/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "include/ese/app/weaver.h" /* Non-static, but visibility=hidden so they can be used in test. */ const uint8_t kManageChannelOpen[] = {0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; const uint32_t kManageChannelOpenLength = (uint32_t)sizeof(kManageChannelOpen); const uint8_t kManageChannelClose[] = {0x00, 0x70, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00}; const uint8_t kSelectApplet[] = {0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0D, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x76, 0x57, 0x56, 0x52, 0x43, 0x4F, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x30}; const uint32_t kSelectAppletLength = (uint32_t)sizeof(kSelectApplet); // Supported commands. const uint8_t kGetNumSlots[] = {0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04}; const uint8_t kWrite[] = {0x80, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 4 + kEseWeaverKeySize + kEseWeaverValueSize}; // slotid + key + value const uint8_t kRead[] = {0x80, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 4 + kEseWeaverKeySize}; // slotid + key const uint8_t kEraseValue[] = {0x80, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 4}; // slotid const uint8_t kEraseAll[] = {0x80, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00}; // Build 32-bit int from big endian bytes static uint32_t get_uint32(uint8_t buf[4]) { uint32_t x = buf[3]; x |= buf[2] << 8; x |= buf[1] << 16; x |= buf[0] << 24; return x; } static void put_uint32(uint8_t buf[4], uint32_t val) { buf[0] = 0xff & (val >> 24); buf[1] = 0xff & (val >> 16); buf[2] = 0xff & (val >> 8); buf[3] = 0xff & val; } EseAppResult check_apdu_status(uint8_t code[2]) { if (code[0] == 0x90 && code[1] == 0x00) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_OK; } if (code[0] == 0x66 && code[1] == 0xA5) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COOLDOWN; } if (code[0] == 0x6A && code[1] == 0x83) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_UNCONFIGURED; } /* TODO(wad) Bubble up the error code if needed. */ ALOGE("unhandled response %.2x %.2x", code[0], code[1]); return ese_make_os_result(code[0], code[1]); } ESE_API void ese_weaver_session_init(struct EseWeaverSession *session) { session->ese = NULL; session->active = false; session->channel_id = 0; } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_session_open(struct EseInterface *ese, struct EseWeaverSession *session) { struct EseSgBuffer tx[2]; struct EseSgBuffer rx; uint8_t rx_buf[32]; int rx_len; if (!ese || !session) { ALOGE("Invalid |ese| or |session|"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (session->active == true) { ALOGE("|session| is already active"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } /* Instantiate a logical channel */ rx_len = ese_transceive(ese, kManageChannelOpen, sizeof(kManageChannelOpen), rx_buf, sizeof(rx_buf)); if (ese_error(ese)) { ALOGE("transceive error: code:%d message:'%s'", ese_error_code(ese), ese_error_message(ese)); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len < 0) { ALOGE("transceive error: rx_len: %d", rx_len); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len < 2) { ALOGE("transceive error: reply too short"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } EseAppResult ret; ret = check_apdu_status(&rx_buf[rx_len - 2]); if (ret != ESE_APP_RESULT_OK) { ALOGE("MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN failed with error code: %x %x", rx_buf[rx_len - 2], rx_buf[rx_len - 1]); return ret; } if (rx_len < 3) { ALOGE("transceive error: successful reply unexpectedly short"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } session->ese = ese; session->channel_id = rx_buf[rx_len - 3]; /* Select Weaver Applet. */ uint8_t chan = kSelectApplet[0] | session->channel_id; tx[0].base = &chan; tx[0].len = 1; tx[1].base = (uint8_t *)&kSelectApplet[1]; tx[1].len = sizeof(kSelectApplet) - 1; rx.base = &rx_buf[0]; rx.len = sizeof(rx_buf); rx_len = ese_transceive_sg(ese, tx, 2, &rx, 1); if (rx_len < 0 || ese_error(ese)) { ALOGE("transceive error: caller should check ese_error()"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len < 2) { ALOGE("transceive error: reply too short"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } ret = check_apdu_status(&rx_buf[rx_len - 2]); if (ret != ESE_APP_RESULT_OK) { ALOGE("SELECT failed with error code: %x %x", rx_buf[rx_len - 2], rx_buf[rx_len - 1]); return ret; } session->active = true; return ESE_APP_RESULT_OK; } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_session_close(struct EseWeaverSession *session) { uint8_t rx_buf[32]; int rx_len; if (!session || !session->ese) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!session->active || session->channel_id == 0) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } /* Release the channel */ uint8_t close_channel[sizeof(kManageChannelClose)]; ese_memcpy(close_channel, kManageChannelClose, sizeof(kManageChannelClose)); close_channel[0] |= session->channel_id; close_channel[3] |= session->channel_id; rx_len = ese_transceive(session->ese, close_channel, sizeof(close_channel), rx_buf, sizeof(rx_buf)); if (rx_len < 0 || ese_error(session->ese)) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len < 2) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } EseAppResult ret; ret = check_apdu_status(&rx_buf[rx_len - 2]); if (ret != ESE_APP_RESULT_OK) { return ret; } session->channel_id = 0; session->active = false; return ESE_APP_RESULT_OK; } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_get_num_slots(struct EseWeaverSession *session, uint32_t *numSlots) { if (!session || !session->ese || !session->active) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!session->active || session->channel_id == 0) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!numSlots) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } // Prepare command uint8_t get_num_slots[sizeof(kGetNumSlots)]; ese_memcpy(get_num_slots, kGetNumSlots, sizeof(kGetNumSlots)); get_num_slots[0] |= session->channel_id; // Send command uint8_t rx_buf[6]; const int rx_len = ese_transceive(session->ese, get_num_slots, sizeof(get_num_slots), rx_buf, sizeof(rx_buf)); // Check for errors if (rx_len < 2 || ese_error(session->ese)) { ALOGE("Failed to get num slots"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len == 2) { ALOGE("ese_weaver_get_num_slots: SE exception"); EseAppResult ret = check_apdu_status(rx_buf); return ret; } if (rx_len != 6) { ALOGE("Unexpected response from Weaver applet"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } *numSlots = get_uint32(rx_buf); return ESE_APP_RESULT_OK; } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_write(struct EseWeaverSession *session, uint32_t slotId, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *value) { if (!session || !session->ese || !session->active) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!session->active || session->channel_id == 0) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!key || !value) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } // Prepare data to send struct EseSgBuffer tx[5]; uint8_t chan = kWrite[0] | session->channel_id; tx[0].base = &chan; tx[0].len = 1; tx[1].base = (uint8_t *)&kWrite[1]; tx[1].len = sizeof(kWrite) - 1; // Slot ID in big endian uint8_t slot_id[4]; put_uint32(slot_id, slotId); tx[2].base = slot_id; tx[2].len = sizeof(slot_id); // Key and value tx[3].c_base = key; tx[3].len = kEseWeaverKeySize; tx[4].c_base = value; tx[4].len = kEseWeaverValueSize; // Prepare buffer for result struct EseSgBuffer rx; uint8_t rx_buf[2]; rx.base = rx_buf; rx.len = sizeof(rx_buf); // Send the command const int rx_len = ese_transceive_sg(session->ese, tx, 5, &rx, 1); // Check for errors if (rx_len < 2 || ese_error(session->ese)) { ALOGE("Failed to write to slot"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len > 2) { ALOGE("Unexpected response from Weaver applet"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } return check_apdu_status(rx_buf); } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_read(struct EseWeaverSession *session, uint32_t slotId, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *value, uint32_t *timeout) { if (!session || !session->ese || !session->active) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!session->active || session->channel_id == 0) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!key || !value || !timeout) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } // Prepare data to send struct EseSgBuffer tx[5]; uint8_t chan = kRead[0] | session->channel_id; tx[0].base = &chan; tx[0].len = 1; tx[1].base = (uint8_t *)&kRead[1]; tx[1].len = sizeof(kRead) - 1; // Slot ID in big endian uint8_t slot_id[4]; put_uint32(slot_id, slotId); tx[2].base = slot_id; tx[2].len = sizeof(slot_id); // Key of 16 bytes tx[3].c_base = key; tx[3].len = kEseWeaverKeySize; // Value response is 16 bytes const uint8_t maxResponse = 1 + kEseWeaverValueSize; tx[4].c_base = &maxResponse; tx[4].len = 1; // Prepare buffer for result struct EseSgBuffer rx[3]; uint8_t appletStatus; rx[0].base = &appletStatus; rx[0].len = 1; rx[1].base = value; rx[1].len = kEseWeaverValueSize; uint8_t rx_buf[2]; rx[2].base = rx_buf; rx[2].len = sizeof(rx_buf); // Send the command const int rx_len = ese_transceive_sg(session->ese, tx, 5, rx, 3); // Check for errors if (rx_len < 2 || ese_error(session->ese)) { ALOGE("Failed to write to slot"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len == 2) { rx_buf[0] = appletStatus; rx_buf[1] = value[0]; ALOGE("ese_weaver_read: SE exception"); EseAppResult ret = check_apdu_status(rx_buf); return ret; } if (rx_len < 7) { ALOGE("Unexpected response from Weaver applet"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } const uint8_t READ_SUCCESS = 0x00; const uint8_t READ_WRONG_KEY = 0x7f; const uint8_t READ_BACK_OFF = 0x76; const uint32_t millisInSecond = 1000; // wrong key if (appletStatus == READ_WRONG_KEY) { ALOGI("ese_weaver_read wrong key provided"); *timeout = get_uint32(value) * millisInSecond; return ESE_WEAVER_READ_WRONG_KEY; } // backoff if (appletStatus == READ_BACK_OFF) { ALOGI("ese_weaver_read wrong key provided"); *timeout = get_uint32(value) * millisInSecond; return ESE_WEAVER_READ_TIMEOUT; } if (rx_len != 19) { ALOGE("Unexpected response from Weaver applet"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } return ESE_APP_RESULT_OK; } ESE_API EseAppResult ese_weaver_erase_value(struct EseWeaverSession *session, uint32_t slotId) { if (!session || !session->ese || !session->active) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } if (!session->active || session->channel_id == 0) { return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } // Prepare data to send struct EseSgBuffer tx[3]; uint8_t chan = kEraseValue[0] | session->channel_id; tx[0].base = &chan; tx[0].len = 1; tx[1].base = (uint8_t *)&kEraseValue[1]; tx[1].len = sizeof(kEraseValue) - 1; // Slot ID in big endian uint8_t slot_id[4]; put_uint32(slot_id, slotId); tx[2].base = slot_id; tx[2].len = sizeof(slot_id); // Prepare buffer for result struct EseSgBuffer rx; uint8_t rx_buf[2]; rx.base = rx_buf; rx.len = sizeof(rx_buf); // Send the command const int rx_len = ese_transceive_sg(session->ese, tx, 3, &rx, 1); // Check for errors if (rx_len < 2 || ese_error(session->ese)) { ALOGE("Failed to write to slot"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } if (rx_len > 2) { ALOGE("Unexpected response from Weaver applet"); return ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_COMM_FAILED; } return check_apdu_status(rx_buf); } // TODO: erase all, not currently used