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Lines Matching refs:networks

30   // Number of saved networks in the user profile.
33 // Number of open networks in the saved networks.
36 // Number of personal networks.
39 // Number of enterprise networks.
54 // Number of networks added by the user.
57 // Number of networks added by applications.
148 // Total number of networks over bad association threshold when watchdog triggered
151 // Total number of networks over bad authentication threshold when watchdog triggered
154 // Total number of networks over bad dhcp threshold when watchdog triggered
157 // Total number of networks over bad other threshold when watchdog triggered
160 // Total count of networks seen when watchdog triggered
194 // without new networks becoming available.
197 // Total number of saved hidden networks
200 // Total number of saved passpoint / hotspot 2.0 networks
206 // Total number of scan results for open networks
209 // Total number of scan results for personal networks
212 // Total number of scan results for enterprise networks
215 // Total number of scan results for hidden networks
218 // Total number of scan results for hotspot 2.0 r1 networks
221 // Total number of scan results for hotspot 2.0 r2 networks
289 // Histogram counting instances of scans with N many bssids for open networks
292 // Histogram counting instances of scans with N many unique ssids for saved networks
295 // Histogram counting instances of scans with N many bssids for saved networks
298 // Histogram counting instances of scans with N many unique SSIDs for open or saved networks
301 // Histogram counting instances of scans with N many BSSIDs for open or saved networks
948 // Number of connectable networks seen in a scan result