/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License * *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (C) 2001-2012 IBM, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * ***********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** * * File ubrkperf.cpp * * Modification History: * Name Description * Vladimir Weinstein First Version, based on collperf * ********************************************************************************* */ // // This program tests break iterator performance // Currently we test only ICU APIs with the future possibility of testing *nix & win32 APIs // (if any) // A text file is required as input. It must be in utf-8 or utf-16 format, // and include a byte order mark. Either LE or BE format is OK. // const char gUsageString[] = "usage: ubrkperf options...\n" "-help Display this message.\n" "-file file_name utf-16/utf-8 format file.\n" "-locale name ICU locale to use. Default is en_US\n" "-langid 0x1234 Windows Language ID number. Default to value for -locale option\n" " see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/winbase/nls_8xo3.htm\n" "-win Run test using Windows native services. (currently not working) (ICU is default)\n" "-unix Run test using Unix word breaking services. (currently not working) \n" "-mac Run test using MacOSX word breaking services.\n" "-uselen Use API with string lengths. Default is null-terminated strings\n" "-char Use character break iterator\n" "-word Use word break iterator\n" "-line Use line break iterator\n" "-sentence Use sentence break iterator\n" "-loop nnnn Loopcount for test. Adjust for reasonable total running time.\n" "-iloop n Inner Loop Count. Default = 1. Number of calls to function\n" " under test at each call point. For measuring test overhead.\n" "-terse Terse numbers-only output. Intended for use by scripts.\n" "-dump Display stuff.\n" "-capi Use C APIs instead of C++ APIs (currently not working)\n" "-next Do the next test\n" "-isBound Do the isBound test\n" ; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if U_PLATFORM_HAS_WIN32_API #include #else // // Stubs for Windows API functions when building on UNIXes. // #include unsigned long timeGetTime() { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, 0); unsigned long val = t.tv_sec * 1000; // Let it overflow. Who cares. val += t.tv_usec / 1000; return val; }; #define MAKELCID(a,b) 0 #endif // // Command line option variables // These global variables are set according to the options specified // on the command line by the user. char * opt_fName = 0; char * opt_locale = "en_US"; int opt_langid = 0; // Defaults to value corresponding to opt_locale. char * opt_rules = 0; UBool opt_help = FALSE; int opt_time = 0; int opt_loopCount = 0; int opt_passesCount= 1; UBool opt_terse = FALSE; UBool opt_icu = TRUE; UBool opt_win = FALSE; // Run with Windows native functions. UBool opt_unix = FALSE; // Run with UNIX strcoll, strxfrm functions. UBool opt_mac = FALSE; // Run with MacOSX word break services. UBool opt_uselen = FALSE; UBool opt_dump = FALSE; UBool opt_char = FALSE; UBool opt_word = FALSE; UBool opt_line = FALSE; UBool opt_sentence = FALSE; UBool opt_capi = FALSE; UBool opt_next = FALSE; UBool opt_isBound = FALSE; // // Definitions for the command line options // struct OptSpec { const char *name; enum {FLAG, NUM, STRING} type; void *pVar; }; OptSpec opts[] = { {"-file", OptSpec::STRING, &opt_fName}, {"-locale", OptSpec::STRING, &opt_locale}, {"-langid", OptSpec::NUM, &opt_langid}, {"-win", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_win}, {"-unix", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_unix}, {"-mac", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_mac}, {"-uselen", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_uselen}, {"-loop", OptSpec::NUM, &opt_loopCount}, {"-time", OptSpec::NUM, &opt_time}, {"-passes", OptSpec::NUM, &opt_passesCount}, {"-char", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_char}, {"-word", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_word}, {"-line", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_line}, {"-sentence", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_sentence}, {"-terse", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_terse}, {"-dump", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_dump}, {"-capi", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_capi}, {"-next", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_next}, {"-isBound", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_isBound}, {"-help", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_help}, {"-?", OptSpec::FLAG, &opt_help}, {0, OptSpec::FLAG, 0} }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Global variables pointing to and describing the test file // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //DWORD gWinLCID; BreakIterator *brkit = NULL; UChar *text = NULL; int32_t textSize = 0; #if U_PLATFORM_IS_DARWIN_BASED #include enum{ kUCTextBreakAllMask = (kUCTextBreakClusterMask | kUCTextBreakWordMask | kUCTextBreakLineMask) }; UCTextBreakType breakTypes[4] = {kUCTextBreakCharMask, kUCTextBreakClusterMask, kUCTextBreakWordMask, kUCTextBreakLineMask}; TextBreakLocatorRef breakRef; UCTextBreakType macBreakType; void createMACBrkIt() { OSStatus status = noErr; LocaleRef lref; status = LocaleRefFromLocaleString(opt_locale, &lref); status = UCCreateTextBreakLocator(lref, 0, kUCTextBreakAllMask, (TextBreakLocatorRef*)&breakRef); if(opt_char == TRUE) { macBreakType = kUCTextBreakClusterMask; } else if(opt_word == TRUE) { macBreakType = kUCTextBreakWordMask; } else if(opt_line == TRUE) { macBreakType = kUCTextBreakLineMask; } else if(opt_sentence == TRUE) { // error // brkit = BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(opt_locale, status); } else { // default is character iterator macBreakType = kUCTextBreakClusterMask; } } #endif void createICUBrkIt() { // // Set up an ICU break iterator // UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(opt_char == TRUE) { brkit = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(opt_locale, status); } else if(opt_word == TRUE) { brkit = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(opt_locale, status); } else if(opt_line == TRUE) { brkit = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(opt_locale, status); } else if(opt_sentence == TRUE) { brkit = BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(opt_locale, status); } else { // default is character iterator brkit = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(opt_locale, status); } if (status==U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING && opt_terse==FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING for %s\n", opt_locale); } if (status==U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING && opt_terse==FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning, U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR for %s\n", opt_locale); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ProcessOptions() Function to read the command line options. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBool ProcessOptions(int argc, const char **argv, OptSpec opts[]) { int i; int argNum; const char *pArgName; OptSpec *pOpt; for (argNum=1; argNumname != 0; pOpt++) { if (strcmp(pOpt->name, pArgName) == 0) { switch (pOpt->type) { case OptSpec::FLAG: *(UBool *)(pOpt->pVar) = TRUE; break; case OptSpec::STRING: argNum ++; if (argNum >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "value expected for \"%s\" option.\n", pOpt->name); return FALSE; } *(const char **)(pOpt->pVar) = argv[argNum]; break; case OptSpec::NUM: argNum ++; if (argNum >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "value expected for \"%s\" option.\n", pOpt->name); return FALSE; } char *endp; i = strtol(argv[argNum], &endp, 0); if (endp == argv[argNum]) { fprintf(stderr, "integer value expected for \"%s\" option.\n", pOpt->name); return FALSE; } *(int *)(pOpt->pVar) = i; } break; } } if (pOpt->name == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option \"%s\"\n", pArgName); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void doForwardTest() { if (opt_terse == FALSE) { printf("Doing the forward test\n"); } int32_t noBreaks = 0; int32_t i = 0; unsigned long startTime = timeGetTime(); unsigned long elapsedTime = 0; if(opt_icu) { createICUBrkIt(); brkit->setText(UnicodeString(text, textSize)); brkit->first(); if (opt_terse == FALSE) { printf("Warmup\n"); } int j; while((j = brkit->next()) != BreakIterator::DONE) { noBreaks++; //fprintf(stderr, "%d ", j); } if (opt_terse == FALSE) { printf("Measure\n"); } startTime = timeGetTime(); for(i = 0; i < opt_loopCount; i++) { brkit->first(); while(brkit->next() != BreakIterator::DONE) { } } elapsedTime = timeGetTime()-startTime; } else if(opt_mac) { #if U_PLATFORM_IS_DARWIN_BASED createMACBrkIt(); UniChar* filePtr = text; OSStatus status = noErr; UniCharCount startOffset = 0, breakOffset = 0, numUniChars = textSize; startOffset = 0; //printf("\t---Search forward--\n"); while (startOffset < numUniChars) { status = UCFindTextBreak(breakRef, macBreakType, kUCTextBreakLeadingEdgeMask, filePtr, numUniChars, startOffset, &breakOffset); //require_action(status == noErr, EXIT, printf( "**UCFindTextBreak failed: startOffset %d, status %d\n", (int)startOffset, (int)status)); //require_action((breakOffset <= numUniChars),EXIT, printf("**UCFindTextBreak breakOffset too big: startOffset %d, breakOffset %d\n", (int)startOffset, (int)breakOffset)); // Output break //printf("\t%d\n", (int)breakOffset); // Increment counters noBreaks++; startOffset = breakOffset; } startTime = timeGetTime(); for(i = 0; i < opt_loopCount; i++) { startOffset = 0; while (startOffset < numUniChars) { status = UCFindTextBreak(breakRef, macBreakType, kUCTextBreakLeadingEdgeMask, filePtr, numUniChars, startOffset, &breakOffset); // Increment counters startOffset = breakOffset; } } elapsedTime = timeGetTime()-startTime; UCDisposeTextBreakLocator(&breakRef); #endif } if (opt_terse == FALSE) { int32_t loopTime = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)elapsedTime/(float)opt_loopCount)); int32_t timePerCU = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)loopTime/(float)textSize)); int32_t timePerBreak = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)loopTime/(float)noBreaks)); printf("forward break iteration average loop time %d\n", loopTime); printf("number of code units %d average time per code unit %d\n", textSize, timePerCU); printf("number of breaks %d average time per break %d\n", noBreaks, timePerBreak); } else { printf("time=%d\nevents=%d\nsize=%d\n", elapsedTime, noBreaks, textSize); } } void doIsBoundTest() { int32_t noBreaks = 0, hit = 0; int32_t i = 0, j = 0; unsigned long startTime = timeGetTime(); unsigned long elapsedTime = 0; createICUBrkIt(); brkit->setText(UnicodeString(text, textSize)); brkit->first(); for(j = 0; j < textSize; j++) { if(brkit->isBoundary(j)) { noBreaks++; //fprintf(stderr, "%d ", j); } } /* while(brkit->next() != BreakIterator::DONE) { noBreaks++; } */ startTime = timeGetTime(); for(i = 0; i < opt_loopCount; i++) { for(j = 0; j < textSize; j++) { if(brkit->isBoundary(j)) { hit++; } } } elapsedTime = timeGetTime()-startTime; int32_t loopTime = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)elapsedTime/(float)opt_loopCount)); if (opt_terse == FALSE) { int32_t timePerCU = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)loopTime/(float)textSize)); int32_t timePerBreak = (int)(float(1000) * ((float)loopTime/(float)noBreaks)); printf("forward break iteration average loop time %d\n", loopTime); printf("number of code units %d average time per code unit %d\n", textSize, timePerCU); printf("number of breaks %d average time per break %d\n", noBreaks, timePerBreak); } else { printf("time=%d\nevents=%d\nsize=%d\n", elapsedTime, noBreaks, textSize); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UnixConvert -- Convert the lines of the file to the encoding for UNIX // Since it appears that Unicode support is going in the general // direction of the use of UTF-8 locales, that is the approach // that is used here. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UnixConvert() { #if 0 int line; UConverter *cvrtr; // An ICU code page converter. UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; cvrtr = ucnv_open("utf-8", &status); // we are just doing UTF-8 locales for now. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "ICU Converter open failed.: %d\n", &status); exit(-1); } // redo for unix for (line=0; line < gNumFileLines; line++) { int sizeNeeded = ucnv_fromUChars(cvrtr, 0, // ptr to target buffer. 0, // length of target buffer. gFileLines[line].name, -1, // source is null terminated &status); if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && status != U_ZERO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Conversion from Unicode, something is wrong.\n"); exit(-1); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; gFileLines[line].unixName = new char[sizeNeeded+1]; sizeNeeded = ucnv_fromUChars(cvrtr, gFileLines[line].unixName, // ptr to target buffer. sizeNeeded+1, // length of target buffer. gFileLines[line].name, -1, // source is null terminated &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "ICU Conversion Failed.: %d\n", status); exit(-1); } gFileLines[line].unixName[sizeNeeded] = 0; }; ucnv_close(cvrtr); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class UCharFile Class to hide all the gorp to read a file in // and produce a stream of UChars. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class UCharFile { public: UCharFile(const char *fileName); ~UCharFile(); UChar get(); UBool eof() {return fEof;}; UBool error() {return fError;}; int32_t size() { return fFileSize; }; private: UCharFile (const UCharFile &other) {}; // No copy constructor. UCharFile & operator = (const UCharFile &other) {return *this;}; // No assignment op FILE *fFile; const char *fName; UBool fEof; UBool fError; UChar fPending2ndSurrogate; int32_t fFileSize; enum {UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF8} fEncoding; }; UCharFile::UCharFile(const char * fileName) { fEof = FALSE; fError = FALSE; fName = fileName; struct stat buf; int32_t result = stat(fileName, &buf); if(result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error getting info\n"); fFileSize = -1; } else { fFileSize = buf.st_size; } fFile = fopen(fName, "rb"); fPending2ndSurrogate = 0; if (fFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open file \"%s\"\n", opt_fName); fError = TRUE; return; } // // Look for the byte order mark at the start of the file. // int BOMC1, BOMC2, BOMC3; BOMC1 = fgetc(fFile); BOMC2 = fgetc(fFile); if (BOMC1 == 0xff && BOMC2 == 0xfe) { fEncoding = UTF16LE; } else if (BOMC1 == 0xfe && BOMC2 == 0xff) { fEncoding = UTF16BE; } else if (BOMC1 == 0xEF && BOMC2 == 0xBB && (BOMC3 = fgetc(fFile)) == 0xBF ) { fEncoding = UTF8; } else { fprintf(stderr, "collperf: file \"%s\" encoding must be UTF-8 or UTF-16, and " "must include a BOM.\n", fileName); fError = true; return; } } UCharFile::~UCharFile() { fclose(fFile); } UChar UCharFile::get() { UChar c; switch (fEncoding) { case UTF16LE: { int cL, cH; cL = fgetc(fFile); cH = fgetc(fFile); c = cL | (cH << 8); if (cH == EOF) { c = 0; fEof = TRUE; } break; } case UTF16BE: { int cL, cH; cH = fgetc(fFile); cL = fgetc(fFile); c = cL | (cH << 8); if (cL == EOF) { c = 0; fEof = TRUE; } break; } case UTF8: { if (fPending2ndSurrogate != 0) { c = fPending2ndSurrogate; fPending2ndSurrogate = 0; break; } int ch = fgetc(fFile); // Note: c and ch are separate cause eof test doesn't work on UChar type. if (ch == EOF) { c = 0; fEof = TRUE; break; } if (ch <= 0x7f) { // It's ascii. No further utf-8 conversion. c = ch; break; } // Figure out the lenght of the char and read the rest of the bytes // into a temp array. int nBytes; if (ch >= 0xF0) {nBytes=4;} else if (ch >= 0xE0) {nBytes=3;} else if (ch >= 0xC0) {nBytes=2;} else { fprintf(stderr, "not likely utf-8 encoded file %s contains corrupt data at offset %d.\n", fName, ftell(fFile)); fError = TRUE; return 0; } unsigned char bytes[10]; bytes[0] = (unsigned char)ch; int i; for (i=1; i= 0xc0) { fprintf(stderr, "utf-8 encoded file %s contains corrupt data at offset %d. Expected %d bytes, byte %d is invalid. First byte is %02X\n", fName, ftell(fFile), nBytes, i, ch); fError = TRUE; return 0; } } // Convert the bytes from the temp array to a Unicode char. i = 0; uint32_t cp; U8_NEXT_UNSAFE(bytes, i, cp); c = (UChar)cp; if (cp >= 0x10000) { // The code point needs to be broken up into a utf-16 surrogate pair. // Process first half this time through the main loop, and // remember the other half for the next time through. UChar utf16Buf[3]; i = 0; UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(utf16Buf, i, cp); fPending2ndSurrogate = utf16Buf[1]; c = utf16Buf[0]; } break; }; } return c; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Main -- process command line, read in and pre-process the test file, // call other functions to do the actual tests. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if (ProcessOptions(argc, argv, opts) != TRUE || opt_help || opt_fName == 0) { printf(gUsageString); exit (1); } // Make sure that we've only got one API selected. if (opt_mac || opt_unix || opt_win) opt_icu = FALSE; if (opt_mac || opt_unix) opt_win = FALSE; if (opt_mac) opt_unix = FALSE; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // // Set up a Windows LCID // /* if (opt_langid != 0) { gWinLCID = MAKELCID(opt_langid, SORT_DEFAULT); } else { gWinLCID = uloc_getLCID(opt_locale); } */ // // Set the UNIX locale // if (opt_unix) { if (setlocale(LC_ALL, opt_locale) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "setlocale(LC_ALL, %s) failed.\n", opt_locale); exit(-1); } } // Read in the input file. // File assumed to be utf-16. // Lines go onto heap buffers. Global index array to line starts is created. // Lines themselves are null terminated. // UCharFile f(opt_fName); if (f.error()) { exit(-1); } int32_t fileSize = f.size(); const int STARTSIZE = 70000; int32_t bufSize = 0; int32_t charCount = 0; if(fileSize != -1) { text = (UChar *)malloc(fileSize*sizeof(UChar)); bufSize = fileSize; } else { text = (UChar *)malloc(STARTSIZE*sizeof(UChar)); bufSize = STARTSIZE; } if(text == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocating buffer failed\n"); exit(-1); } // Read the file, split into lines, and save in memory. // Loop runs once per utf-16 value from the input file, // (The number of bytes read from file per loop iteration depends on external encoding.) for (;;) { UChar c = f.get(); if(f.eof()) { break; } if (f.error()){ exit(-1); } // We now have a good UTF-16 value in c. text[charCount++] = c; if(charCount == bufSize) { text = (UChar *)realloc(text, 2*bufSize*sizeof(UChar)); if(text == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Reallocating buffer failed\n"); exit(-1); } bufSize *= 2; } } if (opt_terse == FALSE) { printf("file \"%s\", %d charCount code units.\n", opt_fName, charCount); } textSize = charCount; // // Dump file contents if requested. // if (opt_dump) { // dump file, etc... possibly } // // We've got the file read into memory. Go do something with it. // int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < opt_passesCount; i++) { if(opt_loopCount != 0) { if(opt_next) { doForwardTest(); } else if(opt_isBound) { doIsBoundTest(); } else { doForwardTest(); } } else if(opt_time != 0) { } } if(text != NULL) { free(text); } if(brkit != NULL) { delete brkit; } return 0; }