iputils: documentation directory Index ping, ping6. arping. clockdiff. rarpd. tracepath, tracepath6. traceroute6. rdisc. tftpd. pg3, ipg, pgset. Historical notes This package appeared as a desperate attempt to bring some life to state of basic networking applets: Small Useful despite of this I never seen it was made right Not quite trivial Demonstrating some important feature of Linux The last but not the least, I use it more or less regularly This utility set was not supposed to be a reference set or something like that. Most of them were cloned from some originals: ping cloned of an ancient NetTools-B-xx ping6 cloned of a very old Pedro's utility set traceroute6 cloned of NRL Sep 96 distribution rdisc cloned of SUN in.rdisc clockdiff broken out of some BSD timed tftpd it is clone of some ancient NetKit package Also I added some utilities written from scratch, namely Hesitated a bit I overcame temptation to add patches. to LBNL This was mistake. Due to this Installation notes /usr/doc/iputils. It even does not try to install binaries and man pages. If you read historical notes above, the reason should be evident. Most of utilities intersect with utilities distributed in another packages, and making such target rewriting existing installation would be a crime from my side. The decision what variant of Anyway, select utilities which you like and install them to the places which you prefer together with their man pages. It is possible that compilation will fail, if you use some funny Linux distribution mangling header files in some unexpected ways (expected ones are the ways of redhat of course :-)). I validate iputils against asplinux distribution, which is inevitably followed by validity with respect to redhat. If your distribution is one of widely known ones, suse or debian, it also will compile provided snapshot is elder than month or so and someone reported all the problems, if they took place at all. Anyway, please, do not abuse me complaining about some compilation problems in any distribution different of asplinux or redhat. If you have a fix, please, send it to me, I will check that it does not break distributions mentioned above and apply it. But I am not going to undertake any investigations, bare reports are deemed to be routed to /dev/null. Availability The collection of documents is part of http://www.skbuff.net/iputils/iputils-current.tar.bz2. Copying Different files are copyrighted by different persons and organizations and distributed under different licenses. For details look into corresponding source files.