// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace base { namespace { WeakPtr PassThru(WeakPtr ptr) { return ptr; } template class OffThreadObjectCreator { public: static T* NewObject() { T* result; { Thread creator_thread("creator_thread"); creator_thread.Start(); creator_thread.task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(OffThreadObjectCreator::CreateObject, &result)); } DCHECK(result); // We synchronized on thread destruction above. return result; } private: static void CreateObject(T** result) { *result = new T; } }; struct Base { std::string member; }; struct Derived : public Base {}; struct TargetBase {}; struct Target : public TargetBase, public SupportsWeakPtr { virtual ~Target() {} }; struct DerivedTarget : public Target {}; struct Arrow { WeakPtr target; }; struct TargetWithFactory : public Target { TargetWithFactory() : factory(this) {} WeakPtrFactory factory; }; // Helper class to create and destroy weak pointer copies // and delete objects on a background thread. class BackgroundThread : public Thread { public: BackgroundThread() : Thread("owner_thread") {} ~BackgroundThread() override { Stop(); } void CreateArrowFromTarget(Arrow** arrow, Target* target) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoCreateArrowFromTarget, arrow, target, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } void CreateArrowFromArrow(Arrow** arrow, const Arrow* other) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoCreateArrowFromArrow, arrow, other, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } void DeleteTarget(Target* object) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoDeleteTarget, object, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } void CopyAndAssignArrow(Arrow* object) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoCopyAndAssignArrow, object, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } void CopyAndAssignArrowBase(Arrow* object) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoCopyAndAssignArrowBase, object, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } void DeleteArrow(Arrow* object) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoDeleteArrow, object, &completion)); completion.Wait(); } Target* DeRef(const Arrow* arrow) { WaitableEvent completion(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); Target* result = nullptr; task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackgroundThread::DoDeRef, arrow, &result, &completion)); completion.Wait(); return result; } protected: static void DoCreateArrowFromArrow(Arrow** arrow, const Arrow* other, WaitableEvent* completion) { *arrow = new Arrow; **arrow = *other; completion->Signal(); } static void DoCreateArrowFromTarget(Arrow** arrow, Target* target, WaitableEvent* completion) { *arrow = new Arrow; (*arrow)->target = target->AsWeakPtr(); completion->Signal(); } static void DoDeRef(const Arrow* arrow, Target** result, WaitableEvent* completion) { *result = arrow->target.get(); completion->Signal(); } static void DoDeleteTarget(Target* object, WaitableEvent* completion) { delete object; completion->Signal(); } static void DoCopyAndAssignArrow(Arrow* object, WaitableEvent* completion) { // Copy constructor. Arrow a = *object; // Assignment operator. *object = a; completion->Signal(); } static void DoCopyAndAssignArrowBase( Arrow* object, WaitableEvent* completion) { // Copy constructor. WeakPtr b = object->target; // Assignment operator. WeakPtr c; c = object->target; completion->Signal(); } static void DoDeleteArrow(Arrow* object, WaitableEvent* completion) { delete object; completion->Signal(); } }; } // namespace TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Basic) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Comparison) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); WeakPtr ptr2 = ptr; EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), ptr2.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Move) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); WeakPtr ptr2 = factory.GetWeakPtr(); WeakPtr ptr3 = std::move(ptr2); EXPECT_NE(ptr.get(), ptr2.get()); EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), ptr3.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, OutOfScope) { WeakPtr ptr; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr.get()); { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); } EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Multiple) { WeakPtr a, b; { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); a = factory.GetWeakPtr(); b = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&data, a.get()); EXPECT_EQ(&data, b.get()); } EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, a.get()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, b.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, MultipleStaged) { WeakPtr a; { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); a = factory.GetWeakPtr(); { WeakPtr b = factory.GetWeakPtr(); } EXPECT_NE(nullptr, a.get()); } EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, a.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, Dereference) { Base data; data.member = "123456"; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get()); EXPECT_EQ(data.member, (*ptr).member); EXPECT_EQ(data.member, ptr->member); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, UpCast) { Derived data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), &data); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, ConstructFromNullptr) { WeakPtr ptr = PassThru(nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, SupportsWeakPtr) { Target target; WeakPtr ptr = target.AsWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&target, ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, DerivedTarget) { DerivedTarget target; WeakPtr ptr = AsWeakPtr(&target); EXPECT_EQ(&target, ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, BooleanTesting) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr_to_an_instance = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_TRUE(ptr_to_an_instance); EXPECT_FALSE(!ptr_to_an_instance); if (ptr_to_an_instance) { } else { ADD_FAILURE() << "Pointer to an instance should result in true."; } if (!ptr_to_an_instance) { // check for operator!(). ADD_FAILURE() << "Pointer to an instance should result in !x being false."; } WeakPtr null_ptr; EXPECT_FALSE(null_ptr); EXPECT_TRUE(!null_ptr); if (null_ptr) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Null pointer should result in false."; } if (!null_ptr) { // check for operator!(). } else { ADD_FAILURE() << "Null pointer should result in !x being true."; } } TEST(WeakPtrFactoryTest, ComparisonToNull) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr_to_an_instance = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr_to_an_instance); EXPECT_NE(ptr_to_an_instance, nullptr); WeakPtr null_ptr; EXPECT_EQ(null_ptr, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, null_ptr); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, InvalidateWeakPtrs) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); factory.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr.get()); EXPECT_FALSE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); // Test that the factory can create new weak pointers after a // InvalidateWeakPtrs call, and they remain valid until the next // InvalidateWeakPtrs call. WeakPtr ptr2 = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&data, ptr2.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); factory.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ptr2.get()); EXPECT_FALSE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, HasWeakPtrs) { int data; WeakPtrFactory factory(&data); { WeakPtr ptr = factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_TRUE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); } EXPECT_FALSE(factory.HasWeakPtrs()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, ObjectAndWeakPtrOnDifferentThreads) { // Test that it is OK to create an object that supports WeakPtr on one thread, // but use it on another. This tests that we do not trip runtime checks that // ensure that a WeakPtr is not used by multiple threads. std::unique_ptr target(OffThreadObjectCreator::NewObject()); WeakPtr weak_ptr = target->AsWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(target.get(), weak_ptr.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, WeakPtrInitiateAndUseOnDifferentThreads) { // Test that it is OK to create an object that has a WeakPtr member on one // thread, but use it on another. This tests that we do not trip runtime // checks that ensure that a WeakPtr is not used by multiple threads. std::unique_ptr arrow(OffThreadObjectCreator::NewObject()); Target target; arrow->target = target.AsWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(&target, arrow->target.get()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, MoveOwnershipImplicitly) { // Move object ownership to another thread by releasing all weak pointers // on the original thread first, and then establish WeakPtr on a different // thread. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Target* target = new Target(); { WeakPtr weak_ptr = target->AsWeakPtr(); // Main thread deletes the WeakPtr, then the thread ownership of the // object can be implicitly moved. } Arrow* arrow; // Background thread creates WeakPtr(and implicitly owns the object). background.CreateArrowFromTarget(&arrow, target); EXPECT_EQ(background.DeRef(arrow), target); { // Main thread creates another WeakPtr, but this does not trigger implicitly // thread ownership move. Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target->AsWeakPtr(); // The new WeakPtr is owned by background thread. EXPECT_EQ(target, background.DeRef(&arrow)); } // Target can only be deleted on background thread. background.DeleteTarget(target); background.DeleteArrow(arrow); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, MoveOwnershipOfUnreferencedObject) { BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Arrow* arrow; { Target target; // Background thread creates WeakPtr. background.CreateArrowFromTarget(&arrow, &target); // Bind to background thread. EXPECT_EQ(&target, background.DeRef(arrow)); // Release the only WeakPtr. arrow->target.reset(); // Now we should be able to create a new reference from this thread. arrow->target = target.AsWeakPtr(); // Re-bind to main thread. EXPECT_EQ(&target, arrow->target.get()); // And the main thread can now delete the target. } delete arrow; } TEST(WeakPtrTest, MoveOwnershipAfterInvalidate) { BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Arrow arrow; std::unique_ptr target(new TargetWithFactory); // Bind to main thread. arrow.target = target->factory.GetWeakPtr(); EXPECT_EQ(target.get(), arrow.target.get()); target->factory.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, arrow.target.get()); arrow.target = target->factory.GetWeakPtr(); // Re-bind to background thread. EXPECT_EQ(target.get(), background.DeRef(&arrow)); // And the background thread can now delete the target. background.DeleteTarget(target.release()); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, MainThreadRefOutlivesBackgroundThreadRef) { // Originating thread has a WeakPtr that outlives others. // - Main thread creates a WeakPtr // - Background thread creates a WeakPtr copy from the one in main thread // - Destruct the WeakPtr on background thread // - Destruct the WeakPtr on main thread BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Target target; Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target.AsWeakPtr(); Arrow* arrow_copy; background.CreateArrowFromArrow(&arrow_copy, &arrow); EXPECT_EQ(arrow_copy->target.get(), &target); background.DeleteArrow(arrow_copy); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, BackgroundThreadRefOutlivesMainThreadRef) { // Originating thread drops all references before another thread. // - Main thread creates a WeakPtr and passes copy to background thread // - Destruct the pointer on main thread // - Destruct the pointer on background thread BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Target target; Arrow* arrow_copy; { Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target.AsWeakPtr(); background.CreateArrowFromArrow(&arrow_copy, &arrow); } EXPECT_EQ(arrow_copy->target.get(), &target); background.DeleteArrow(arrow_copy); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, OwnerThreadDeletesObject) { // Originating thread invalidates WeakPtrs while its held by other thread. // - Main thread creates WeakPtr and passes Copy to background thread // - Object gets destroyed on main thread // (invalidates WeakPtr on background thread) // - WeakPtr gets destroyed on Thread B BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); Arrow* arrow_copy; { Target target; Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target.AsWeakPtr(); background.CreateArrowFromArrow(&arrow_copy, &arrow); } EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, arrow_copy->target.get()); background.DeleteArrow(arrow_copy); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, NonOwnerThreadCanCopyAndAssignWeakPtr) { // Main thread creates a Target object. Target target; // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow *arrow = new Arrow(); arrow->target = target.AsWeakPtr(); // Background can copy and assign arrow (as well as the WeakPtr inside). BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); background.CopyAndAssignArrow(arrow); background.DeleteArrow(arrow); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, NonOwnerThreadCanCopyAndAssignWeakPtrBase) { // Main thread creates a Target object. Target target; // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow *arrow = new Arrow(); arrow->target = target.AsWeakPtr(); // Background can copy and assign arrow's WeakPtr to a base class WeakPtr. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); background.CopyAndAssignArrowBase(arrow); background.DeleteArrow(arrow); } TEST(WeakPtrTest, NonOwnerThreadCanDeleteWeakPtr) { // Main thread creates a Target object. Target target; // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow* arrow = new Arrow(); arrow->target = target.AsWeakPtr(); // Background can delete arrow (as well as the WeakPtr inside). BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); background.DeleteArrow(arrow); } #if (!defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)) && GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST TEST(WeakPtrDeathTest, WeakPtrCopyDoesNotChangeThreadBinding) { // The default style "fast" does not support multi-threaded tests // (introduces deadlock on Linux). ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); // Main thread creates a Target object. Target target; // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target.AsWeakPtr(); // Background copies the WeakPtr. Arrow* arrow_copy; background.CreateArrowFromArrow(&arrow_copy, &arrow); // The copy is still bound to main thread so I can deref. EXPECT_EQ(arrow.target.get(), arrow_copy->target.get()); // Although background thread created the copy, it can not deref the copied // WeakPtr. ASSERT_DEATH(background.DeRef(arrow_copy), ""); background.DeleteArrow(arrow_copy); } TEST(WeakPtrDeathTest, NonOwnerThreadDereferencesWeakPtrAfterReference) { // The default style "fast" does not support multi-threaded tests // (introduces deadlock on Linux). ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; // Main thread creates a Target object. Target target; // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target (so target's // thread ownership can not be implicitly moved). Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target.AsWeakPtr(); arrow.target.get(); // Background thread tries to deref target, which violates thread ownership. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); ASSERT_DEATH(background.DeRef(&arrow), ""); } TEST(WeakPtrDeathTest, NonOwnerThreadDeletesWeakPtrAfterReference) { // The default style "fast" does not support multi-threaded tests // (introduces deadlock on Linux). ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; std::unique_ptr target(new Target()); // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target->AsWeakPtr(); // Background thread tries to deref target, binding it to the thread. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); background.DeRef(&arrow); // Main thread deletes Target, violating thread binding. ASSERT_DEATH(target.reset(), ""); // |target.reset()| died so |target| still holds the object, so we // must pass it to the background thread to teardown. background.DeleteTarget(target.release()); } TEST(WeakPtrDeathTest, NonOwnerThreadDeletesObjectAfterReference) { // The default style "fast" does not support multi-threaded tests // (introduces deadlock on Linux). ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; std::unique_ptr target(new Target()); // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target, and references it, so // that it becomes bound to the thread. Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target->AsWeakPtr(); arrow.target.get(); // Background thread tries to delete target, volating thread binding. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); ASSERT_DEATH(background.DeleteTarget(target.release()), ""); } TEST(WeakPtrDeathTest, NonOwnerThreadReferencesObjectAfterDeletion) { // The default style "fast" does not support multi-threaded tests // (introduces deadlock on Linux). ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; std::unique_ptr target(new Target()); // Main thread creates an arrow referencing the Target. Arrow arrow; arrow.target = target->AsWeakPtr(); // Background thread tries to delete target, binding the object to the thread. BackgroundThread background; background.Start(); background.DeleteTarget(target.release()); // Main thread attempts to dereference the target, violating thread binding. ASSERT_DEATH(arrow.target.get(), ""); } #endif } // namespace base