# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import re from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error def loaded(tab, histogram_name, pattern): """ Checks if the histogram page has been fully loaded. @param tab: object, Chrome tab instance @param histogram_name: string, name of the histogram @param pattern: string, required text to look for @returns re.MatchObject if the given pattern is found in the text None otherwise """ docEle = 'document.documentElement' tab.Navigate('chrome://histograms/%s' % histogram_name) tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete() raw_text = tab.EvaluateJavaScript( '{0} && {0}.innerText'.format(docEle)) return re.search(pattern, raw_text) def verify(cr, histogram_name, histogram_bucket_value): """ Verifies histogram string and success rate in a parsed histogram bucket. Full histogram URL is used to load histogram. Example Histogram URL is : chrome://histograms/Media.GpuVideoDecoderInitializeStatus @param cr: object, the Chrome instance @param histogram_name: string, name of the histogram @param histogram_bucket_value: int, required bucket number to look for @raises error.TestError if histogram is not successful """ bucket_pattern = '\n'+ str(histogram_bucket_value) +'.*100\.0%.*' error_msg_format = ('{} not loaded or histogram bucket not found ' 'or histogram bucket found at < 100%') tab = cr.browser.tabs.New() msg = error_msg_format.format(histogram_name) utils.poll_for_condition(lambda : loaded(tab, histogram_name, bucket_pattern), exception=error.TestError(msg), sleep_interval=1) def is_bucket_present(cr,histogram_name, histogram_bucket_value): """ This returns histogram succes or fail to called function @param cr: object, the Chrome instance @param histogram_name: string, name of the histogram @param histogram_bucket_value: int, required bucket number to look for @returns True if histogram page was loaded and the bucket was found. False otherwise """ try: verify(cr,histogram_name, histogram_bucket_value) except error.TestError: return False else: return True def is_histogram_present(cr, histogram_name): """ This checks if the given histogram is present and non-zero. @param cr: object, the Chrome instance @param histogram_name: string, name of the histogram @returns True if histogram page was loaded and the histogram is present False otherwise """ histogram_pattern = 'Histogram: '+ histogram_name + ' recorded ' + \ r'[1-9][0-9]*' + ' samples' tab = cr.browser.tabs.New() try: utils.poll_for_condition(lambda : loaded(tab, histogram_name, histogram_pattern), timeout=2, sleep_interval=0.1) return True except utils.TimeoutError: # the histogram is not present, and then returns false return False def get_histogram(cr, histogram_name): """" This returns contents of the given histogram. @param cr: object, the Chrome instance @param histogram_name: string, name of the histogram @returns string: contents of the histogram """ tab = cr.browser.tabs.New() docEle = 'document.documentElement' tab.Navigate('chrome://histograms/%s' % histogram_name) tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete() raw_text = tab.EvaluateJavaScript( '{0} && {0}.innerText'.format(docEle)) # extract the contents of the histogram histogram = raw_text[raw_text.find('Histogram:'):] return histogram