#!/usr/bin/python # # steadystate_tests.py # # Test option parsing and functonality for fio's steady state detection feature. # # steadystate_tests.py ./fio file-for-read-testing file-for-write-testing # # REQUIREMENTS # Python 2.6+ # SciPy # # KNOWN ISSUES # only option parsing and read tests are carried out # On Windows this script works under Cygwin but not from cmd.exe # On Windows I encounter frequent fio problems generating JSON output (nothing to decode) # min runtime: # if ss attained: min runtime = ss_dur + ss_ramp # if not attained: runtime = timeout import os import sys import json import uuid import pprint import argparse import subprocess from scipy import stats def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('fio', help='path to fio executable'); parser.add_argument('--read', help='target for read testing') parser.add_argument('--write', help='target for write testing') args = parser.parse_args() return args def check(data, iops, slope, pct, limit, dur, criterion): measurement = 'iops' if iops else 'bw' data = data[measurement] mean = sum(data) / len(data) if slope: x = range(len(data)) m, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,data) m = abs(m) if pct: target = m / mean * 100 criterion = criterion[:-1] else: target = m else: maxdev = 0 for x in data: maxdev = max(abs(mean-x), maxdev) if pct: target = maxdev / mean * 100 criterion = criterion[:-1] else: target = maxdev criterion = float(criterion) return (abs(target - criterion) / criterion < 0.005), target < limit, mean, target if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # # test option parsing # parsing = [ { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=iops:10", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state IOPS threshold to 10.000000" }, { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=iops:10%", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state threshold to 10.000000%" }, { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=iops:.1%", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state threshold to 0.100000%" }, { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=bw:10%", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state threshold to 10.000000%" }, { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=bw:.1%", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state threshold to 0.100000%" }, { 'args': ["--parse-only", "--debug=parse", "--ss_dur=10s", "--ss=bw:12", "--ss_ramp=5"], 'output': "set steady state BW threshold to 12" }, ] for test in parsing: output = subprocess.check_output([args.fio] + test['args']); if test['output'] in output: print "PASSED '{0}' found with arguments {1}".format(test['output'], test['args']) else: print "FAILED '{0}' NOT found with arguments {1}".format(test['output'], test['args']) # # test some read workloads # # if ss active and attained, # check that runtime is less than job time # check criteria # how to check ramp time? # # if ss inactive # check that runtime is what was specified # reads = [ {'s': True, 'timeout': 100, 'numjobs': 1, 'ss_dur': 5, 'ss_ramp': 3, 'iops': True, 'slope': True, 'ss_limit': 0.1, 'pct': True}, {'s': False, 'timeout': 20, 'numjobs': 2}, {'s': True, 'timeout': 100, 'numjobs': 3, 'ss_dur': 10, 'ss_ramp': 5, 'iops': False, 'slope': True, 'ss_limit': 0.1, 'pct': True}, {'s': True, 'timeout': 10, 'numjobs': 3, 'ss_dur': 10, 'ss_ramp': 500, 'iops': False, 'slope': True, 'ss_limit': 0.1, 'pct': True}, ] if args.read == None: if os.name == 'posix': args.read = '/dev/zero' extra = [ "--size=134217728" ] # 128 MiB else: print "ERROR: file for read testing must be specified on non-posix systems" sys.exit(1) else: extra = [] jobnum = 0 for job in reads: tf = uuid.uuid4().hex parameters = [ "--name=job{0}".format(jobnum) ] parameters.extend(extra) parameters.extend([ "--thread", "--output-format=json", "--output={0}".format(tf), "--filename={0}".format(args.read), "--rw=randrw", "--rwmixread=100", "--stonewall", "--group_reporting", "--numjobs={0}".format(job['numjobs']), "--time_based", "--runtime={0}".format(job['timeout']) ]) if job['s']: if job['iops']: ss = 'iops' else: ss = 'bw' if job['slope']: ss += "_slope" ss += ":" + str(job['ss_limit']) if job['pct']: ss += '%' parameters.extend([ '--ss_dur={0}'.format(job['ss_dur']), '--ss={0}'.format(ss), '--ss_ramp={0}'.format(job['ss_ramp']) ]) output = subprocess.call([args.fio] + parameters) with open(tf, 'r') as source: jsondata = json.loads(source.read()) os.remove(tf) for jsonjob in jsondata['jobs']: line = "job {0}".format(jsonjob['job options']['name']) if job['s']: if jsonjob['steadystate']['attained'] == 1: # check runtime >= ss_dur + ss_ramp, check criterion, check criterion < limit mintime = (job['ss_dur'] + job['ss_ramp']) * 1000 actual = jsonjob['read']['runtime'] if mintime > actual: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' ss attained, runtime {0} < ss_dur {1} + ss_ramp {2}'.format(actual, job['ss_dur'], job['ss_ramp']) else: line = line + ' ss attained, runtime {0} > ss_dur {1} + ss_ramp {2},'.format(actual, job['ss_dur'], job['ss_ramp']) objsame, met, mean, target = check(data=jsonjob['steadystate']['data'], iops=job['iops'], slope=job['slope'], pct=job['pct'], limit=job['ss_limit'], dur=job['ss_dur'], criterion=jsonjob['steadystate']['criterion']) if not objsame: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' fio criterion {0} != calculated criterion {1} '.format(jsonjob['steadystate']['criterion'], target) else: if met: line = 'PASSED ' + line + ' target {0} < limit {1}'.format(target, job['ss_limit']) else: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' target {0} < limit {1} but fio reports ss not attained '.format(target, job['ss_limit']) else: # check runtime, confirm criterion calculation, and confirm that criterion was not met expected = job['timeout'] * 1000 actual = jsonjob['read']['runtime'] if abs(expected - actual) > 10: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' ss not attained, expected runtime {0} != actual runtime {1}'.format(expected, actual) else: line = line + ' ss not attained, runtime {0} != ss_dur {1} + ss_ramp {2},'.format(actual, job['ss_dur'], job['ss_ramp']) objsame, met, mean, target = check(data=jsonjob['steadystate']['data'], iops=job['iops'], slope=job['slope'], pct=job['pct'], limit=job['ss_limit'], dur=job['ss_dur'], criterion=jsonjob['steadystate']['criterion']) if not objsame: if actual > (job['ss_dur'] + job['ss_ramp'])*1000: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' fio criterion {0} != calculated criterion {1} '.format(jsonjob['steadystate']['criterion'], target) else: line = 'PASSED ' + line + ' fio criterion {0} == 0.0 since ss_dur + ss_ramp has not elapsed '.format(jsonjob['steadystate']['criterion']) else: if met: line = 'FAILED ' + line + ' target {0} < threshold {1} but fio reports ss not attained '.format(target, job['ss_limit']) else: line = 'PASSED ' + line + ' criterion {0} > threshold {1}'.format(target, job['ss_limit']) else: expected = job['timeout'] * 1000 actual = jsonjob['read']['runtime'] if abs(expected - actual) < 10: result = 'PASSED ' else: result = 'FAILED ' line = result + line + ' no ss, expected runtime {0} ~= actual runtime {1}'.format(expected, actual) print line if 'steadystate' in jsonjob: pp.pprint(jsonjob['steadystate']) jobnum += 1