# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # Expects to be run in an environment with sudo and no interactive password # prompt, such as within the Chromium OS development chroot. """This file provides core logic for servo verify/repair process.""" from autotest_lib.server.hosts import servo_host # Names of the host attributes in the database that represent the values for # the servo_host and servo_port for a servo connected to the DUT. PLANKTON_HOST_ATTR = 'plankton_host' PLANKTON_PORT_ATTR = 'plnakton_port' def make_plankton_hostname(dut_hostname): """Given a DUT's hostname, return the hostname of its servo. @param dut_hostname: hostname of a DUT. @return hostname of the DUT's servo. """ host_parts = dut_hostname.split('.') host_parts[0] = host_parts[0] + '-plankton' return '.'.join(host_parts) class PlanktonHost(servo_host.ServoHost): """Host class for a host that controls a servo, e.g. beaglebone.""" def _initialize(self, plankton_host='localhost', plankton_port=9998, required_by_test=True, is_in_lab=None, *args, **dargs): """Initialize a ServoHost instance. A ServoHost instance represents a host that controls a servo. @param plankton_host: Name of the host where the servod process is running. @param plankton_port: Port the servod process is listening on. """ super(PlanktonHost, self)._initialize(plankton_host, plankton_port, False, None, *args, **dargs) def create_plankton_host(plankton_args): """Create a PlanktonHost object used to access plankton servo The `plankton_args` parameter is a dictionary specifying optional Servo client parameter overrides (i.e. a specific host or port). When specified, the caller requires that an exception be raised unless both the PlanktonHost and the Servo are successfully created. @param plankton_args: A dictionary that contains args for creating a PlanktonHost object, e.g. {'planton_host': '', 'plankton_port': 9999}. See comments above. @returns: A PlanktonHost object or None. See comments above. """ # TODO Make this work in the lab chromium:564836 if plankton_args is None: return None return PlanktonHost(Required_by_test=True, is_in_lab=False, **plankton_args)