/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements C++ Base Library * ----------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Unique pointer. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deUniquePtr.hpp" #include namespace de { namespace { class Object { public: Object (bool& exists) : m_exists(exists) { m_exists = true; } ~Object (void) { m_exists = false; } private: bool& m_exists; }; struct CustomDeleter { CustomDeleter (bool* called) : m_called(called) {} void operator() (Object* ptr) { DE_TEST_ASSERT(!*m_called); delete ptr; *m_called = true; } bool* m_called; }; MovePtr createObject (bool& exists) { UniquePtr objectPtr(new Object(exists)); return objectPtr.move(); } } // anonymous void UniquePtr_selfTest (void) { // Basic test. { bool exists = false; { UniquePtr ptr(new Object(exists)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr.get() != DE_NULL); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // Exception test. { bool exists = false; try { UniquePtr ptr(new Object(exists)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr.get() != DE_NULL); throw std::exception(); } catch (const std::exception&) { DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // Expression test. { bool exists = false; bool test = (UniquePtr(new Object(exists))).get() != DE_NULL && exists; DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(test); } // Custom deleter. { bool exists = false; bool deleterCalled = false; { UniquePtr ptr(new Object(exists), CustomDeleter(&deleterCalled)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(!deleterCalled); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr.get() != DE_NULL); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(deleterCalled); } // MovePtr -> MovePtr moving { bool exists = false; MovePtr ptr(new Object(exists)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); { MovePtr ptr2 = ptr; DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); // Ownership moved to ptr2, should be deleted when ptr2 goes out of scope. } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // UniquePtr -> MovePtr moving { bool exists = false; UniquePtr ptr(new Object(exists)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); { MovePtr ptr2 = ptr.move(); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); // Ownership moved to ptr2, should be deleted when ptr2 goes out of scope. } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // MovePtr -> UniquePtr moving { bool exists = false; { UniquePtr ptr(createObject(exists)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // MovePtr assignment { bool exists1 = false; bool exists2 = false; MovePtr ptr1(new Object(exists1)); MovePtr ptr2(new Object(exists2)); ptr1 = ptr2; DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists1); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists2); } // MovePtr stealing { bool exists = false; Object* raw = DE_NULL; { MovePtr ptr1(new Object(exists)); raw = ptr1.release(); DE_TEST_ASSERT(raw != DE_NULL); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr1.get() == DE_NULL); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); delete raw; DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } // Null MovePtr and assigning to it. { bool exists = false; { MovePtr ptr1; DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr1.get() == DE_NULL); MovePtr ptr2(new Object(exists)); ptr1 = ptr2; DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr1.get() != DE_NULL); DE_TEST_ASSERT(ptr2.get() == DE_NULL); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } #if 0 // UniquePtr assignment or copy construction should not compile. This // piece of code is intentionally commented out. To manually test that // copying a UniquePtr is statically forbidden, uncomment and try to // compile. { bool exists = false; UniquePtr ptr(new Object(exists)); { UniquePtr ptr2(ptr); DE_TEST_ASSERT(exists); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(!exists); } #endif } } // de