# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """This is a server side audio volume test using the Chameleon board.""" import logging import os import time from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import audio_test_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_audio_ids from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_audio_helper from autotest_lib.server.cros.audio import audio_test from autotest_lib.server.cros.multimedia import remote_facade_factory class audio_AudioArtifacts(audio_test.AudioTest): """Server side audio artifacts test. This test talks to a Chameleon board and a Cros device to detect audio artifacts from the Cros device. """ version = 1 RECORD_SECONDS = 20 DELAY_AFTER_BINDING = 0.5 KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS = 0.5 START_PLAYBACK_SECONDS = 0.5 def run_once(self, host, source_id, sink_id, recorder_id, golden_file, switch_hsp=False, mute_duration_in_secs=None, volume_changes=None, record_secs=None): """Running audio volume test. mute_duration_in_secs and volume_changes couldn't be both not None. @param host: device under test CrosHost @param source_id: An ID defined in chameleon_audio_ids for source. @param sink_id: An ID defined in chameleon_audio_ids for sink if needed. Currently this is only used on bluetooth. @param recorder: An ID defined in chameleon_audio_ids for recording. @param golden_file: A test file defined in audio_test_data. @param switch_hsp: Run a recording process on Cros device. This is to trigger Cros switching from A2DP to HSP. @param mute_duration_in_secs: List of each duration of mute. For example, [0.4, 0.6] will have two delays, each duration will be 0.4 secs and 0.6 secs. And, between delays, there will be KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS secs sine wave. @param volume_changes: List consisting of -1 and +1, where -1 denoting decreasing volume, +1 denoting increasing volume. Between each changes, the volume will be kept for KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS secs. @param record_secs: The duration of recording in seconds. If it is not set, duration of the test data will be used. If duration of test data is not set either, default RECORD_SECONDS will be used. """ if (source_id == chameleon_audio_ids.CrosIds.SPEAKER and not audio_test_utils.has_internal_speaker(host)): return chameleon_board = host.chameleon factory = remote_facade_factory.RemoteFacadeFactory( host, results_dir=self.resultsdir) chameleon_board.setup_and_reset(self.outputdir) widget_factory = chameleon_audio_helper.AudioWidgetFactory( factory, host) source = widget_factory.create_widget(source_id) recorder = widget_factory.create_widget(recorder_id) # Chameleon Mic does not need binding. binding = (recorder_id != chameleon_audio_ids.ChameleonIds.MIC) binder = None if binding: if sink_id: sink = widget_factory.create_widget(sink_id) binder = widget_factory.create_binder(source, sink, recorder) else: binder = widget_factory.create_binder(source, recorder) start_volume, low_volume, high_volume = 75, 50, 100 if not record_secs: if golden_file.duration_secs: record_secs = golden_file.duration_secs else: record_secs = self.RECORD_SECONDS logging.debug('Record duration: %f seconds', record_secs) # Checks if the file is local or is served on web. file_url = getattr(golden_file, 'url', None) with chameleon_audio_helper.bind_widgets(binder): # Checks the node selected by cras is correct. time.sleep(self.DELAY_AFTER_BINDING) audio_facade = factory.create_audio_facade() audio_test_utils.dump_cros_audio_logs( host, audio_facade, self.resultsdir, 'after_binding') audio_facade.set_chrome_active_volume(start_volume) audio_test_utils.check_output_port(audio_facade, source.port_id) if switch_hsp: audio_test_utils.switch_to_hsp(audio_facade) if not file_url: logging.info('Setting playback data on Cros device') source.set_playback_data(golden_file) logging.info('Start recording from Chameleon.') recorder.start_recording() if not file_url: logging.info('Start playing %s on Cros device', golden_file.path) source.start_playback() else: logging.info('Start playing %s on Cros device using browser', file_url) browser_facade = factory.create_browser_facade() tab_descriptor = browser_facade.new_tab(file_url) if volume_changes: time.sleep(self.START_PLAYBACK_SECONDS) for x in volume_changes: if x == -1: audio_facade.set_chrome_active_volume(low_volume) if x == +1: audio_facade.set_chrome_active_volume(high_volume) time.sleep(self.KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS) passed_time_secs = self.START_PLAYBACK_SECONDS passed_time_secs += len(volume_changes) * self.KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS rest = max(0, record_secs - passed_time_secs) time.sleep(rest) elif mute_duration_in_secs: time.sleep(self.START_PLAYBACK_SECONDS) passed_time_seconds = self.START_PLAYBACK_SECONDS for mute_secs in mute_duration_in_secs: audio_facade.set_chrome_active_volume(0) time.sleep(mute_secs) audio_facade.set_chrome_active_volume(start_volume) time.sleep(self.KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS) passed_time_seconds += mute_secs + self.KEEP_VOLUME_SECONDS rest = max(0, record_secs - passed_time_seconds) time.sleep(rest) else: time.sleep(record_secs) recorder.stop_recording() logging.info('Stopped recording from Chameleon.') audio_test_utils.dump_cros_audio_logs( host, audio_facade, self.resultsdir, 'after_recording') if file_url: browser_facade.close_tab(tab_descriptor) else: source.stop_playback() recorder.read_recorded_binary() logging.info('Read recorded binary from Chameleon.') recorded_file = os.path.join( self.resultsdir, "recorded.raw" ) logging.info('Saving recorded data to %s', recorded_file) recorder.save_file(recorded_file) audio_test_utils.check_recorded_frequency( golden_file, recorder, check_artifacts=True, mute_durations=mute_duration_in_secs, volume_changes=volume_changes)