUSE_MSEC] HOST [BYTES]\n\ntracer…
307n\nTransfer file from/to tftp server.\n\n-r read only\n-c Allow file creation via upload\n-u run a…
309n\nTransfer file from/to tftp server.\n\n-l FILE Local FILE\n-r FILE Remote FILE\n-g Get file\n
311n\nReturn true or false by performing tests. (With no arguments return false.)\n\n--- Tests with a…
313n\n-l LOGIN Exec LOGIN on connect\n-f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue\n-K Clo…
315 #define HELP_telnet "usage: telnet HOST [PORT]\n\nConnect to telnet server\n\n"
317N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u User] [-l Name] IP Port Prog\nusage: udpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-u User] [-l…
319n\nCreate, extract, or list files from a tar file\n\nOperation:\nc Create\nf Name of TARFILE ('-' …
321n [-p socket] [-s SIZE] [-b N] [-R HOST] [-l N] [-nSLKD]\n\nSystem logging utility\
323 …ELP_sulogin "usage: sulogin [-t time] [tty]\n\nSingle User Login.\n-t Default Time for Single User…
325 …sage: exit [status]\n\nExit shell. If no return value supplied on command line, use value\nof mos…
327n\nChange current directory. With no arguments, go $HOME.\n\n-P Physical path: resolve symlinks i…
329n\nCommand shell. Runs a shell script, or reads input interactively\nand responds to it.\n\n-c co…
331n NAME] [-v VALUE] FILE...\n\nWrite POSIX extended attributes.\n\n-h Do not dereference symlink\n-
333n\nDisplay, add or delete network routes in the \"Forwarding Information Base\".\n\n-n Show numeri…
335n\nCheck network connectivity by sending packets to a host and reporting\nits response.\n\nSend IC…
337 …ne HELP_deallocvt "usage: deallocvt [N]\n\nDeallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN, or all un…
339N] [-sw] [command [command_options]]\n\nstart a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)\n\n-c N Us…
341 #define HELP_more "usage: more [FILE...]\n\nView FILE(s) (or stdin) one screenful at a time.\n\n"
343n\nmodprobe utility - inserts modules and dependencies.\n\n-a Load multiple MODULEs\n-d Load mod…
345n\n-E stride= Set RAID stripe size (in blocks)\n-O [opts] Specify fewer ext2 option flags (for ol…
347 … [-L label] [-M path] [-o string]\n\n-L Volume label\n-M Path to mount point\n-o …
349 …_mke2fs_gen "usage: gene2fs [options] device filename\n\nThe [options] are the same as mke2fs.\n\n"
351n\n-j Create journal (ext3)\n-J Journal options\n size: Number of blocks…
353N|i ###] [-m ###] device\n\nCreate an ext2 filesystem on a block device or filesystem image.\n\n-F…
355n\nEach line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first\nfield is a regular express…
357 …mdev "usage: mdev [-s]\n\nCreate devices in /dev using information from /sys.\n\n-s Scan all entri…
359n\nLists open files. If names are given on the command line, only\nthose files will be shown.\n\n-…
361 …: logger [-s] [-t tag] [-p [facility.]priority] [message]\n\nLog message (or stdin) to syslog.\n\n"
363n\nShow listing of last logged in users.\n\n-W Display the information without host-column tr…
365 …_klogd "usage: klogd [-n] [-c N]\n\n-c N Print to console messages more urgent than prio N (1-8…
367n\n-i Show specific resource\nResource specification:\n-a All (default)\n-m Shared memory segments…
369 …\n [-Q msgkey] [-M shmkey] [-S semkey] ... ]\n\n-mM Remove memory segment after last deta…
371n\nShow / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.\n\nwhere OBJECT := {address | l…
373 …age: init\n\nSystem V style init.\n\nFirst program to run (as PID 1) when the system comes up, rea…
375 …M] [-t TO] [FILE...]\n\nConvert character encoding of files.\n\n-f convert from (default utf8)\n-…
377n\nPerform DNS lookup on NAME, which can be a domain name to lookup,\nor an ipv4 dotted or ipv6 co…
379 …ge: zcat [FILE...]\n\nDecompress files to stdout. Like `gzip -dc`.\n\n-c Output to stdout (default…
381n\nDecompress files. With no files, decompresses stdin to stdout.\nOn success, the input files are…
383n\nCompress files. With no files, compresses stdin to stdout.\nOn success, the input files are rem…
385 …define HELP_groupdel "usage: groupdel [USER] GROUP\n\nDelete a group or remove a user from a group…
387 … [-S] [-g GID] [USER] GROUP\n\nAdd a group or add a user to a group\n\n -g GID Group id\n -S …
389n\n-h Enable hardware RTS/CTS flow control\n-L Set CLOCAL (ignore Carrier Detect state)\n-m …
391n NAME] FILE...\n\nRead POSIX extended attributes.\n\n-d Show values as well as names\n-h Do not d…
393n\nCheck and repair filesystems\n\n-A Walk /etc/fstab and check all filesystems\n-N Don'…
395n\nFolds (wraps) or unfolds ascii text by adding or removing newlines.\nDefault line width is 80 c…
397n\nChange partition table\n\n-u Start and End are in sectors (instead of cylinders)\n-l…
399n\nEvaluate expression and print result. For example, \"expr 1 + 2\".\n\nThe supported operators a…
401 … LEASEFILE]\n\nDisplay DHCP leases granted by udhcpd\n-f FILE, Lease file\n-r Show remaini…
403n\n-a Treat all files as text\n-b Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace\n-B Ignore changes…
405N] [CONFFILE]\n\n -f Run in foreground\n -i Interface to use\n -S Log to syslog too\n -P N
407n [-H HOSTNAME] [-V VENDOR] [-x OPT:VAL] [-O OPT]\n\n Configure network dynamicaly …
409n\n Configure network dynamicaly using DHCP.\n\n -i Interface to use (default eth0)\n -…
411N] [obs=N] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N]\n [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync|fsync] [status=n…
413n [-u user] [-e | -l | -r]\n [-c dir]\n\nFiles used to schedule the ex…
415N] [-d N] [-L LOGFILE] [-c DIR]\n\nA daemon to execute scheduled commands.\n\n-b Background (defau…
417n\nCompress or decompress file (or stdin) using \"deflate\" algorithm.\n\n-c compress with -g gzip…
419n\nCompress or decompress file (or stdin) using \"deflate\" algorithm.\n\n-1 min compression\n-9 m…
421n\nManage ethernet bridges\n\nCommands:\nshow Show a list of bridges\naddbr BRIDG…
423n\nCreate /var/log/bootlog.tgz with boot chart data\n\nstart: start background logging; with PROG,…
425n\nSend ARP requests/replies\n\n-f Quit on first ARP reply\n-q Quiet\n-b K…
427n[-vn] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -a [HOSTNAME]\n[-v] [-i IF] -d HOSTNAME [pub]\n[-v] [-H H…
429 …antic "This version supports insane posix whitespace handling rendered obsolete\nby -0 mode.\n\n\n"
431n NUM] [-L NUM] [-E STR] COMMAND...\n\nRun command line one or more times, appending arguments fro…
433 #define HELP_who "usage: who\n\nPrint logged user information on system\n\n"
435n\nCount lines, words, and characters in input.\n\n-l show lines\n-w show words\n-c show bytes\n-m…
437 …-m] [file] encode-filename\n\nUuencode stdin (or file) to stdout, with encode-filename in the outp…
439 …decode [-o OUTFILE] [INFILE]\n\nDecode file from stdin (or INFILE).\n\n-o write to OUTFILE instead…
441 #define HELP_unlink "usage: unlink FILE\n\nDeletes one file.\n\n"
443n\nReport or filter out repeated lines in a file\n\n-c show counts before each line\n-d show only …
445n\nPrint system information.\n\n-s System name\n-n Network (domain) name\n-r Kernel Release number…
447n\nPrint or set resource limits for process number PID. If no LIMIT specified\n(or read-only -ap s…
449n\nShow filename of terminal connected to stdin.\n\nPrints \"not a tty\" and exits with nonzero st…
451 #define HELP_true "Return zero.\n\n"
453n\nUpdate the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time.\n\n-a change access …
455n\nRun command line and report real, user, and system time elapsed in seconds.\n(real = clock on t…
457 …le...]\n\nCopy stdin to each listed file, and also to stdout.\nFilename \"-\" is a synonym for std…
459 #define HELP_tail_seek "This version uses lseek, which is faster on large files.\n\n"
461n|c NUMBER] [-f] [FILE...]\n\nCopy last lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from\…
463n LEN] [FILE...]\n\nDisplay printable strings in a binary file\n\n-f Show filename\n-n At least LE…
465n\nCopy INPUT (or stdin) data to a series of OUTPUT (or \"x\") files with\nalphabetically increasi…
467n\nSort all lines of text from input files (or stdin) to stdout.\n\n-M month sort (jan, feb, etc)\
469 #define HELP_sleep_float "Length can be a decimal fraction.\n\n"
471 …p LENGTH\n\nWait before exiting. An optional suffix can be \"m\" (minutes), \"h\" (hours),\n\"d\" …
473n\nStream editor. Apply one or more editing SCRIPTs to each line of input\n(from FILE or stdin) pr…
475 …fine HELP_rmdir "usage: rmdir [-p] [dirname...]\n\nRemove one or more directories.\n\n-p Remove pa…
477n\nRemove each argument from the filesystem.\n\n-f force: remove without confirmation, no error if…
479 #define HELP_renice "usage: renice [-gpu] -n increment ID ...\n\n"
481 …pwd [-L|-P]\n\nPrint working (current) directory.\n\n-L Use shell's path from $PWD (when applicab…
483n\n-l Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)\n-V verbose\n-f Check full command line for PATTERN\n-G Match …
485n\nSearch for process(es). PATTERN is an extended regular expression checked\nagainst command name…
487n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]\n\nRank processes by I/O.\n\n-A All I/O, not just disk…
489n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]\n\nShow process activity in real time.\n\n-H Show thre…
491n\nList processes.\n\nWhich processes to show (selections may be comma separated lists):\n\n-A All…
493n\nFormat and print ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, using C printf syntax\n(% escapes for cdeEfgG…
495n\nApply a unified diff to one or more files.\n\n-d modify files in DIR\n-i Input file (defaults=s…
497n\nMerge corresponding lines from each input file.\n\n-d list of delimiter characters to separate …
499N #] [-w #] [-A doxn] [-t acdfoux[#]]\n\n-A Address base (decimal, octal, hexdecimal, none)\n-j Sk…
501 … [ARGS...]\n\nRun a command that survives the end of its terminal.\n\nRedirect tty on stdin to /de…
503n STYLE] [-s SEPARATOR] [-w WIDTH] [FILE...]\n\nNumber lines of input.\n\n-E Use extended regex sy…
505n PRIORITY] command [args...]\n\nRun a command line at an increased or decreased scheduling priori…
507 …ELP_mkfifo "usage: mkfifo [-Z CONTEXT] [NAME...]\n\nCreate FIFOs (named pipes).\n\n-Z Security con…
509 #define HELP_mkdir_z "usage: [-Z context]\n\n-Z set security context\n\n"
511 …irname...]\n\nCreate one or more directories.\n\n-m set permissions of directory to mode\n-p make …
513n files: exe=green suid=red suidfile=redback stickydir=greenback\n =auto means …
515n\nlist files\n\nwhat to show:\n-a all files including .hidden -b escape nongraphic chars\n-c…
517n\nCreate a link between FROM and TO.\nWith only one argument, create link in current directory.\n
519 #define HELP_link "usage: link FILE NEWLINK\n\nCreate hardlink to a file.\n\n"
521n\nSend a signal to all processes outside current session.\n\n-l List signal name(s) and numbe…
523 …NAL | -SIGNAL] pid...\n\nSend signal to process(es).\n\n-l List signal name(s) and number(s)\n-s S…
525 #define HELP_whoami "usage: whoami\n\nPrint the current user name.\n\n"
527 #define HELP_logname "usage: logname\n\nPrint the current user name.\n\n"
529 #define HELP_groups "usage: groups [user]\n\nPrint the groups a user is in.\n\n"
531n\nPrint user and group ID.\n-G Show only the group IDs\n-Z Show only security context\n-g Show on…
533n number] [file...]\n\nCopy first lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from\nstdin…
535n\nShow lines matching regular expressions. If no -e, first argument is\nregular expression to mat…
537n\nSearch directories for matching files.\nDefault: search \".\" match all -print all matches.\n\n
539 …-hL] [file...]\n\nExamine the given files and describe their content types.\n\n-h don't follow sym…
541 #define HELP_false "Return nonzero.\n\n"
543n\nExpand tabs to spaces according to tabstops.\n\n-t TABLIST\n\nSpecify tab stops, either a singl…
545n\nSet the environment for command invocation, or list environment variables.\n\n-i Clear existing…
547n\nWrite each argument to stdout, with one space between each, followed\nby a newline.\n\n-n No tr…
549N] [-askxHLlmc] [file...]\n\nShow disk usage, space consumed by files and directories.\n\nSize in:…
551 #define HELP_dirname "usage: dirname PATH\n\nShow directory portion of path.\n\n"
553n\nThe \"disk free\" command shows total/used/available disk space for\neach filesystem listed on …
555n\nSet/get the current date/time. With no SET shows the current date.\n\nDefault SET format is \"M…
557n\nPrint selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.\n\n-b LIST select only these b…
559n [ignored: -mdu -H newc]\n\ncopy files into and out of a \"newc\" format cpio archive\n\n-F…
561n\nCopy files and set attributes.\n\n-d Act like mkdir -p\n-D Create leading directories for DEST\
563n\n-f force copy by deleting destination file\n-i interactive, prompt before overwriting existing …
565n\n mode - permissions (ignore umask for rwx, copy suid and sticky bit)\n ownership - use…
567n\nCopy files from SOURCE to DEST. If more than one SOURCE, DEST must\nbe a directory.\n-v verbos…
569n\nReads FILE1 and FILE2, which should be ordered, and produces three text\ncolumns as output: lin…
571 … "usage: cmp [-l] [-s] FILE1 FILE2\n\nCompare the contents of two files.\n\n-l show all differing …
573n\nFor each file, output crc32 checksum value, length and name of file.\nIf no files listed, copy …
575n\nChange mode of listed file[s] (recursively with -R).\n\nMODE can be (comma-separated) stanzas: …
577 #define HELP_chown "see: chgrp\n\n"
579n\nChange group of one or more files.\n\n-f suppress most error messages.\n-h change symlinks inst…
581n\nDisplay nonprinting characters as escape sequences. Use M-x for\nhigh ascii characters (>127), …
583n\nCopy (concatenate) files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from stdin.\nFilename \"-\" is a …
585 …ar]\n\nPrint a calendar.\n\nWith one argument, prints all months of the specified year.\nWith two …
587 …P_basename "usage: basename string [suffix]\n\nReturn non-directory portion of a pathname removing…