# # Makefile for lib/ss # srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ top_builddir = ../.. my_dir = lib/ss INSTALL = @INSTALL@ DLOPEN_LIB = @DLOPEN_LIB@ @MCONFIG@ LIBRARY= libss LIBDIR= ss ELF_VERSION = 2.0 ELF_SO_VERSION = 2 ELF_IMAGE = libss ELF_MYDIR = ss ELF_INSTALL_DIR = $(root_libdir) ELF_OTHER_LIBS = -lcom_err $(DLOPEN_LIB) BSDLIB_VERSION = 1.0 BSDLIB_IMAGE = libss BSDLIB_MYDIR = ss BSDLIB_INSTALL_DIR = $(root_libdir) TAGS=etags MK_CMDS= _SS_DIR_OVERRIDE=$(srcdir) ./mk_cmds COMPILE_ET= _ET_DIR_OVERRIDE=$(srcdir)/../et ../et/compile_et .c.o: $(E) " CC $<" $(Q) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS_STLIB) -c $< $(Q) $(CHECK_CMD) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< $(Q) $(CPPCHECK_CMD) $(CPPFLAGS) $< @PROFILE_CMT@ $(Q) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS_STLIB) -g -pg -o profiled/$*.o -c $< @ELF_CMT@ $(Q) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS_SHLIB) -DSHARED_ELF_LIB -fPIC -shared -o elfshared/$*.o -c $< @BSDLIB_CMT@ $(Q) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS_SHLIB) $(BSDLIB_PIC_FLAG) -o pic/$*.o -c $< # for the library # with ss_err.o first, ss_err.h should get rebuilt first too. should not # be relying on this, though. OBJS= ss_err.o \ std_rqs.o \ invocation.o help.o \ execute_cmd.o listen.o parse.o error.o prompt.o \ request_tbl.o list_rqs.o pager.o requests.o \ data.o get_readline.o SRCS= $(srcdir)/invocation.c $(srcdir)/help.c \ $(srcdir)/execute_cmd.c $(srcdir)/listen.c $(srcdir)/parse.c \ $(srcdir)/error.c $(srcdir)/prompt.c $(srcdir)/request_tbl.c \ $(srcdir)/list_rqs.c $(srcdir)/pager.c $(srcdir)/requests.c \ $(srcdir)/data.c $(srcdir)/get_readline.c all:: mk_cmds @MAKEFILE_LIBRARY@ @MAKEFILE_ELF@ @MAKEFILE_BSDLIB@ @MAKEFILE_PROFILE@ CODE= $(SRCS) $(MKCMDSFILES) MKCMDSOBJS= mk_cmds.o utils.o options.o ct.tab.o cmd_tbl.lex.o MKCMDSFILES= mk_cmds.c utils.c options.c ct.y cmd_tbl.lex.l MKCMDSCSRCS= mk_cmds.c utils.c options.c ct.tab.c cmd_tbl.lex.c HFILES= ss.h ss_internal.h SHARE_FILES= ct_c.awk ct_c.sed INSTALL_HFILES= ss.h # for 'tags' and dependencies CFILES= $(SRCS) $(MKCMDSCSRCS) test_ss.c # for building archives FILES= $(SRCS) $(MKCMDSFILES) $(HFILES) \ ss_err.et std_rqs.ct Makefile \ test_ss.c ss all:: libss.a ss.pc # libss_p.a lint std_rqs.c: std_rqs.ct mk_cmds $(E) " MK_CMDS $@" $(Q) DIR=$(srcdir) $(MK_CMDS) $(srcdir)/std_rqs.ct std_rqs.o: ss_err.h test_cmd.c: test_cmd.ct mk_cmds $(E) " MK_CMDS $@" $(Q) DIR=$(srcdir) $(MK_CMDS) $(srcdir)/test_cmd.ct ss_err.c ss_err.h: ss_err.et $(E) " COMPILE_ET ss_err.et" $(Q) $(COMPILE_ET) $(srcdir)/ss_err.et ct.tab.c ct.tab.h: ct.y $(RM) -f ct.tab.* y.* $(YACC) -d $(srcdir)/ct.y $(MV) -f y.tab.c ct.tab.c $(MV) -f y.tab.h ct.tab.h #libss.o: $(OBJS) # $(LD) -r -s -o $@ $(OBJS) # $(CHMOD) -x $@ mk_cmds: $(DEP_SUBSTITUTE) $(srcdir)/mk_cmds.sh.in $(E) " SUBST $@" $(Q) $(SUBSTITUTE) $(srcdir)/mk_cmds.sh.in mk_cmds $(Q) $(CHMOD) +x mk_cmds ss.pc: $(srcdir)/ss.pc.in $(top_builddir)/config.status $(E) " CONFIG.STATUS $@" $(Q) cd $(top_builddir); CONFIG_FILES=lib/ss/ss.pc ./config.status installdirs:: $(E) " MKINSTALLDIRS $(libdir) $(includedir)/ss $(datadir)/ss $(bindir)" $(Q) $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) \ $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ss \ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir) install:: libss.a $(INSTALL_HFILES) installdirs ss_err.h mk_cmds ss.pc $(E) " INSTALL_DATA $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libss.a" $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) libss.a $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libss.a -$(Q) $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libss.a $(Q) $(CHMOD) $(LIBMODE) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libss.a $(Q) $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss/* $(Q) for i in $(INSTALL_HFILES); do \ echo " INSTALL_DATA $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss/$$i"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$i $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss/$$i; \ done $(E) " INSTALL_DATA $(includedir)/ss/ss_err.h" $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) ss_err.h $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss/ss_err.h $(Q) for i in $(SHARE_FILES); do \ echo " INSTALL_DATA $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ss/$$i"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ss/$$i; \ done $(E) " INSTALL $(bindir)/mk_cmds" $(Q) $(INSTALL) mk_cmds $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/mk_cmds $(E) " INSTALL_DATA $(man1dir)/mk_cmds.1" $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/mk_cmds.1 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/mk_cmds.1 $(E) " INSTALL_DATA $(pkgconfigdir)/ss.pc" $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) ss.pc $(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)/ss.pc uninstall:: $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libss.a $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/mk_cmds \ $(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)/ss.pc \ $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/mk_cmds.1 $(RM) -rf $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/ss $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ss test_ss: test_ss.o test_cmd.o $(DEPLIBSS) $(DEPLIBCOM_ERR) $(E) " LD $@" $(Q) $(CC) -o $@ test_ss.o test_cmd.o $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(ALL_LDFLAGS) \ $(LIBSS) $(LIBCOM_ERR) $(SYSLIBS) check:: all test_ss $(E) " RUN TEST test_ss" -@($(TESTENV) ./test_ss -f $(srcdir)/test_script > test_out 2>&1; exit 0) $(Q) if diff test_out $(srcdir)/test_script_expected > test.diff; then \ true ; else echo "Regression test for ss library failed!"; exit 1 ; fi clean:: $(RM) -f ../libss.a libss.a mk_cmds ss_err.h ss_err.c std_rqs.c \ tst_cmds.c test_ss test_out test.diff *.o *~ \#* *.bak core \ test_cmd.c ss.pc mostlyclean:: clean distclean:: clean $(RM) -f .depend Makefile ss.pc \ $(srcdir)/TAGS $(srcdir)/Makefile.in.old # # Hack to parallel makes recognize dependencies correctly. # $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h: ss_err.h $(OBJS): subdirs # +++ Dependency line eater +++ # # Makefile dependencies follow. This must be the last section in # the Makefile.in file # invocation.o: $(srcdir)/invocation.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h help.o: $(srcdir)/help.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h execute_cmd.o: $(srcdir)/execute_cmd.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h listen.o: $(srcdir)/listen.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h parse.o: $(srcdir)/parse.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h error.o: $(srcdir)/error.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h \ $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h prompt.o: $(srcdir)/prompt.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h request_tbl.o: $(srcdir)/request_tbl.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h list_rqs.o: $(srcdir)/list_rqs.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h pager.o: $(srcdir)/pager.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h requests.o: $(srcdir)/requests.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h data.o: $(srcdir)/data.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h get_readline.o: $(srcdir)/get_readline.c $(top_builddir)/lib/config.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/dirpaths.h $(srcdir)/ss_internal.h $(srcdir)/ss.h \ $(top_builddir)/lib/ss/ss_err.h $(top_srcdir)/lib/et/com_err.h