# Simple calculator. -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ## ---------------------------------------------------- ## ## Compile the grammar described in the documentation. ## ## ---------------------------------------------------- ## # ------------------------- # # Helping Autotest macros. # # ------------------------- # # _AT_DATA_CALC_Y($1, $2, $3, [BISON-DIRECTIVES]) # ----------------------------------------------- # Produce `calc.y' and, if %defines was specified, `calc-lex.c' or # `calc-lex.cc'. # # Don't call this macro directly, because it contains some occurrences # of `$1' etc. which will be interpreted by m4. So you should call it # with $1, $2, and $3 as arguments, which is what AT_DATA_CALC_Y does. # # When %defines is not passed, generate a single self-contained file. # Otherwise, generate three: calc.y with the parser, calc-lex.c with # the scanner, and calc-main.c with "main()". This is in order to # stress the use of the generated parser header. To avoid code # duplication, AT_CALC_LEX and AT_CALC_MAIN contain the body of these # two later files. m4_define([_AT_DATA_CALC_Y], [m4_if([$1$2$3], $[1]$[2]$[3], [], [m4_fatal([$0: Invalid arguments: $@])])dnl m4_pushdef([AT_CALC_MAIN], [#include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #else # undef alarm # define alarm(seconds) /* empty */ #endif AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[ /* A C++ ]AT_NAME_PREFIX[parse that simulates the C signature. */ int ]AT_NAME_PREFIX[parse (]AT_PARAM_IF([semantic_value *result, int *count]))[ { ]AT_NAME_PREFIX[::parser parser]AT_PARAM_IF([ (result, count)])[; #if ]AT_API_PREFIX[DEBUG parser.set_debug_level (1); #endif return parser.parse (); } ]])[ semantic_value global_result = 0; int global_count = 0; /* A C main function. */ int main (int argc, const char **argv) { semantic_value result = 0; int count = 0; int status; /* This used to be alarm (10), but that isn't enough time for a July 1995 vintage DEC Alphastation 200 4/100 system, according to Nelson H. F. Beebe. 100 seconds is enough. */ alarm (100); if (argc == 2) input = fopen (argv[1], "r"); else input = stdin; if (!input) { perror (argv[1]); return 3; } ]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([], [m4_bmatch([$4], [%debug], [ ]AT_NAME_PREFIX[debug = 1;])])[ status = ]AT_NAME_PREFIX[parse (]AT_PARAM_IF([[&result, &count]])[); if (fclose (input)) perror ("fclose"); assert (global_result == result); assert (global_count == count); return status; } ]]) m4_pushdef([AT_CALC_LEX], [[#include ]AT_YYLEX_DECLARE_EXTERN[ static int get_char (]AT_YYLEX_FORMALS[); static void unget_char (]AT_YYLEX_PRE_FORMALS[ int c); ]AT_LOCATION_IF([ static AT_YYLTYPE last_yylloc; ])[ static int get_char (]AT_YYLEX_FORMALS[) { int res = getc (input); ]AT_USE_LEX_ARGS[; ]AT_LOCATION_IF([ last_yylloc = AT_LOC; if (res == '\n') { AT_LOC_LAST_LINE++; AT_LOC_LAST_COLUMN = 1; } else AT_LOC_LAST_COLUMN++; ])[ return res; } static void unget_char (]AT_YYLEX_PRE_FORMALS[ int c) { ]AT_USE_LEX_ARGS[; ]AT_LOCATION_IF([ /* Wrong when C == `\n'. */ AT_LOC = last_yylloc; ])[ ungetc (c, input); } static int read_signed_integer (]AT_YYLEX_FORMALS[) { int c = get_char (]AT_YYLEX_ARGS[); int sign = 1; int n = 0; ]AT_USE_LEX_ARGS[; if (c == '-') { c = get_char (]AT_YYLEX_ARGS[); sign = -1; } while (isdigit (c)) { n = 10 * n + (c - '0'); c = get_char (]AT_YYLEX_ARGS[); } unget_char (]AT_YYLEX_PRE_ARGS[ c); return sign * n; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------. | Lexical analyzer returns an integer on the stack and the token | | NUM, or the ASCII character read if not a number. Skips all | | blanks and tabs, returns 0 for EOF. | `---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ]AT_YYLEX_PROTOTYPE[ { int c; /* Skip current token, then white spaces. */ do { ]AT_LOCATION_IF( [ AT_LOC_FIRST_COLUMN = AT_LOC_LAST_COLUMN; AT_LOC_FIRST_LINE = AT_LOC_LAST_LINE; ])[ } while ((c = get_char (]AT_YYLEX_ARGS[)) == ' ' || c == '\t'); /* process numbers */ if (c == '.' || isdigit (c)) { unget_char (]AT_YYLEX_PRE_ARGS[ c); ]AT_VAL[.ival = read_signed_integer (]AT_YYLEX_ARGS[); return NUM; } /* Return end-of-file. */ if (c == EOF) return CALC_EOF; /* Return single chars. */ return c; } ]]) AT_DATA_GRAMMAR([calc.y], [[/* Infix notation calculator--calc */ ]$4 AT_SKEL_CC_IF( [%define global_tokens_and_yystype])[ %code requires { ]AT_LOCATION_TYPE_IF([[ # include struct Point { int l; int c; }; struct Span { Point first; Point last; }; # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do \ if (N) \ { \ (Current).first = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first; \ (Current).last = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last; \ } \ else \ { \ (Current).first = (Current).last = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last; \ } \ while (false) ]])[ /* Exercise pre-prologue dependency to %union. */ typedef int semantic_value; } /* Exercise %union. */ %union { semantic_value ival; }; %printer { ]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[yyoutput << $$]], [[fprintf (yyoutput, "%d", $$)]])[; } ; %code provides { #include /* The input. */ extern FILE *input; extern semantic_value global_result; extern int global_count; } %code { #include #include #define USE(Var) FILE *input; static int power (int base, int exponent); ]AT_YYERROR_DECLARE[ ]AT_YYLEX_DECLARE_EXTERN[ } ]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([AT_LOCATION_TYPE_IF([[ %initial-action { @$.first.l = @$.first.c = 1; @$.last = @$.first; }]])])[ /* Bison Declarations */ %token CALC_EOF 0 "end of input" %token NUM "number" %type exp %nonassoc '=' /* comparison */ %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG /* negation--unary minus */ %right '^' /* exponentiation */ /* Grammar follows */ %% input: line | input line { ]AT_PARAM_IF([++*count; ++global_count;])[ } ; line: '\n' | exp '\n' { ]AT_PARAM_IF([*result = global_result = $1], [USE ($1)])[; } ; exp: NUM { $$ = $1; } | exp '=' exp { if ($1 != $3) fprintf (stderr, "calc: error: %d != %d\n", $1, $3); $$ = $1; } | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; } | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } | exp '^' exp { $$ = power ($1, $3); } | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' error ')' { $$ = 1111; yyerrok; } | '!' { $$ = 0; YYERROR; } | '-' error { $$ = 0; YYERROR; } ; %% static int power (int base, int exponent) { int res = 1; assert (0 <= exponent); for (/* Niente */; exponent; --exponent) res *= base; return res; } ]AT_SKEL_CC_IF( [AT_LOCATION_TYPE_IF([[ std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Span& s) { o << s.first.l << '.' << s.first.c; if (s.first.l != s.last.l) o << '-' << s.last.l << '.' << s.last.c - 1; else if (s.first.c != s.last.c - 1) o << '-' << s.last.c - 1; return o; } ]])])[ ]AT_YYERROR_DEFINE[ ]AT_DEFINES_IF([], [AT_CALC_LEX AT_CALC_MAIN])]) AT_DEFINES_IF([AT_DATA_SOURCE([[calc-lex.c]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[c]])], [[#include "calc.h]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[h]])[" ]AT_CALC_LEX]) AT_DATA_SOURCE([[calc-main.c]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[c]])], [[#include "calc.h]AT_SKEL_CC_IF([[h]])[" ]AT_CALC_MAIN]) ]) m4_popdef([AT_CALC_MAIN]) m4_popdef([AT_CALC_LEX]) ])# _AT_DATA_CALC_Y # AT_DATA_CALC_Y([BISON-OPTIONS]) # ------------------------------- # Produce `calc.y' and, if %defines was specified, `calc-lex.c' or # `calc-lex.cc'. m4_define([AT_DATA_CALC_Y], [_AT_DATA_CALC_Y($[1], $[2], $[3], [$1]) ]) # _AT_CHECK_CALC(BISON-OPTIONS, INPUT, [NUM-STDERR-LINES]) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Run `calc' on INPUT and expect no STDOUT nor STDERR. # # If BISON-OPTIONS contains `%debug' but not `%glr-parser', then # # NUM-STDERR-LINES is the number of expected lines on stderr. # Currently this is ignored, though, since the output format is fluctuating. # # We don't count GLR's traces yet, since its traces are somewhat # different from LALR's. m4_define([_AT_CHECK_CALC], [AT_DATA([[input]], [[$2 ]]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([./calc input], 0, [], [stderr]) ]) # _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR(BISON-OPTIONS, EXIT-STATUS, INPUT, # [NUM-STDERR-LINES], # [VERBOSE-AND-LOCATED-ERROR-MESSAGE]) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Run `calc' on INPUT, and expect a `syntax error' message. # # If INPUT starts with a slash, it is used as absolute input file name, # otherwise as contents. # # NUM-STDERR-LINES is the number of expected lines on stderr. # Currently this is ignored, though, since the output format is fluctuating. # # If BISON-OPTIONS contains `%location', then make sure the ERROR-LOCATION # is correctly output on stderr. # # If BISON-OPTIONS contains `%error-verbose', then make sure the # IF-YYERROR-VERBOSE message is properly output after `syntax error, ' # on STDERR. # # If BISON-OPTIONS contains `%debug' but not `%glr', then NUM-STDERR-LINES # is the number of expected lines on stderr. m4_define([_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR], [m4_bmatch([$3], [^/], [AT_PARSER_CHECK([./calc $3], $2, [], [stderr])], [AT_DATA([[input]], [[$3 ]]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([./calc input], $2, [], [stderr])]) # Normalize the observed and expected error messages, depending upon the # options. # 1. Remove the traces from observed. sed '/^Starting/d /^Entering/d /^Stack/d /^Reading/d /^Reducing/d /^Return/d /^Shifting/d /^state/d /^Cleanup:/d /^Error:/d /^Next/d /^Now/d /^Discarding/d / \$[[0-9$]]* = /d /^yydestructor:/d' stderr >at-stderr mv at-stderr stderr # 2. Create the reference error message. AT_DATA([[expout]], [$5 ]) # 3. If locations are not used, remove them. AT_YYERROR_SEES_LOC_IF([], [[sed 's/^[-0-9.]*: //' expout >at-expout mv at-expout expout]]) # 4. If error-verbose is not used, strip the`, unexpected....' part. m4_bmatch([$1], [%error-verbose], [], [[sed 's/syntax error, .*$/syntax error/' expout >at-expout mv at-expout expout]]) # 5. Check AT_CHECK([cat stderr], 0, [expout]) ]) # AT_CHECK_SPACES([FILE]) # ----------------------- # Make sure we did not introduce bad spaces. Checked here because all # the skeletons are (or should be) exercized here. m4_define([AT_CHECK_SPACES], [AT_CHECK([$PERL -ne ' chomp; print "$.: {$_}\n" if (# No starting/ending empty lines. (eof || $. == 1) && /^\s*$/ # No trailing space. FIXME: not ready for "maint". # || /\s$/ )' $1 ])dnl ]) # AT_CHECK_CALC([BISON-OPTIONS]) # ------------------------------ # Start a testing chunk which compiles `calc' grammar with # BISON-OPTIONS, and performs several tests over the parser. m4_define([AT_CHECK_CALC], [m4_ifval([$2], [m4_fatal([$0: expected a single argument])]) # We use integers to avoid dependencies upon the precision of doubles. AT_SETUP([Calculator $1]) AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS([$1]) AT_DATA_CALC_Y([$1]) AT_FULL_COMPILE([calc], AT_DEFINES_IF([[lex], [main]])) AT_CHECK_SPACES([calc.AT_SKEL_CC_IF([cc], [c])]) AT_DEFINES_IF([AT_CHECK_SPACES([calc.AT_SKEL_CC_IF([hh], [h])])]) # Test the priorities. _AT_CHECK_CALC([$1], [1 + 2 * 3 = 7 1 + 2 * -3 = -5 -1^2 = -1 (-1)^2 = 1 ---1 = -1 1 - 2 - 3 = -4 1 - (2 - 3) = 2 2^2^3 = 256 (2^2)^3 = 64], [842]) # Some syntax errors. _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [1 2], [15], [1.3: syntax error, unexpected number]) _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [1//2], [20], [1.3: syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!']) _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [error], [5], [1.1: syntax error, unexpected $undefined]) _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [1 = 2 = 3], [30], [1.7: syntax error, unexpected '=']) _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [ +1], [20], [2.1: syntax error, unexpected '+']) # Exercise error messages with EOF: work on an empty file. _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [1], [/dev/null], [4], [1.1: syntax error, unexpected end of input]) # Exercise the error token: without it, we die at the first error, # hence be sure to # # - have several errors which exercise different shift/discardings # - (): nothing to pop, nothing to discard # - (1 + 1 + 1 +): a lot to pop, nothing to discard # - (* * *): nothing to pop, a lot to discard # - (1 + 2 * *): some to pop and discard # # - test the action associated to `error' # # - check the lookahead that triggers an error is not discarded # when we enter error recovery. Below, the lookahead causing the # first error is ")", which is needed to recover from the error and # produce the "0" that triggers the "0 != 1" error. # _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [0], [() + (1 + 1 + 1 +) + (* * *) + (1 * 2 * *) = 1], [250], [1.2: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.18: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.23: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.41: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' calc: error: 4444 != 1]) # The same, but this time exercising explicitly triggered syntax errors. # POSIX says the lookahead causing the error should not be discarded. _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [0], [(!) + (1 2) = 1], [102], [1.10: syntax error, unexpected number calc: error: 2222 != 1]) _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [0], [(- *) + (1 2) = 1], [113], [1.4: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.12: syntax error, unexpected number calc: error: 2222 != 1]) # Check that yyerrok works properly: second error is not reported, # third and fourth are. Parse status is succesfull. _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR([$1], [0], [(* *) + (*) + (*)], [113], [1.2: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.10: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!' 1.16: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting number or '-' or '(' or '!']) AT_BISON_OPTION_POPDEFS AT_CLEANUP ])# AT_CHECK_CALC # ------------------------ # # Simple LALR Calculator. # # ------------------------ # AT_BANNER([[Simple LALR(1) Calculator.]]) # AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([BISON-OPTIONS]) # ----------------------------------- # Start a testing chunk which compiles `calc' grammar with # BISON-OPTIONS, and performs several tests over the parser. m4_define([AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR], [AT_CHECK_CALC($@)]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR() AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%defines]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%name-prefix="calc"]) dnl test deprecated `=' AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%verbose]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%define api.pure full %locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%define api.push-pull both %define api.pure full %locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose %locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%debug]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%define api.pure full %verbose %debug %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%define api.push-pull both %define api.pure full %verbose %debug %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR([%define api.pure %error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) # ----------------------- # # Simple GLR Calculator. # # ----------------------- # AT_BANNER([[Simple GLR Calculator.]]) # AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([BISON-OPTIONS]) # ---------------------------------- # Start a testing chunk which compiles `calc' grammar with # BISON-OPTIONS and %glr-parser, and performs several tests over the parser. m4_define([AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR], [AT_CHECK_CALC([%glr-parser] $@)]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR() AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%defines]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%name-prefix "calc"]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%define api.prefix "calc"]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%verbose]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%error-verbose]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%define api.pure %locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%error-verbose %locations]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%error-verbose %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%debug]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%define api.pure %error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%define api.pure %error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR([%define api.pure %error-verbose %debug %locations %defines %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) # ----------------------------- # # Simple LALR1 C++ Calculator. # # ----------------------------- # AT_BANNER([[Simple LALR(1) C++ Calculator.]]) # First let's try using %skeleton AT_CHECK_CALC([%skeleton "lalr1.cc" %defines %locations]) # AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([BISON-OPTIONS]) # --------------------------------------- # Start a testing chunk which compiles `calc' grammar with # the C++ skeleton, and performs several tests over the parser. m4_define([AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC], [AT_CHECK_CALC([%language "C++" %defines %locations] $@)]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%define api.location.type Span]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%error-verbose %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%error-verbose %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%error-verbose %debug %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) # --------------------------- # # Simple GLR C++ Calculator. # # --------------------------- # AT_BANNER([[Simple GLR C++ Calculator.]]) # Again, we try also using %skeleton. AT_CHECK_CALC([%skeleton "glr.cc" %defines %locations]) # AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([BISON-OPTIONS]) # ------------------------------------- # Start a testing chunk which compiles `calc' grammar with # the GLR C++ skeleton, and performs several tests over the parser. m4_define([AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC], [AT_CHECK_CALC([%language "C++" %glr-parser %defines %locations] $@)]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%define api.location.type Span]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%error-verbose %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%error-verbose %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%debug]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%error-verbose %debug %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %name-prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}]) AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC([%pure-parser %error-verbose %debug %define api.prefix "calc" %verbose %yacc %parse-param {semantic_value *result} %parse-param {int *count}])