/** * Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.inject; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.inject.name.Named; import com.google.inject.name.Names; import com.google.inject.spi.Message; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.List; /** * @author crazybob@google.com (Bob Lee) */ public class ImplicitBindingTest extends TestCase { public void testCircularDependency() throws CreationException { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); Foo foo = injector.getInstance(Foo.class); assertSame(foo, foo.bar.foo); } static class Foo { @Inject Bar bar; } static class Bar { final Foo foo; @Inject public Bar(Foo foo) { this.foo = foo; } } public void testDefaultImplementation() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); I i = injector.getInstance(I.class); i.go(); } @ImplementedBy(IImpl.class) interface I { void go(); } static class IImpl implements I { public void go() {} } static class AlternateImpl implements I { public void go() {} } public void testDefaultProvider() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); Provided provided = injector.getInstance(Provided.class); provided.go(); } public void testBindingOverridesImplementedBy() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(I.class).to(AlternateImpl.class); } }); assertEquals(AlternateImpl.class, injector.getInstance(I.class).getClass()); } @ProvidedBy(ProvidedProvider.class) interface Provided { void go(); } public void testNoImplicitBindingIsCreatedForAnnotatedKeys() { try { Guice.createInjector().getInstance(Key.get(I.class, Names.named("i"))); fail(); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { Asserts.assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) No implementation for " + I.class.getName(), "annotated with @" + Named.class.getName() + "(value=i) was bound.", "while locating " + I.class.getName(), " annotated with @" + Named.class.getName() + "(value=i)"); } } static class ProvidedProvider implements Provider { public Provided get() { return new Provided() { public void go() {} }; } } /** * When we're building the binding for A, we temporarily insert that binding to support circular * dependencies. And so we can successfully create a binding for B. But later, when the binding * for A ultimately fails, we need to clean up the dependent binding for B. * * The test loops through linked bindings & bindings with constructor & member injections, * to make sure that all are cleaned up and traversed. It also makes sure we don't touch * explicit bindings. */ public void testCircularJitBindingsLeaveNoResidue() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(Valid.class); bind(Valid2.class); } }); // Capture good bindings. Binding v1 = injector.getBinding(Valid.class); Binding v2 = injector.getBinding(Valid2.class); Binding jv1 = injector.getBinding(JitValid.class); Binding jv2 = injector.getBinding(JitValid2.class); // Then validate that a whole series of invalid bindings are erased. assertFailure(injector, Invalid.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidLinked.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidLinkedImpl.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidLinked2.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidLinked2Impl.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidProvidedBy.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidProvidedByProvider.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidProvidedBy2.class); assertFailure(injector, InvalidProvidedBy2Provider.class); assertFailure(injector, Invalid2.class); // Validate we didn't do anything to the valid explicit bindings. assertSame(v1, injector.getBinding(Valid.class)); assertSame(v2, injector.getBinding(Valid2.class)); // Validate that we didn't erase the valid JIT bindings assertSame(jv1, injector.getBinding(JitValid.class)); assertSame(jv2, injector.getBinding(JitValid2.class)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void assertFailure(Injector injector, Class clazz) { try { injector.getBinding(clazz); fail("Shouldn't have been able to get binding of: " + clazz); } catch(ConfigurationException expected) { Message msg = Iterables.getOnlyElement(expected.getErrorMessages()); assertEquals("No implementation for " + InvalidInterface.class.getName() + " was bound.", msg.getMessage()); List sources = msg.getSources(); // Assert that the first item in the sources if the key for the class we're looking up, // ensuring that each lookup is "new". assertEquals(Key.get(clazz).toString(), sources.get(0).toString()); // Assert that the last item in each lookup contains the InvalidInterface class Asserts.assertContains(sources.get(sources.size()-1).toString(), Key.get(InvalidInterface.class).toString()); } } static class Invalid { @Inject Valid a; @Inject JitValid b; @Inject InvalidProvidedBy c; @Inject Invalid(InvalidLinked a) {} @Inject void foo(InvalidInterface a) {} } @ImplementedBy(InvalidLinkedImpl.class) static interface InvalidLinked {} static class InvalidLinkedImpl implements InvalidLinked { @Inject InvalidLinked2 a; } @ImplementedBy(InvalidLinked2Impl.class) static interface InvalidLinked2 {} static class InvalidLinked2Impl implements InvalidLinked2 { @Inject InvalidLinked2Impl(Invalid2 a) {} } @ProvidedBy(InvalidProvidedByProvider.class) static interface InvalidProvidedBy {} static class InvalidProvidedByProvider implements Provider { @Inject InvalidProvidedBy2 a; public InvalidProvidedBy get() { return null; } } @ProvidedBy(InvalidProvidedBy2Provider.class) static interface InvalidProvidedBy2 {} static class InvalidProvidedBy2Provider implements Provider { @Inject Invalid2 a; public InvalidProvidedBy2 get() { return null; } } static class Invalid2 { @Inject Invalid a; } interface InvalidInterface {} static class Valid { @Inject Valid2 a; } static class Valid2 {} static class JitValid { @Inject JitValid2 a; } static class JitValid2 {} /** * Regression test for https://github.com/google/guice/issues/319 * * The bug is that a class that asks for a provider for itself during injection time, * where any one of the other types required to fulfill the object creation was bound * in a child constructor, explodes when the injected Provider is called. * * It works just fine when the other types are bound in a main injector. */ public void testInstancesRequestingProvidersForThemselvesWithChildInjectors() { final Module testModule = new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(String.class) .toProvider(TestStringProvider.class); } }; // Verify it works when the type is setup in the parent. Injector parentSetupRootInjector = Guice.createInjector(testModule); Injector parentSetupChildInjector = parentSetupRootInjector.createChildInjector(); assertEquals(TestStringProvider.TEST_VALUE, parentSetupChildInjector.getInstance( RequiresProviderForSelfWithOtherType.class).getValue()); // Verify it works when the type is setup in the child, not the parent. // If it still occurs, the bug will explode here. Injector childSetupRootInjector = Guice.createInjector(); Injector childSetupChildInjector = childSetupRootInjector.createChildInjector(testModule); assertEquals(TestStringProvider.TEST_VALUE, childSetupChildInjector.getInstance( RequiresProviderForSelfWithOtherType.class).getValue()); } static class TestStringProvider implements Provider { static final String TEST_VALUE = "This is to verify it all works"; public String get() { return TEST_VALUE; } } static class RequiresProviderForSelfWithOtherType { private final Provider selfProvider; private final String providedStringValue; @Inject RequiresProviderForSelfWithOtherType( String providedStringValue, Provider selfProvider ) { this.providedStringValue = providedStringValue; this.selfProvider = selfProvider; } public String getValue() { // Attempt to get another instance of ourself. This pattern // is possible for recursive processing. selfProvider.get(); return providedStringValue; } } /** * Ensure that when we cleanup failed JIT bindings, we don't break. * The test here requires a sequence of JIT bindings: * A-> B * B -> C, A * C -> A, D * D not JITable * The problem was that C cleaned up A's binding and then handed control back to B, * which tried to continue processing A.. but A was removed from the jitBindings Map, * so it attempts to create a new JIT binding for A, but we haven't yet finished * constructing the first JIT binding for A, so we get a recursive * computation exception from ComputingConcurrentHashMap. * * We also throw in a valid JIT binding, E, to guarantee that if * something fails in this flow, it can be recreated later if it's * not from a failed sequence. */ public void testRecursiveJitBindingsCleanupCorrectly() throws Exception { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); try { injector.getInstance(A.class); fail("Expected failure"); } catch(ConfigurationException expected) { Message msg = Iterables.getOnlyElement(expected.getErrorMessages()); Asserts.assertContains(msg.getMessage(), "Could not find a suitable constructor in " + D.class.getName()); } // Assert that we've removed all the bindings. assertNull(injector.getExistingBinding(Key.get(A.class))); assertNull(injector.getExistingBinding(Key.get(B.class))); assertNull(injector.getExistingBinding(Key.get(C.class))); assertNull(injector.getExistingBinding(Key.get(D.class))); // Confirm that we didn't prevent 'E' from working. assertNotNull(injector.getBinding(Key.get(E.class))); } static class A { @Inject public A(B b) {} } static class B { @Inject public B(C c, A a) {} } static class C { @Inject public C(A a, D d, E e) {} } static class D { public D(int i) {} } // Valid JITable binding static class E { } public void testProvidedByNonEmptyEnum() { NonEmptyEnum cardSuit = Guice.createInjector().getInstance(NonEmptyEnum.class); assertEquals(NonEmptyEnum.HEARTS, cardSuit); } public void testProvidedByEmptyEnum() { EmptyEnum emptyEnumValue = Guice.createInjector().getInstance(EmptyEnum.class); assertNull(emptyEnumValue); } @ProvidedBy(NonEmptyEnumProvider.class) enum NonEmptyEnum { HEARTS, DIAMONDS, CLUBS, SPADES } static final class NonEmptyEnumProvider implements Provider { @Override public NonEmptyEnum get() { return NonEmptyEnum.HEARTS; } } @ProvidedBy(EmptyEnumProvider.class) enum EmptyEnum {} static final class EmptyEnumProvider implements Provider { @Override public EmptyEnum get() { return null; } } // An enum cannot be implemented by anything, so it should not be possible to have a successful // binding when the enum is annotated with @ImplementedBy. public void testImplementedByEnum() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); try { injector.getInstance(EnumWithImplementedBy.class); fail("Expected failure"); } catch(ConfigurationException expected) { Message msg = Iterables.getOnlyElement(expected.getErrorMessages()); Asserts.assertContains(msg.getMessage(), "No implementation for " + EnumWithImplementedBy.class.getName() + " was bound."); } } @ImplementedBy(EnumWithImplementedByEnum.class) enum EnumWithImplementedBy {} private static class EnumWithImplementedByEnum {} }