/* * windowsaio engine * * IO engine using Windows IO Completion Ports. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../fio.h" typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CANCELIOEX)(HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); int geterrno_from_win_error (DWORD code, int deferrno); struct fio_overlapped { OVERLAPPED o; struct io_u *io_u; BOOL io_complete; }; struct windowsaio_data { struct io_u **aio_events; HANDLE iocp; HANDLE iothread; HANDLE iocomplete_event; BOOL iothread_running; }; struct thread_ctx { HANDLE iocp; struct windowsaio_data *wd; }; static BOOL timeout_expired(DWORD start_count, DWORD end_count); static int fio_windowsaio_getevents(struct thread_data *td, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const struct timespec *t); static struct io_u *fio_windowsaio_event(struct thread_data *td, int event); static int fio_windowsaio_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u); static void fio_windowsaio_cleanup(struct thread_data *td); static DWORD WINAPI IoCompletionRoutine(LPVOID lpParameter); static int fio_windowsaio_init(struct thread_data *td); static int fio_windowsaio_open_file(struct thread_data *td, struct fio_file *f); static int fio_windowsaio_close_file(struct thread_data fio_unused *td, struct fio_file *f); static int fio_windowsaio_init(struct thread_data *td) { struct windowsaio_data *wd; int rc = 0; wd = calloc(1, sizeof(struct windowsaio_data)); if (wd == NULL) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to allocate memory for engine data\n"); rc = 1; } if (!rc) { wd->aio_events = malloc(td->o.iodepth * sizeof(struct io_u*)); if (wd->aio_events == NULL) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to allocate memory for aio events list\n"); rc = 1; } } if (!rc) { /* Create an auto-reset event */ wd->iocomplete_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (wd->iocomplete_event == NULL) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to create io complete event handle\n"); rc = 1; } } if (rc) { if (wd != NULL) { if (wd->aio_events != NULL) free(wd->aio_events); free(wd); } } td->io_ops_data = wd; if (!rc) { struct thread_ctx *ctx; struct windowsaio_data *wd; HANDLE hFile; hFile = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to create io completion port\n"); rc = 1; } wd = td->io_ops_data; wd->iothread_running = TRUE; wd->iocp = hFile; if (!rc) ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct thread_ctx)); if (!rc && ctx == NULL) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to allocate memory for thread context structure\n"); CloseHandle(hFile); rc = 1; } if (!rc) { DWORD threadid; ctx->iocp = hFile; ctx->wd = wd; wd->iothread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, IoCompletionRoutine, ctx, 0, &threadid); if (wd->iothread != NULL) fio_setaffinity(threadid, td->o.cpumask); else log_err("windowsaio: failed to create io completion thread\n"); } if (rc || wd->iothread == NULL) rc = 1; } return rc; } static void fio_windowsaio_cleanup(struct thread_data *td) { struct windowsaio_data *wd; wd = td->io_ops_data; if (wd != NULL) { wd->iothread_running = FALSE; WaitForSingleObject(wd->iothread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(wd->iothread); CloseHandle(wd->iocomplete_event); free(wd->aio_events); free(wd); td->io_ops_data = NULL; } } static int fio_windowsaio_open_file(struct thread_data *td, struct fio_file *f) { int rc = 0; DWORD flags = FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; DWORD sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; DWORD openmode = OPEN_ALWAYS; DWORD access; dprint(FD_FILE, "fd open %s\n", f->file_name); if (f->filetype == FIO_TYPE_PIPE) { log_err("windowsaio: pipes are not supported\n"); return 1; } if (!strcmp(f->file_name, "-")) { log_err("windowsaio: can't read/write to stdin/out\n"); return 1; } if (td->o.odirect) flags |= FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING; if (td->o.sync_io) flags |= FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH; /* * Inform Windows whether we're going to be doing sequential or * random io so it can tune the Cache Manager */ if (td->o.td_ddir == TD_DDIR_READ || td->o.td_ddir == TD_DDIR_WRITE) flags |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; else flags |= FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS; if (!td_write(td) || read_only) access = GENERIC_READ; else access = (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE); if (td->o.create_on_open) openmode = OPEN_ALWAYS; else openmode = OPEN_EXISTING; f->hFile = CreateFile(f->file_name, access, sharemode, NULL, openmode, flags, NULL); if (f->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to open file \"%s\"\n", f->file_name); rc = 1; } /* Only set up the completion port and thread if we're not just * querying the device size */ if (!rc && td->io_ops_data != NULL) { struct windowsaio_data *wd; wd = td->io_ops_data; if (CreateIoCompletionPort(f->hFile, wd->iocp, 0, 0) == NULL) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to create io completion port\n"); rc = 1; } } return rc; } static int fio_windowsaio_close_file(struct thread_data fio_unused *td, struct fio_file *f) { int rc = 0; dprint(FD_FILE, "fd close %s\n", f->file_name); if (f->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(f->hFile)) { log_info("windowsaio: failed to close file handle for \"%s\"\n", f->file_name); rc = 1; } } f->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return rc; } static BOOL timeout_expired(DWORD start_count, DWORD end_count) { BOOL expired = FALSE; DWORD current_time; current_time = GetTickCount(); if ((end_count > start_count) && current_time >= end_count) expired = TRUE; else if (current_time < start_count && current_time > end_count) expired = TRUE; return expired; } static struct io_u* fio_windowsaio_event(struct thread_data *td, int event) { struct windowsaio_data *wd = td->io_ops_data; return wd->aio_events[event]; } static int fio_windowsaio_getevents(struct thread_data *td, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const struct timespec *t) { struct windowsaio_data *wd = td->io_ops_data; unsigned int dequeued = 0; struct io_u *io_u; int i; struct fio_overlapped *fov; DWORD start_count = 0; DWORD end_count = 0; DWORD status; DWORD mswait = 250; if (t != NULL) { mswait = (t->tv_sec * 1000) + (t->tv_nsec / 1000000); start_count = GetTickCount(); end_count = start_count + (t->tv_sec * 1000) + (t->tv_nsec / 1000000); } do { io_u_qiter(&td->io_u_all, io_u, i) { if (!(io_u->flags & IO_U_F_FLIGHT)) continue; fov = (struct fio_overlapped*)io_u->engine_data; if (fov->io_complete) { fov->io_complete = FALSE; wd->aio_events[dequeued] = io_u; dequeued++; } } if (dequeued >= min) break; if (dequeued < min) { status = WaitForSingleObject(wd->iocomplete_event, mswait); if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dequeued >= min) break; } if (dequeued >= min || (t != NULL && timeout_expired(start_count, end_count))) break; } while (1); return dequeued; } static int fio_windowsaio_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u) { struct fio_overlapped *o = io_u->engine_data; LPOVERLAPPED lpOvl = &o->o; BOOL success = FALSE; int rc = FIO_Q_COMPLETED; fio_ro_check(td, io_u); lpOvl->Internal = 0; lpOvl->InternalHigh = 0; lpOvl->Offset = io_u->offset & 0xFFFFFFFF; lpOvl->OffsetHigh = io_u->offset >> 32; switch (io_u->ddir) { case DDIR_WRITE: success = WriteFile(io_u->file->hFile, io_u->xfer_buf, io_u->xfer_buflen, NULL, lpOvl); break; case DDIR_READ: success = ReadFile(io_u->file->hFile, io_u->xfer_buf, io_u->xfer_buflen, NULL, lpOvl); break; case DDIR_SYNC: case DDIR_DATASYNC: case DDIR_SYNC_FILE_RANGE: success = FlushFileBuffers(io_u->file->hFile); if (!success) { log_err("windowsaio: failed to flush file buffers\n"); io_u->error = win_to_posix_error(GetLastError()); } return FIO_Q_COMPLETED; break; case DDIR_TRIM: log_err("windowsaio: manual TRIM isn't supported on Windows\n"); io_u->error = 1; io_u->resid = io_u->xfer_buflen; return FIO_Q_COMPLETED; break; default: assert(0); break; } if (success || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) rc = FIO_Q_QUEUED; else { io_u->error = win_to_posix_error(GetLastError()); io_u->resid = io_u->xfer_buflen; } return rc; } /* Runs as a thread and waits for queued IO to complete */ static DWORD WINAPI IoCompletionRoutine(LPVOID lpParameter) { OVERLAPPED *ovl; struct fio_overlapped *fov; struct io_u *io_u; struct windowsaio_data *wd; struct thread_ctx *ctx; ULONG_PTR ulKey = 0; DWORD bytes; ctx = (struct thread_ctx*)lpParameter; wd = ctx->wd; do { if (!GetQueuedCompletionStatus(ctx->iocp, &bytes, &ulKey, &ovl, 250) && ovl == NULL) continue; fov = CONTAINING_RECORD(ovl, struct fio_overlapped, o); io_u = fov->io_u; if (ovl->Internal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { io_u->resid = io_u->xfer_buflen - ovl->InternalHigh; io_u->error = 0; } else { io_u->resid = io_u->xfer_buflen; io_u->error = win_to_posix_error(GetLastError()); } fov->io_complete = TRUE; SetEvent(wd->iocomplete_event); } while (ctx->wd->iothread_running); CloseHandle(ctx->iocp); free(ctx); return 0; } static void fio_windowsaio_io_u_free(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u) { struct fio_overlapped *o = io_u->engine_data; if (o) { io_u->engine_data = NULL; free(o); } } static int fio_windowsaio_io_u_init(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u) { struct fio_overlapped *o; o = malloc(sizeof(*o)); o->io_complete = FALSE; o->io_u = io_u; o->o.hEvent = NULL; io_u->engine_data = o; return 0; } static struct ioengine_ops ioengine = { .name = "windowsaio", .version = FIO_IOOPS_VERSION, .init = fio_windowsaio_init, .queue = fio_windowsaio_queue, .getevents = fio_windowsaio_getevents, .event = fio_windowsaio_event, .cleanup = fio_windowsaio_cleanup, .open_file = fio_windowsaio_open_file, .close_file = fio_windowsaio_close_file, .get_file_size = generic_get_file_size, .io_u_init = fio_windowsaio_io_u_init, .io_u_free = fio_windowsaio_io_u_free, }; static void fio_init fio_windowsaio_register(void) { register_ioengine(&ioengine); } static void fio_exit fio_windowsaio_unregister(void) { unregister_ioengine(&ioengine); }