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Lines Matching refs:queryPool

1005 … '16.1. Query Pools' which states 'All submitted commands that refer to queryPool must have comple…
1006 … Query Pools' which states 'If VkAllocationCallbacks were provided when queryPool was created, a c…
1007 …ery Pools' which states 'If no VkAllocationCallbacks were provided when queryPool was created, pAl…
1009 …lkan Spec Section '16.1. Query Pools' which states 'If queryPool is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, queryPool
1011 …ation refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.1. Query Pools' which states 'If queryPool is a valid handl…
1012 …on' which states 'firstQuery must be less than the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1013 …y and queryCount must be less than or equal to the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1015 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1019 …ection '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'Both of commandBuffer, and queryPool must have been c…
1020 …c Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'The query identified by queryPool and query must c…
1021 …c Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'The query identified by queryPool and query must b…
1022 …clusion queries feature is not enabled, or the queryType used to create queryPool was not VK_QUERY…
1023 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must have been c…
1024 …eration' which states 'query must be less than the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1025 …n '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'If the queryType used to create queryPool was VK_QUERY_TYP…
1026 …n '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'If the queryType used to create queryPool was VK_QUERY_TYP…
1027 …n '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'If the queryType used to create queryPool was VK_QUERY_TYP…
1029 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1033 …ection '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'Both of commandBuffer, and queryPool must have been c…
1034 …c Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'The query identified by queryPool and query must c…
1035 …eration' which states 'query must be less than the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1037 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1040 …ection '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'Both of commandBuffer, and queryPool must have been c…
1041 …on' which states 'firstQuery must be less than the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1044 …y and queryCount must be less than or equal to the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1046 …n '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'If the queryType used to create queryPool was VK_QUERY_TYP…
1048 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1052 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must have been c…
1054 …on' which states 'firstQuery must be less than the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1055 …y and queryCount must be less than or equal to the number of queries in queryPool' (https://www.kh…
1060 …n '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'If the queryType used to create queryPool was VK_QUERY_TYP…
1062 …tion refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.2. Query Operation' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1068 …2. Query Operation' which states 'Each of commandBuffer, dstBuffer, and queryPool must have been c…
1069 …Section '16.5. Timestamp Queries' which states 'The query identified by queryPool and query must b…
1073 …on refer to Vulkan Spec Section '16.5. Timestamp Queries' which states 'queryPool must be a valid …
1076 …tion '16.5. Timestamp Queries' which states 'Both of commandBuffer, and queryPool must have been c…