/* * [The "BSD licence"] * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Terence Parr * All rights reserved. * * Conversion to C#: * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Sam Harwell, Pixel Mine, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace Antlr.Runtime.Debug { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Antlr.Runtime.Debug.Misc; using Array = System.Array; using CLSCompliantAttribute = System.CLSCompliantAttribute; using Console = System.Console; using DateTime = System.DateTime; using Environment = System.Environment; using Math = System.Math; using StringBuilder = System.Text.StringBuilder; /** Using the debug event interface, track what is happening in the parser * and record statistics about the runtime. */ public class Profiler : BlankDebugEventListener { public static readonly string DataSeparator = "\t"; public static readonly string NewLine = Environment.NewLine; internal static bool dump = false; /** Because I may change the stats, I need to track that for later * computations to be consistent. */ public static readonly string Version = "3"; public static readonly string RuntimeStatsFilename = "runtime.stats"; /** Ack, should not store parser; can't do remote stuff. Well, we pass * input stream around too so I guess it's ok. */ public DebugParser parser = null; // working variables [CLSCompliant(false)] protected int ruleLevel = 0; //protected int decisionLevel = 0; protected IToken lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision; protected Dictionary uniqueRules = new Dictionary(); protected Stack currentGrammarFileName = new Stack(); protected Stack currentRuleName = new Stack(); protected Stack currentLine = new Stack(); protected Stack currentPos = new Stack(); // Vector //protected Vector decisions = new Vector(200); // need setSize protected DoubleKeyMap decisions = new DoubleKeyMap(); // Record a DecisionData for each decision we hit while parsing private List decisionEvents = new List(); protected Stack decisionStack = new Stack(); protected int backtrackDepth; ProfileStats stats = new ProfileStats(); public Profiler() { } public Profiler(DebugParser parser) { this.parser = parser; } public override void EnterRule(string grammarFileName, string ruleName) { //System.out.println("enterRule "+grammarFileName+":"+ruleName); ruleLevel++; stats.numRuleInvocations++; uniqueRules.Add(grammarFileName + ":" + ruleName, true); stats.maxRuleInvocationDepth = Math.Max(stats.maxRuleInvocationDepth, ruleLevel); currentGrammarFileName.Push(grammarFileName); currentRuleName.Push(ruleName); } public override void ExitRule(string grammarFileName, string ruleName) { ruleLevel--; currentGrammarFileName.Pop(); currentRuleName.Pop(); } /** Track memoization; this is not part of standard debug interface * but is triggered by profiling. Code gen inserts an override * for this method in the recognizer, which triggers this method. * Called from alreadyParsedRule(). */ public virtual void ExamineRuleMemoization(IIntStream input, int ruleIndex, int stopIndex, // index or MEMO_RULE_UNKNOWN... string ruleName) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("examine memo " + ruleName + " at " + input.Index + ": " + stopIndex); if (stopIndex == BaseRecognizer.MemoRuleUnknown) { //System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" missed @ "+input.index()); stats.numMemoizationCacheMisses++; stats.numGuessingRuleInvocations++; // we'll have to enter CurrentDecision().numMemoizationCacheMisses++; } else { // regardless of rule success/failure, if in cache, we have a cache hit //System.out.println("rule "+ruleIndex+" hit @ "+input.index()); stats.numMemoizationCacheHits++; CurrentDecision().numMemoizationCacheHits++; } } /** Warning: doesn't track success/failure, just unique recording event */ public virtual void Memoize(IIntStream input, int ruleIndex, int ruleStartIndex, string ruleName) { // count how many entries go into table if (dump) Console.WriteLine("memoize " + ruleName); stats.numMemoizationCacheEntries++; } public override void Location(int line, int pos) { currentLine.Push(line); currentPos.Push(pos); } public override void EnterDecision(int decisionNumber, bool couldBacktrack) { lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision = null; stats.numDecisionEvents++; int startingLookaheadIndex = parser.TokenStream.Index; ITokenStream input = parser.TokenStream; if (dump) { Console.WriteLine("enterDecision canBacktrack=" + couldBacktrack + " " + decisionNumber + " backtrack depth " + backtrackDepth + " @ " + input.Get(input.Index) + " rule " + LocationDescription()); } string g = currentGrammarFileName.Peek(); DecisionDescriptor descriptor = decisions.Get(g, decisionNumber); if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = new DecisionDescriptor(); decisions.Put(g, decisionNumber, descriptor); descriptor.decision = decisionNumber; descriptor.fileName = currentGrammarFileName.Peek(); descriptor.ruleName = currentRuleName.Peek(); descriptor.line = currentLine.Peek(); descriptor.pos = currentPos.Peek(); descriptor.couldBacktrack = couldBacktrack; } descriptor.n++; DecisionEvent d = new DecisionEvent(); decisionStack.Push(d); d.decision = descriptor; d.startTime = DateTime.Now; d.startIndex = startingLookaheadIndex; } public override void ExitDecision(int decisionNumber) { DecisionEvent d = decisionStack.Pop(); d.stopTime = DateTime.Now; int lastTokenIndex = lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision.TokenIndex; int numHidden = GetNumberOfHiddenTokens(d.startIndex, lastTokenIndex); int depth = lastTokenIndex - d.startIndex - numHidden + 1; // +1 counts consuming start token as 1 d.k = depth; d.decision.maxk = Math.Max(d.decision.maxk, depth); if (dump) { Console.WriteLine("exitDecision " + decisionNumber + " in " + d.decision.ruleName + " lookahead " + d.k + " max token " + lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision); } decisionEvents.Add(d); // done with decision; track all } public override void ConsumeToken(IToken token) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("consume token " + token); if (!InDecision) { stats.numTokens++; return; } if (lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision == null || lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision.TokenIndex < token.TokenIndex) { lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision = token; } DecisionEvent d = CurrentDecision(); // compute lookahead depth int thisRefIndex = token.TokenIndex; int numHidden = GetNumberOfHiddenTokens(d.startIndex, thisRefIndex); int depth = thisRefIndex - d.startIndex - numHidden + 1; // +1 counts consuming start token as 1 //d.maxk = Math.max(d.maxk, depth); if (dump) { Console.WriteLine("consume " + thisRefIndex + " " + depth + " tokens ahead in " + d.decision.ruleName + "-" + d.decision.decision + " start index " + d.startIndex); } } /** The parser is in a decision if the decision depth > 0. This * works for backtracking also, which can have nested decisions. */ public virtual bool InDecision { get { return decisionStack.Count > 0; } } public override void ConsumeHiddenToken(IToken token) { //System.out.println("consume hidden token "+token); if (!InDecision) stats.numHiddenTokens++; } /** Track refs to lookahead if in a fixed/nonfixed decision. */ public override void LT(int i, IToken t) { if (InDecision && i > 0) { DecisionEvent d = CurrentDecision(); if (dump) { Console.WriteLine("LT(" + i + ")=" + t + " index " + t.TokenIndex + " relative to " + d.decision.ruleName + "-" + d.decision.decision + " start index " + d.startIndex); } if (lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision == null || lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision.TokenIndex < t.TokenIndex) { lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision = t; if (dump) Console.WriteLine("set last token " + lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision); } // get starting index off stack // int stackTop = lookaheadStack.size()-1; // Integer startingIndex = (Integer)lookaheadStack.get(stackTop); // // compute lookahead depth // int thisRefIndex = parser.getTokenStream().index(); // int numHidden = // getNumberOfHiddenTokens(startingIndex.intValue(), thisRefIndex); // int depth = i + thisRefIndex - startingIndex.intValue() - numHidden; // /* // System.out.println("LT("+i+") @ index "+thisRefIndex+" is depth "+depth+ // " max is "+maxLookaheadInCurrentDecision); // */ // if ( depth>maxLookaheadInCurrentDecision ) { // maxLookaheadInCurrentDecision = depth; // } // d.maxk = currentDecision()/ } } /** Track backtracking decisions. You'll see a fixed or cyclic decision * and then a backtrack. * * enter rule * ... * enter decision * LA and possibly consumes (for cyclic DFAs) * begin backtrack level * mark m * rewind m * end backtrack level, success * exit decision * ... * exit rule */ public override void BeginBacktrack(int level) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("enter backtrack " + level); backtrackDepth++; DecisionEvent e = CurrentDecision(); if (e.decision.couldBacktrack) { stats.numBacktrackOccurrences++; e.decision.numBacktrackOccurrences++; e.backtracks = true; } } /** Successful or not, track how much lookahead synpreds use */ public override void EndBacktrack(int level, bool successful) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("exit backtrack " + level + ": " + successful); backtrackDepth--; } public override void Mark(int i) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("mark " + i); } public override void Rewind(int i) { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("rewind " + i); } public override void Rewind() { if (dump) Console.WriteLine("rewind"); } protected virtual DecisionEvent CurrentDecision() { return decisionStack.Peek(); } public override void RecognitionException(RecognitionException e) { stats.numReportedErrors++; } public override void SemanticPredicate(bool result, string predicate) { stats.numSemanticPredicates++; if (InDecision) { DecisionEvent d = CurrentDecision(); d.evalSemPred = true; d.decision.numSemPredEvals++; if (dump) { Console.WriteLine("eval " + predicate + " in " + d.decision.ruleName + "-" + d.decision.decision); } } } public override void Terminate() { foreach (DecisionEvent e in decisionEvents) { //System.out.println("decision "+e.decision.decision+": k="+e.k); e.decision.avgk += e.k; stats.avgkPerDecisionEvent += e.k; if (e.backtracks) { // doesn't count gated syn preds on DFA edges stats.avgkPerBacktrackingDecisionEvent += e.k; } } stats.averageDecisionPercentBacktracks = 0.0f; foreach (DecisionDescriptor d in decisions.Values()) { stats.numDecisionsCovered++; d.avgk /= (float)d.n; if (d.couldBacktrack) { stats.numDecisionsThatPotentiallyBacktrack++; float percentBacktracks = d.numBacktrackOccurrences / (float)d.n; //System.out.println("dec "+d.decision+" backtracks "+percentBacktracks*100+"%"); stats.averageDecisionPercentBacktracks += percentBacktracks; } // ignore rules that backtrack along gated DFA edges if (d.numBacktrackOccurrences > 0) { stats.numDecisionsThatDoBacktrack++; } } stats.averageDecisionPercentBacktracks /= stats.numDecisionsThatPotentiallyBacktrack; stats.averageDecisionPercentBacktracks *= 100; // it's a percentage stats.avgkPerDecisionEvent /= stats.numDecisionEvents; stats.avgkPerBacktrackingDecisionEvent /= (float)stats.numBacktrackOccurrences; Console.Error.WriteLine(ToString()); Console.Error.WriteLine(GetDecisionStatsDump()); // String stats = toNotifyString(); // try { // Stats.writeReport(RUNTIME_STATS_FILENAME,stats); // } // catch (IOException ioe) { // System.err.println(ioe); // ioe.printStackTrace(System.err); // } } public virtual void SetParser(DebugParser parser) { this.parser = parser; } // R E P O R T I N G public virtual string ToNotifyString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append(Version); buf.Append('\t'); buf.Append(parser.GetType().Name); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numRuleInvocations); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(maxRuleInvocationDepth); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numFixedDecisions); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.min(decisionMaxFixedLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.max(decisionMaxFixedLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.avg(decisionMaxFixedLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.stddev(decisionMaxFixedLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numCyclicDecisions); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.min(decisionMaxCyclicLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.max(decisionMaxCyclicLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.avg(decisionMaxCyclicLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.stddev(decisionMaxCyclicLookaheads)); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numBacktrackDecisions); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.min(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads))); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.max(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads))); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.avg(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads))); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(Stats.stddev(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads))); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numSemanticPredicates); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(parser.getTokenStream().size()); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numHiddenTokens); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numCharsMatched); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numHiddenCharsMatched); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numberReportedErrors); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numMemoizationCacheHits); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numMemoizationCacheMisses); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numGuessingRuleInvocations); // buf.Append('\t'); // buf.Append(numMemoizationCacheEntries); return buf.ToString(); } public override string ToString() { return ToString(GetReport()); } public virtual ProfileStats GetReport() { //ITokenStream input = parser.TokenStream; //for (int i = 0; i < input.Count && lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision != null && i <= lastRealTokenTouchedInDecision.TokenIndex; i++) //{ // IToken t = input.Get(i); // if (t.Channel != TokenChannels.Default) // { // stats.numHiddenTokens++; // stats.numHiddenCharsMatched += t.Text.Length; // } //} stats.Version = Version; stats.name = parser.GetType().Name; stats.numUniqueRulesInvoked = uniqueRules.Count; //stats.numCharsMatched = lastTokenConsumed.getStopIndex() + 1; return stats; } public virtual DoubleKeyMap GetDecisionStats() { return decisions; } public virtual ReadOnlyCollection DecisionEvents { get { return decisionEvents.AsReadOnly(); } } public static string ToString(ProfileStats stats) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append("ANTLR Runtime Report; Profile Version "); buf.Append(stats.Version); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("parser name "); buf.Append(stats.name); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("Number of rule invocations "); buf.Append(stats.numRuleInvocations); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("Number of unique rules visited "); buf.Append(stats.numUniqueRulesInvoked); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("Number of decision events "); buf.Append(stats.numDecisionEvents); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("Number of rule invocations while backtracking "); buf.Append(stats.numGuessingRuleInvocations); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("max rule invocation nesting depth "); buf.Append(stats.maxRuleInvocationDepth); buf.Append(NewLine); // buf.Append("number of fixed lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("min lookahead used in a fixed lookahead decision "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("max lookahead used in a fixed lookahead decision "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("average lookahead depth used in fixed lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("standard deviation of depth used in fixed lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("number of arbitrary lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("min lookahead used in an arbitrary lookahead decision "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("max lookahead used in an arbitrary lookahead decision "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("average lookahead depth used in arbitrary lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("standard deviation of depth used in arbitrary lookahead decisions "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("number of evaluated syntactic predicates "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("min lookahead used in a syntactic predicate "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("max lookahead used in a syntactic predicate "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("average lookahead depth used in syntactic predicates "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); // buf.Append("standard deviation of depth used in syntactic predicates "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); buf.Append("rule memoization cache size "); buf.Append(stats.numMemoizationCacheEntries); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of rule memoization cache hits "); buf.Append(stats.numMemoizationCacheHits); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of rule memoization cache misses "); buf.Append(stats.numMemoizationCacheMisses); buf.Append(NewLine); // buf.Append("number of evaluated semantic predicates "); // buf.Append(); // buf.Append(newline); buf.Append("number of tokens "); buf.Append(stats.numTokens); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of hidden tokens "); buf.Append(stats.numHiddenTokens); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of char "); buf.Append(stats.numCharsMatched); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of hidden char "); buf.Append(stats.numHiddenCharsMatched); buf.Append(NewLine); buf.Append("number of syntax errors "); buf.Append(stats.numReportedErrors); buf.Append(NewLine); return buf.ToString(); } public virtual string GetDecisionStatsDump() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append("location"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("n"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("avgk"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("maxk"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("synpred"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("sempred"); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append("canbacktrack"); buf.Append("\n"); foreach (string fileName in decisions.KeySet()) { foreach (int d in decisions.KeySet(fileName)) { DecisionDescriptor s = decisions.Get(fileName, d); buf.Append(s.decision); buf.Append("@"); buf.Append(LocationDescription(s.fileName, s.ruleName, s.line, s.pos)); // decision number buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(s.n); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(string.Format("{0}", s.avgk)); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(s.maxk); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(s.numBacktrackOccurrences); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(s.numSemPredEvals); buf.Append(DataSeparator); buf.Append(s.couldBacktrack ? "1" : "0"); buf.Append(NewLine); } } return buf.ToString(); } protected virtual int[] Trim(int[] X, int n) { if (n < X.Length) { int[] trimmed = new int[n]; Array.Copy(X, 0, trimmed, 0, n); X = trimmed; } return X; } /** Get num hidden tokens between i..j inclusive */ public virtual int GetNumberOfHiddenTokens(int i, int j) { int n = 0; ITokenStream input = parser.TokenStream; for (int ti = i; ti < input.Count && ti <= j; ti++) { IToken t = input.Get(ti); if (t.Channel != TokenChannels.Default) { n++; } } return n; } protected virtual string LocationDescription() { return LocationDescription( currentGrammarFileName.Peek(), currentRuleName.Peek(), currentLine.Peek(), currentPos.Peek()); } protected virtual string LocationDescription(string file, string rule, int line, int pos) { return file + ":" + line + ":" + pos + "(" + rule + ")"; } public class ProfileStats { public string Version; public string name; public int numRuleInvocations; public int numUniqueRulesInvoked; public int numDecisionEvents; public int numDecisionsCovered; public int numDecisionsThatPotentiallyBacktrack; public int numDecisionsThatDoBacktrack; public int maxRuleInvocationDepth; public float avgkPerDecisionEvent; public float avgkPerBacktrackingDecisionEvent; public float averageDecisionPercentBacktracks; public int numBacktrackOccurrences; // doesn't count gated DFA edges public int numFixedDecisions; public int minDecisionMaxFixedLookaheads; public int maxDecisionMaxFixedLookaheads; public int avgDecisionMaxFixedLookaheads; public int stddevDecisionMaxFixedLookaheads; public int numCyclicDecisions; public int minDecisionMaxCyclicLookaheads; public int maxDecisionMaxCyclicLookaheads; public int avgDecisionMaxCyclicLookaheads; public int stddevDecisionMaxCyclicLookaheads; // int Stats.min(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads); // int Stats.max(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads); // int Stats.avg(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads); // int Stats.stddev(toArray(decisionMaxSynPredLookaheads); public int numSemanticPredicates; public int numTokens; public int numHiddenTokens; public int numCharsMatched; public int numHiddenCharsMatched; public int numReportedErrors; public int numMemoizationCacheHits; public int numMemoizationCacheMisses; public int numGuessingRuleInvocations; public int numMemoizationCacheEntries; } public class DecisionDescriptor { public int decision; public string fileName; public string ruleName; public int line; public int pos; public bool couldBacktrack; public int n; public float avgk; // avg across all decision events public int maxk; public int numBacktrackOccurrences; public int numSemPredEvals; } // all about a specific exec of a single decision public class DecisionEvent { public DecisionDescriptor decision; public int startIndex; public int k; public bool backtracks; // doesn't count gated DFA edges public bool evalSemPred; public DateTime startTime; public DateTime stopTime; public int numMemoizationCacheHits; public int numMemoizationCacheMisses; } } }