# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import dbus import logging import os import time from autotest_lib.client.bin import test from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.cros.cellular import mm1_constants from autotest_lib.client.cros.cellular import test_environment from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import pm_proxy I_ACTIVATION_TEST = 'Interface.LTEActivationTest' TEST_MODEMS_MODULE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files', 'modems.py') LONG_TIMEOUT = 20 SHORT_TIMEOUT = 10 class ActivationTest(object): """ Super class that implements setup code that is common to the individual tests. """ def __init__(self, test): self.test = test def Cleanup(self): """ Makes the modem look like it has been activated to satisfy the test end condition. """ # Set the MDN to a non-zero value, so that shill removes the ICCID from # activating_iccid_store.profile. This way, individual test runs won't # interfere with each other. modem = self.test.pseudomm.wait_for_modem(timeout_seconds=LONG_TIMEOUT) modem.iface_properties.Set(mm1_constants.I_MODEM, 'OwnNumbers', ['1111111111']) # Put the modem in the unknown subscription state so that the mdn value is # used to remove the iccid entry self.test.pseudomm.iface_testing.SetSubscriptionState( mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_3GPP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_UNKNOWN, mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_3GPP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_UNKNOWN) time.sleep(5) self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('activated') def Run(self): """ Configures the pseudomodem to run with the test modem, runs the test and cleans up. """ self.RunTest() self.Cleanup() def TestModemClass(self): """ Returns the name of the custom modem to use for this test. """ raise NotImplementedError() def RunTest(self): """ Runs the body of the test. Should be implemented by the subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError() class ActivationResetTest(ActivationTest): """ This test verifies that the modem resets after online payment. """ def TestModemClass(self): return 'TestModem' def RunTest(self): # Service should appear as 'not-activated'. self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('not-activated') self.test.CheckResetCalled(False) # Call 'CompleteActivation' on the device. The service will become # 'activating' and the modem should reset immediately. # Not checking for the intermediate 'activating' state because it makes # the test too fragile service = self.test.FindCellularService() service.CompleteCellularActivation() time.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT) self.test.CheckResetCalled(True) class ActivationCompleteTest(ActivationTest): """ This test verifies that the service eventually becomes 'activated' in the case of a post-payment registration and the modem finally registers to a network after a reset. """ def TestModemClass(self): return 'ResetRequiredForActivationModem' def RunTest(self): # Service should appear as 'not-activated'. self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('not-activated') self.test.CheckResetCalled(False) # Call 'CompleteActivation' on the device. The service will become # 'activating' and the modem should reset immediately. # Not checking for the intermediate 'activating' state because it makes # the test too fragile service = self.test.FindCellularService() service.CompleteCellularActivation() time.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT) self.test.CheckResetCalled(True) # The service should register and be marked as 'activated'. self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('activated') class ActivationDueToMdnTest(ActivationTest): """ This test verifies that a valid MDN should cause the service to get marked as 'activated' when the modem is in unknown subscription state. """ def TestModemClass(self): return 'TestModem' def RunTest(self): # Service should appear as 'not-activated'. self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('not-activated') # Update the MDN. The service should get marked as activated. modem = self.test.pseudomm.get_modem() modem.iface_properties.Set(mm1_constants.I_MODEM, 'OwnNumbers', ['1111111111']) # Put the modem in the unknown subscription state so that the mdn value is # used to determine the service activation status. self.test.pseudomm.iface_testing.SetSubscriptionState( mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_3GPP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_UNKNOWN, mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_3GPP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_UNKNOWN) time.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT) self.test.CheckServiceActivationState('activated') class network_LTEActivate(test.test): """ After an online payment to activate a network, shill keeps track of service activation by monitoring changes to network registration and MDN updates combined with a modem reset. The test checks that the Cellular.ActivationState property of the service has the correct value associated with it by simulating possible scenarios using the pseudo modem manager. """ version = 1 def GetModemState(self): """Returns the current ModemManager modem state.""" modem = self.pseudomm.get_modem() props = modem.properties(mm1_constants.I_MODEM) return props['State'] def SetResetCalled(self, value): """ Sets the value of the "ResetCalled" property of the current modem. @param value: Value to set in the property. """ modem = self.pseudomm.get_modem() if modem is None: return modem.iface_properties.Set( I_ACTIVATION_TEST, 'ResetCalled', dbus.types.Boolean(value)) def GetResetCalled(self, modem): """ Returns the current value of the "ResetCalled" property of the current modem. @param modem: Modem proxy to send the query to. """ return modem.properties(I_ACTIVATION_TEST)['ResetCalled'] def _CheckResetCalledHelper(self, expected_value): modem = self.pseudomm.get_modem() if modem is None: return False try: return self.GetResetCalled(modem) == expected_value except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: name = e.get_dbus_name() if (name == mm1_constants.DBUS_UNKNOWN_METHOD or name == mm1_constants.DBUS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT): return False raise e def CheckResetCalled(self, expected_value): """ Checks that the ResetCalled property on the modem matches the expect value. @param expected_value: The expected value of ResetCalled. """ utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: self._CheckResetCalledHelper(expected_value), exception=error.TestFail("\"ResetCalled\" did not match: " + str(expected_value)), timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT) def EnsureModemStateReached(self, expected_state, timeout): """ Asserts that the underlying modem state becomes |expected_state| within |timeout|. @param expected_state: The expected modem state. @param timeout: Timeout in which the condition should be met. """ utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: self.GetModemState() == expected_state, exception=error.TestFail( 'Modem failed to reach state ' + mm1_constants.ModemStateToString(expected_state)), timeout=timeout) def CheckServiceActivationState(self, expected_state): """ Asserts that the service activation state matches |expected_state| within SHORT_TIMEOUT. @param expected_state: The expected service activation state. """ logging.info('Checking for service activation state: %s', expected_state) service = self.FindCellularService() success, state, duration = self.test_env.shill.wait_for_property_in( service, 'Cellular.ActivationState', [expected_state], SHORT_TIMEOUT) if not success and state != expected_state: raise error.TestError( 'Service activation state should be \'%s\', but it is \'%s\'.' % (expected_state, state)) def FindCellularService(self, check_not_none=True): """ Returns the current cellular service. @param check_not_none: If True, an error will be raised if no service was found. """ if check_not_none: utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: (self.test_env.shill.find_cellular_service_object() is not None), exception=error.TestError( 'Could not find cellular service within timeout.'), timeout=LONG_TIMEOUT); service = self.test_env.shill.find_cellular_service_object() # Check once more, to make sure it's valid. if check_not_none and not service: raise error.TestError('Could not find cellular service.') return service def FindCellularDevice(self): """Returns the current cellular device.""" device = self.test_env.shill.find_cellular_device_object() if not device: raise error.TestError('Could not find cellular device.') return device def ResetCellularDevice(self): """ Resets all modems, guaranteeing that the operation succeeds and doesn't fail due to race conditions in pseudomodem start-up and test execution. """ self.EnsureModemStateReached( mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED, SHORT_TIMEOUT) self.test_env.shill.reset_modem(self.FindCellularDevice()) self.EnsureModemStateReached( mm1_constants.MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED, SHORT_TIMEOUT) def run_once(self): tests = [ ActivationResetTest(self), ActivationCompleteTest(self), ActivationDueToMdnTest(self), ] for test in tests: self.test_env = test_environment.CellularPseudoMMTestEnvironment( pseudomm_args = ({'family' : '3GPP', 'test-module' : TEST_MODEMS_MODULE_PATH, 'test-modem-class' : test.TestModemClass(), 'test-sim-class' : 'TestSIM'},)) with self.test_env: self.pseudomm = pm_proxy.PseudoMMProxy.get_proxy() # Set the reset flag to False explicitly before each test # sequence starts to ignore the reset as a part of the test init self.SetResetCalled(False) test.Run()