import json import math import os import re import common from autotest_lib.tko import models from autotest_lib.tko import status_lib from autotest_lib.tko import utils as tko_utils from autotest_lib.tko.parsers import base from autotest_lib.tko.parsers import version_0 class job(version_0.job): """Represents a job.""" def exit_status(self): """Returns the string exit status of this job.""" # Find the .autoserv_execute path. top_dir = tko_utils.find_toplevel_job_dir(self.dir) if not top_dir: return 'ABORT' execute_path = os.path.join(top_dir, '.autoserv_execute') # If for some reason we can't read the status code, assume disaster. if not os.path.exists(execute_path): return 'ABORT' lines = open(execute_path).readlines() if len(lines) < 2: return 'ABORT' try: status_code = int(lines[1]) except ValueError: return 'ABORT' if not os.WIFEXITED(status_code): # Looks like a signal - an ABORT. return 'ABORT' elif os.WEXITSTATUS(status_code) != 0: # Looks like a non-zero exit - a failure. return 'FAIL' else: # Looks like exit code == 0. return 'GOOD' class kernel(models.kernel): """Represents a kernel.""" def __init__(self, base, patches): if base: patches = [patch(*p.split()) for p in patches] hashes = [p.hash for p in patches] kernel_hash = self.compute_hash(base, hashes) else: base = 'UNKNOWN' patches = [] kernel_hash = 'UNKNOWN' super(kernel, self).__init__(base, patches, kernel_hash) class test(models.test): """Represents a test.""" @staticmethod def load_iterations(keyval_path): return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path) @staticmethod def load_perf_values(perf_values_file): return perf_value_iteration.load_from_perf_values_file( perf_values_file) class iteration(models.iteration): """Represents an iteration.""" @staticmethod def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict): key, val_type, value = "", "", "" # Figure out what the key, value and keyval type are. typed_match ='^([^=]*)\{(\w*)\}=(.*)$', line) if typed_match: key, val_type, value = typed_match.groups() else: # Old-fashioned untyped match, assume perf. untyped_match ='^([^=]*)=(.*)$', line) if untyped_match: key, value = untyped_match.groups() val_type = 'perf' # Parse the actual value into a dict. try: if val_type == 'attr': attr_dict[key] = value elif val_type == 'perf': perf_dict[key] = float(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: msg = ('WARNING: line "%s" found in test ' 'iteration keyval could not be parsed') msg %= line tko_utils.dprint(msg) class perf_value_iteration(models.perf_value_iteration): """Represents a perf value iteration.""" @staticmethod def parse_line_into_dict(line): """ Parse a perf measurement text line into a dictionary. The line is assumed to be a JSON-formatted string containing key/value pairs, where each pair represents a piece of information associated with a measured perf metric: 'description': a string description for the perf metric. 'value': a numeric value, or list of numeric values. 'units': the string units associated with the perf metric. 'higher_is_better': a boolean whether a higher value is considered better. If False, a lower value is considered better. 'graph': a string indicating the name of the perf dashboard graph on which the perf data will be displayed. The resulting dictionary will also have a standard deviation key/value pair, 'stddev'. If the perf measurement value is a list of values instead of a single value, then the average and standard deviation of the list of values is computed and stored. If a single value, the value itself is used, and is associated with a standard deviation of 0. @param line: A string line of JSON text from a perf measurements output file. @return A dictionary containing the parsed perf measurement information along with a computed standard deviation value (key 'stddev'), or an empty dictionary if the inputted line cannot be parsed. """ try: perf_dict = json.loads(line) except ValueError: msg = 'Could not parse perf measurements line as json: "%s"' % line tko_utils.dprint(msg) return {} def mean_and_standard_deviation(data): """ Computes the mean and standard deviation of a list of numbers. @param data: A list of numbers. @return A 2-tuple (mean, standard_deviation) computed from the list of numbers. """ n = len(data) if n == 0: return 0.0, 0.0 if n == 1: return data[0], 0.0 mean = float(sum(data)) / n # Divide by n-1 to compute "sample standard deviation". variance = sum([(elem - mean) ** 2 for elem in data]) / (n - 1) return mean, math.sqrt(variance) value = perf_dict['value'] perf_dict['stddev'] = 0.0 if isinstance(value, list): value, stddev = mean_and_standard_deviation(map(float, value)) perf_dict['value'] = value perf_dict['stddev'] = stddev return perf_dict class status_line(version_0.status_line): """Represents a status line.""" def __init__(self, indent, status, subdir, testname, reason, optional_fields): # Handle INFO fields. if status == 'INFO': self.type = 'INFO' self.indent = indent self.status = self.subdir = self.testname = self.reason = None self.optional_fields = optional_fields else: # Everything else is backwards compatible. super(status_line, self).__init__(indent, status, subdir, testname, reason, optional_fields) def is_successful_reboot(self, current_status): """ Checks whether the status represents a successful reboot. @param current_status: A string representing the current status. @return True, if the status represents a successful reboot, or False if not. """ # Make sure this is a reboot line. if self.testname != 'reboot': return False # Make sure this was not a failure. if status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to(current_status, 'FAIL'): return False # It must have been a successful reboot. return True def get_kernel(self): # Get the base kernel version. fields = self.optional_fields base = re.sub('-autotest$', '', fields.get('kernel', '')) # Get a list of patches. patches = [] patch_index = 0 while ('patch%d' % patch_index) in fields: patches.append(fields['patch%d' % patch_index]) patch_index += 1 # Create a new kernel instance. return kernel(base, patches) def get_timestamp(self): return tko_utils.get_timestamp(self.optional_fields, 'timestamp') # The default implementations from version 0 will do for now. patch = version_0.patch class parser(base.parser): """Represents a parser.""" @staticmethod def make_job(dir): return job(dir) @staticmethod def make_dummy_abort(indent, subdir, testname, timestamp, reason): """ Creates an abort string. @param indent: The number of indentation levels for the string. @param subdir: The subdirectory name. @param testname: The test name. @param timestamp: The timestamp value. @param reason: The reason string. @return A string describing the abort. """ indent = '\t' * indent if not subdir: subdir = '----' if not testname: testname = '----' # There is no guarantee that this will be set. timestamp_field = '' if timestamp: timestamp_field = '\ttimestamp=%s' % timestamp msg = indent + 'END ABORT\t%s\t%s%s\t%s' return msg % (subdir, testname, timestamp_field, reason) @staticmethod def put_back_line_and_abort( line_buffer, line, indent, subdir, timestamp, reason): """ Appends a line to the line buffer and aborts. @param line_buffer: A line_buffer object. @param line: A line to append to the line buffer. @param indent: The number of indentation levels. @param subdir: The subdirectory name. @param timestamp: The timestamp value. @param reason: The reason string. """ tko_utils.dprint('Unexpected indent: aborting log parse') line_buffer.put_back(line) abort = parser.make_dummy_abort( indent, subdir, subdir, timestamp, reason) line_buffer.put_back(abort) def state_iterator(self, buffer): line = None new_tests = [] job_count, boot_count = 0, 0 min_stack_size = 0 stack = status_lib.status_stack() current_kernel = kernel("", []) # UNKNOWN current_status = status_lib.statuses[-1] current_reason = None started_time_stack = [None] subdir_stack = [None] running_test = None running_reasons = set() ignored_lines = [] yield [] # We're ready to start running. def print_ignored_lines(): tko_utils.dprint('The following lines were ignored:') for line in ignored_lines: tko_utils.dprint(line) tko_utils.dprint('---------------------------------') # Create a RUNNING SERVER_JOB entry to represent the entire test. running_job = test.parse_partial_test(self.job, '----', 'SERVER_JOB', '', current_kernel, self.job.started_time) new_tests.append(running_job) while True: # Are we finished with parsing? if buffer.size() == 0 and self.finished: if ignored_lines: print_ignored_lines() ignored_lines = [] if stack.size() == 0: break # We have status lines left on the stack; # we need to implicitly abort them first. tko_utils.dprint('\nUnexpected end of job, aborting') abort_subdir_stack = list(subdir_stack) if self.job.aborted_by: reason = 'Job aborted by %s' % self.job.aborted_by reason += self.job.aborted_on.strftime( ' at %b %d %H:%M:%S') else: reason = 'Job aborted unexpectedly' timestamp = line.optional_fields.get('timestamp') for i in reversed(xrange(stack.size())): if abort_subdir_stack: subdir = abort_subdir_stack.pop() else: subdir = None abort = self.make_dummy_abort( i, subdir, subdir, timestamp, reason) buffer.put(abort) # Stop processing once the buffer is empty. if buffer.size() == 0: yield new_tests new_tests = [] continue # Reinitialize the per-iteration state. started_time = None finished_time = None # Get the next line. raw_line = status_lib.clean_raw_line(buffer.get()) line = status_line.parse_line(raw_line) if line is None: ignored_lines.append(raw_line) continue elif ignored_lines: print_ignored_lines() ignored_lines = [] # Do an initial sanity check of the indentation. expected_indent = stack.size() if line.type == 'END': expected_indent -= 1 if line.indent < expected_indent: # ABORT the current level if indentation was unexpectedly low. self.put_back_line_and_abort( buffer, raw_line, stack.size() - 1, subdir_stack[-1], line.optional_fields.get('timestamp'), line.reason) continue elif line.indent > expected_indent: # Ignore the log if the indent was unexpectedly high. tko_utils.dprint('ignoring line because of extra indentation') continue # Initial line processing. if line.type == 'START': stack.start() started_time = line.get_timestamp() if (line.testname is None and line.subdir is None and not running_test): # We just started a client; all tests are relative to here. min_stack_size = stack.size() # Start a "RUNNING" CLIENT_JOB entry. job_name = 'CLIENT_JOB.%d' % job_count running_client = test.parse_partial_test(self.job, None, job_name, '', current_kernel, started_time) msg = 'RUNNING: %s\n%s\n' msg %= (running_client.status, running_client.testname) tko_utils.dprint(msg) new_tests.append(running_client) elif stack.size() == min_stack_size + 1 and not running_test: # We just started a new test; insert a running record. running_reasons = set() if line.reason: running_reasons.add(line.reason) running_test = test.parse_partial_test(self.job, line.subdir, line.testname, line.reason, current_kernel, started_time) msg = 'RUNNING: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s' msg %= (running_test.status, running_test.subdir, running_test.testname, running_test.reason) tko_utils.dprint(msg) new_tests.append(running_test) started_time_stack.append(started_time) subdir_stack.append(line.subdir) continue elif line.type == 'INFO': fields = line.optional_fields # Update the current kernel if one is defined in the info. if 'kernel' in fields: current_kernel = line.get_kernel() # Update the SERVER_JOB reason if one was logged for an abort. if 'job_abort_reason' in fields: running_job.reason = fields['job_abort_reason'] new_tests.append(running_job) continue elif line.type == 'STATUS': # Update the stacks. if line.subdir and stack.size() > min_stack_size: subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir # Update the status, start and finished times. stack.update(line.status) if status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to(line.status, current_status): if line.reason: # Update the status of a currently running test. if running_test: running_reasons.add(line.reason) running_reasons = tko_utils.drop_redundant_messages( running_reasons) sorted_reasons = sorted(running_reasons) running_test.reason = ', '.join(sorted_reasons) current_reason = running_test.reason new_tests.append(running_test) msg = 'update RUNNING reason: %s' % line.reason tko_utils.dprint(msg) else: current_reason = line.reason current_status = stack.current_status() started_time = None finished_time = line.get_timestamp() # If this is a non-test entry there's nothing else to do. if line.testname is None and line.subdir is None: continue elif line.type == 'END': # Grab the current subdir off of the subdir stack, or, if this # is the end of a job, just pop it off. if (line.testname is None and line.subdir is None and not running_test): min_stack_size = stack.size() - 1 subdir_stack.pop() else: line.subdir = subdir_stack.pop() if not subdir_stack[-1] and stack.size() > min_stack_size: subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir # Update the status, start and finished times. stack.update(line.status) current_status = stack.end() if stack.size() > min_stack_size: stack.update(current_status) current_status = stack.current_status() started_time = started_time_stack.pop() finished_time = line.get_timestamp() # Update the current kernel. if line.is_successful_reboot(current_status): current_kernel = line.get_kernel() # Adjust the testname if this is a reboot. if line.testname == 'reboot' and line.subdir is None: line.testname = 'boot.%d' % boot_count else: assert False # Have we just finished a test? if stack.size() <= min_stack_size: # If there was no testname, just use the subdir. if line.testname is None: line.testname = line.subdir # If there was no testname or subdir, use 'CLIENT_JOB'. if line.testname is None: line.testname = 'CLIENT_JOB.%d' % job_count running_test = running_client job_count += 1 if not status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to( current_status, 'ABORT'): # A job hasn't really failed just because some of the # tests it ran have. current_status = 'GOOD' if not current_reason: current_reason = line.reason new_test = test.parse_test(self.job, line.subdir, line.testname, current_status, current_reason, current_kernel, started_time, finished_time, running_test) running_test = None current_status = status_lib.statuses[-1] current_reason = None if new_test.testname == ('boot.%d' % boot_count): boot_count += 1 msg = 'ADD: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s' msg %= (new_test.status, new_test.subdir, new_test.testname, new_test.reason) tko_utils.dprint(msg) new_tests.append(new_test) # The job is finished; produce the final SERVER_JOB entry and exit. final_job = test.parse_test(self.job, '----', 'SERVER_JOB', self.job.exit_status(), running_job.reason, current_kernel, self.job.started_time, self.job.finished_time, running_job) new_tests.append(final_job) yield new_tests