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Lines Matching refs:CommandBuffer

13746   class CommandBuffer  class
13749 CommandBuffer() in CommandBuffer() function in vk::CommandBuffer
13754 CommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) in CommandBuffer() function in vk::CommandBuffer
13758 CommandBuffer& operator=(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) in operator =()
13765 bool operator==(CommandBuffer const &rhs) const in operator ==()
13770 bool operator!=(CommandBuffer const &rhs) const in operator !=()
13775 bool operator<(CommandBuffer const &rhs) const in operator <()
14399 void executeCommands( uint32_t commandBufferCount, const CommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers ) const in executeCommands()
14405 void executeCommands( ArrayProxy<const CommandBuffer> commandBuffers ) const in executeCommands()
14502 …static_assert( sizeof( CommandBuffer ) == sizeof( VkCommandBuffer ), "handle and wrapper have diff…
14721 …pWaitDstStageMask_ = nullptr, uint32_t commandBufferCount_ = 0, const CommandBuffer* pCommandBuffe… in SubmitInfo()
14781 SubmitInfo& setPCommandBuffers( const CommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers_ ) in setPCommandBuffers()
14831 const CommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers;
16974 …Result allocateCommandBuffers( const CommandBufferAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, CommandBuffer* pCom… in allocateCommandBuffers()
16980 template <typename Allocator = std::allocator<CommandBuffer>>
16981 …typename ResultValueType<std::vector<CommandBuffer,Allocator>>::type allocateCommandBuffers( const… in allocateCommandBuffers()
16983 std::vector<CommandBuffer,Allocator> commandBuffers( allocateInfo.commandBufferCount ); in allocateCommandBuffers()
16989 …dBuffers( CommandPool commandPool, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const CommandBuffer* pCommandBuffe… in freeCommandBuffers()
16995 …void freeCommandBuffers( CommandPool commandPool, ArrayProxy<const CommandBuffer> commandBuffers )… in freeCommandBuffers()