//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // quoted #include #include #include #include #include "test_macros.h" #if TEST_STD_VER > 11 template bool is_skipws ( const std::basic_istream& is ) { return ( is.flags() & std::ios_base::skipws ) != 0; } template > void both_ways ( const CharT *p ) { std::basic_string str(p); auto q = std::quoted(str); std::basic_stringstream ss; bool skippingws = is_skipws ( ss ); ((void)skippingws); // Prevent unused warning ss << q; ss >> q; } template > void round_trip ( const CharT *p ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; bool skippingws = is_skipws ( ss ); ss << std::quoted(p); std::basic_string s; ss >> std::quoted(s); assert ( s == p ); assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( ss )); } template > void round_trip_ws ( const CharT *p ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; std::noskipws ( ss ); bool skippingws = is_skipws ( ss ); ss << std::quoted(p); std::basic_string s; ss >> std::quoted(s); assert ( s == p ); assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( ss )); } template > void round_trip_d ( const CharT *p, char delim ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; CharT d(delim); ss << std::quoted(p, d); std::basic_string s; ss >> std::quoted(s, d); assert ( s == p ); } template > void round_trip_e ( const CharT *p, char escape ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; CharT e(escape); ss << std::quoted(p, CharT('"'), e ); std::basic_string s; ss >> std::quoted(s, CharT('"'), e ); assert ( s == p ); } template > std::basic_string quote ( const CharT *p, char delim='"', char escape='\\' ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; CharT d(delim); CharT e(escape); ss << std::quoted(p, d, e); std::basic_string s; ss >> s; // no quote return s; } template > std::basic_string unquote ( const CharT *p, char delim='"', char escape='\\' ) { std::basic_stringstream ss; ss << p; CharT d(delim); CharT e(escape); std::basic_string s; ss >> std::quoted(s, d, e); return s; } void test_padding () { { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::left << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('!') << std::quoted("abc", '`'); assert ( ss.str() == "`abc`!!!!!" ); } { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::right << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('!') << std::quoted("abc", '`'); assert ( ss.str() == "!!!!!`abc`" ); } } int main() { both_ways ( "" ); // This is a compilation check round_trip ( "" ); round_trip_ws ( "" ); round_trip_d ( "", 'q' ); round_trip_e ( "", 'q' ); round_trip ( L"" ); round_trip_ws ( L"" ); round_trip_d ( L"", 'q' ); round_trip_e ( L"", 'q' ); round_trip ( "Hi" ); round_trip_ws ( "Hi" ); round_trip_d ( "Hi", '!' ); round_trip_e ( "Hi", '!' ); assert ( quote ( "Hi", '!' ) == "!Hi!" ); assert ( quote ( "Hi!", '!' ) == R"(!Hi\!!)" ); round_trip ( L"Hi" ); round_trip_ws ( L"Hi" ); round_trip_d ( L"Hi", '!' ); round_trip_e ( L"Hi", '!' ); assert ( quote ( L"Hi", '!' ) == L"!Hi!" ); assert ( quote ( L"Hi!", '!' ) == LR"(!Hi\!!)" ); round_trip ( "Hi Mom" ); round_trip_ws ( "Hi Mom" ); round_trip ( L"Hi Mom" ); round_trip_ws ( L"Hi Mom" ); assert ( quote ( "" ) == "\"\"" ); assert ( quote ( L"" ) == L"\"\"" ); assert ( quote ( "a" ) == "\"a\"" ); assert ( quote ( L"a" ) == L"\"a\"" ); // missing end quote - must not hang assert ( unquote ( "\"abc" ) == "abc" ); assert ( unquote ( L"\"abc" ) == L"abc" ); assert ( unquote ( "abc" ) == "abc" ); // no delimiter assert ( unquote ( L"abc" ) == L"abc" ); // no delimiter assert ( unquote ( "abc def" ) == "abc" ); // no delimiter assert ( unquote ( L"abc def" ) == L"abc" ); // no delimiter assert ( unquote ( "" ) == "" ); // nothing there assert ( unquote ( L"" ) == L"" ); // nothing there test_padding (); } #else int main() {} #endif