Lines Matching refs:integrity
4713 After inPrivate.buffer is decrypted using the symmetric key of the parent, the integrity value shal…
4717 Checking the integrity before the data is used prevents attacks o n the sensitive area by fuzzing t…
4981 // when the object was imported. If they pass the integrity
5726 If the integrity checks succeed, credentialBlob is decrypted and returned as certInfo.
5859 credentialBlob fails integrity test
7191 and used to integrity check and decrypt inDuplicate. A new protection seed value is generated accor…
7192 to the methods appropriate for newParent and the blob is re-encrypted and a new integrity value is
7334 the integrity check of inDuplicate failed
7531 // Copy unwrapped data to temporary variable, remove the integrity field
7562 // Copy temporary variable to output, reserve the space for integrity
7657 If present, the integrity value of the blob is checked. The presence of the integrity value is indi…
7658 by a non-zero value for The integrity of the private area is validat…
7659 the Name of objectPublic in the integrity HMAC computation. If either the outer layer or inner laye…
7660 encryption is performed, then the integrity value shall be present.
7662 If the inner or outer wrapper is present, then a valid integrity value shall be present or the TPM …
7678 parent is fixedTPM, then the new private blob is integrity protected by the TPM that “owns” the
7682 Before duplicate.buffer is decrypted using the symmetric key of the parent, the integrity value sha…
7684 After integrity checks and decryption, the TPM will create a new symmetrically encrypted private ar…
7688 Checking the integrity before the data is used prevents attacks on the sensitive area by fuzzing the
7705 The symmetric re-encryption is the normal integrity generation and symmetric encryption applied to
7765 This is provided so that the integrity value for duplicate
7773 Even if the integrity value of the object is not
7775 create the integrity value for the imported object.
7882 duplicate integrity is broken
12787 hash used for context integrity is used.
26975 integrity.
26978 If SHA384 is used in the computation of the integrity values for saved contexts, then the largest
27126 newAuth size is greater than that of integrity hash digest
27148 // the size of the digest produced by the integrity hash. The integrity
28671 The TPM shall encrypt and integrity protect the context as described in the "Context Protection" cl…
28853 integrity;
28883 // Compute the integrity size at the beginning of context blob
28884 integritySize = sizeof(integrity.t.size)
28978 // defined. In this implementation, the size is size of integrity
29020 // fingerprint plus the size of integrity
29123 // Reserve the integrity space
29135 // Compute integrity hash for the object
29138 ComputeContextIntegrity(&out->context, &integrity);
29139 // add integrity at the beginning of context blob
29141 TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&integrity, &buffer, NULL);
29176 If the integrity HMAC of the saved context is not valid, the TPM shall return TPM_RC_INTEGRITY.
29288 context integrity check fail
29368 integrity;
29385 // Check integrity
29388 integritySize = sizeof(integrity.t.size)
29390 // Get integrity from context blob
29393 result = TPM2B_DIGEST_Unmarshal(&integrity, &buffer, &size);
29396 // Compute context integrity
29476 // Compare integrity
29477 if(!Memory2BEqual(&integrity.b, &ingerityToCompare.b))
29487 // Read the fingerprint value, skip the leading integrity size