/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "include/ese/teq1.h" #include "../libese/include/ese/ese.h" #include "../libese/include/ese/log.h" #include "teq1_private.h" const char *teq1_rule_result_to_name(enum RuleResult result) { switch (result) { case kRuleResultComplete: return "Complete"; case kRuleResultAbort: return "Abort"; case kRuleResultContinue: return "Continue"; case kRuleResultHardFail: return "Hard failure"; case kRuleResultResetDevice: return "Reset device"; case kRuleResultResetSession: return "Reset session"; case kRuleResultRetransmit: return "Retransmit"; case kRuleResultSingleShot: return "Single shot"; }; } const char *teq1_pcb_to_name(uint8_t pcb) { switch (pcb) { case I(0, 0): return "I(0, 0)"; case I(0, 1): return "I(0, 1)"; case I(1, 0): return "I(1, 0)"; case I(1, 1): return "I(1, 1)"; case R(0, 0, 0): return "R(0, 0, 0)"; case R(0, 0, 1): return "R(0, 0, 1)"; case R(0, 1, 0): return "R(0, 1, 0)"; case R(0, 1, 1): return "R(0, 1, 1)"; case R(1, 0, 0): return "R(1, 0, 0)"; case R(1, 0, 1): return "R(1, 0, 1)"; case R(1, 1, 0): return "R(1, 1, 0)"; case R(1, 1, 1): return "R(1, 1, 1)"; case S(RESYNC, REQUEST): return "S(RESYNC, REQUEST)"; case S(RESYNC, RESPONSE): return "S(RESYNC, RESPONSE)"; case S(IFS, REQUEST): return "S(IFS, REQUEST)"; case S(IFS, RESPONSE): return "S(IFS, RESPONSE)"; case S(ABORT, REQUEST): return "S(ABORT, REQUEST)"; case S(ABORT, RESPONSE): return "S(ABORT, RESPONSE)"; case S(WTX, REQUEST): return "S(WTX, REQUEST)"; case S(WTX, RESPONSE): return "S(WTX, RESPONSE)"; case 255: return "INTERNAL-ERROR"; default: return "???"; } } void teq1_dump_buf(const char *prefix, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { uint32_t recvd = 0; for (recvd = 0; recvd < len; ++recvd) ALOGV("%s[%u]: %.2X", prefix, recvd, buf[recvd]); } int teq1_transmit(struct EseInterface *ese, const struct Teq1ProtocolOptions *opts, struct Teq1Frame *frame) { /* Set correct node address. */ frame->header.NAD = opts->node_address; /* Compute the LRC */ frame->INF[frame->header.LEN] = teq1_compute_LRC(frame); /* * If the card does something weird, like expect an CRC/LRC based on a * different header value, the preprocessing can handle it. */ if (opts->preprocess) { opts->preprocess(opts, frame, 1); } /* * Begins transmission and ignore errors. * Failed transmissions will result eventually in a resync then reset. */ teq1_trace_transmit(frame->header.PCB, frame->header.LEN); teq1_dump_transmit(frame->val, sizeof(frame->header) + frame->header.LEN + 1); ese->ops->hw_transmit(ese, frame->val, sizeof(frame->header) + frame->header.LEN + 1, 1); /* * Even though in practice any WTX BWT extension starts when the above * transmit ends, it is easier to implement it in the polling timeout of * receive. */ return 0; } int teq1_receive(struct EseInterface *ese, const struct Teq1ProtocolOptions *opts, float timeout, struct Teq1Frame *frame) { /* Poll the bus until we see the start of frame indicator, the interface NAD. */ int bytes_consumed = ese->ops->poll(ese, opts->host_address, timeout, 0); if (bytes_consumed < 0 || bytes_consumed > 1) { /* Timed out or comm error. */ ALOGV("%s: comm error: %d", __func__, bytes_consumed); return -1; } /* We polled for the NAD above -- if it was consumed, set it here. */ if (bytes_consumed) { frame->header.NAD = opts->host_address; } /* Get the remainder of the header, but keep the line &open. */ ese->ops->hw_receive(ese, (uint8_t *)(&frame->header.NAD + bytes_consumed), sizeof(frame->header) - bytes_consumed, 0); teq1_dump_receive((uint8_t *)(&frame->header.NAD + bytes_consumed), sizeof(frame->header) - bytes_consumed); if (frame->header.LEN == 255) { ALOGV("received invalid LEN of 255"); /* Close the receive window and return failure. */ ese->ops->hw_receive(ese, NULL, 0, 1); return -1; } /* * Get the data and the first byte of CRC data. * Note, CRC support is not implemented. Only a single LRC byte is expected. */ ese->ops->hw_receive(ese, (uint8_t *)(&(frame->INF[0])), frame->header.LEN + 1, 1); teq1_dump_receive((uint8_t *)(&(frame->INF[0])), frame->header.LEN + 1); teq1_trace_receive(frame->header.PCB, frame->header.LEN); /* * If the card does something weird, like expect an CRC/LRC based on a * different * header value, the preprocessing should fix up here prior to the LRC check. */ if (opts->preprocess) { opts->preprocess(opts, frame, 0); } /* LRC and other protocol goodness checks are not done here. */ return frame->header.LEN; /* Return data bytes read. */ } uint8_t teq1_fill_info_block(struct Teq1State *state, struct Teq1Frame *frame) { uint32_t inf_len = INF_LEN; if (state->ifs < inf_len) { inf_len = state->ifs; } switch (bs_get(PCB.type, frame->header.PCB)) { case kPcbTypeInfo0: case kPcbTypeInfo1: { uint32_t len = state->app_data.tx_total; uint32_t copied = 0; if (len > inf_len) { len = inf_len; } copied = ese_sg_to_buf(state->app_data.tx, state->app_data.tx_count, state->app_data.tx_offset, len, frame->INF); if (copied != len) { ALOGE("Failed to copy %x bytes of app data for transmission", frame->header.LEN); /* TODO(wad): This return code is largely ignored. Is the precondition * checking elsewhere enough? */ return 255; } frame->header.LEN = (len & 0xff); ALOGV("Copying %x bytes of app data for transmission", frame->header.LEN); /* Incrementing here means the caller MUST handle retransmit with prepared * data. */ state->app_data.tx_offset += copied; state->app_data.tx_total -= copied; /* Perform chained transmission if needed. */ bs_assign(&frame->header.PCB, PCB.I.more_data, 0); if (state->app_data.tx_total > 0) { frame->header.PCB |= bs_mask(PCB.I.more_data, 1); } return len; } case kPcbTypeSupervisory: case kPcbTypeReceiveReady: default: break; } return 255; /* Invalid block type. */ } void teq1_get_app_data(struct Teq1State *state, const struct Teq1Frame *frame) { switch (bs_get(PCB.type, frame->header.PCB)) { case kPcbTypeInfo0: case kPcbTypeInfo1: { uint32_t len = frame->header.LEN; /* TODO(wad): Some data will be left on the table. Should this error out? */ if (len > state->app_data.rx_total) { len = state->app_data.rx_total; } ese_sg_from_buf(state->app_data.rx, state->app_data.rx_count, state->app_data.rx_offset, len, frame->INF); /* The original caller must retain the starting pointer to determine * actual available data. */ state->app_data.rx_total -= len; state->app_data.rx_offset += len; return; } case kPcbTypeReceiveReady: case kPcbTypeSupervisory: default: break; } return; } /* Returns an R(0) frame with error bits set. */ uint8_t teq1_frame_error_check(struct Teq1State *state, struct Teq1Frame *tx_frame, struct Teq1Frame *rx_frame) { uint8_t lrc = 0; int chained = 0; if (rx_frame->header.PCB == 255) { return R(0, 1, 0); /* Other error */ } lrc = teq1_compute_LRC(rx_frame); if (rx_frame->INF[rx_frame->header.LEN] != lrc) { ALOGE("Invalid LRC %x instead of %x", rx_frame->INF[rx_frame->header.LEN], lrc); return R(0, 0, 1); /* Parity error */ } /* Check if we were chained and increment the last sent sequence. */ switch (bs_get(PCB.type, tx_frame->header.PCB)) { case kPcbTypeInfo0: case kPcbTypeInfo1: chained = bs_get(PCB.I.more_data, tx_frame->header.PCB); state->card_state->seq.interface = bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, tx_frame->header.PCB); } /* Check if we've gone down an easy to catch error hole. The rest will turn up * on the * txrx switch. */ switch (bs_get(PCB.type, rx_frame->header.PCB)) { case kPcbTypeSupervisory: if (rx_frame->header.PCB != S(RESYNC, RESPONSE) && rx_frame->header.LEN != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid supervisory RX frame."); return R(0, 1, 0); } break; case kPcbTypeReceiveReady: if (rx_frame->header.LEN != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid ReceiveReady RX frame."); return R(0, 1, 0); } break; case kPcbTypeInfo0: case kPcbTypeInfo1: /* I-blocks must always alternate for each endpoint. */ if ((bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB)) == state->card_state->seq.card) { ALOGW("Got seq %d expected %d", bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB), state->card_state->seq.card); ALOGE("Invalid Info RX frame."); return R(0, 1, 0); } /* Update the card's last I-block seq. */ state->card_state->seq.card = bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB); default: break; }; return 0; } enum RuleResult teq1_rules(struct Teq1State *state, struct Teq1Frame *tx_frame, struct Teq1Frame *rx_frame, struct Teq1Frame *next_tx) { /* Rule 1 is enforced by first call∴ Start with I(0,M). */ /* 0 = TX, 1 = RX */ /* msb = tx pcb, lsb = rx pcb */ /* BUG_ON(!rx_frame && !tx_frame && !next_tx); */ uint16_t txrx = TEQ1_RULE(tx_frame->header.PCB, rx_frame->header.PCB); uint8_t R_err; while (1) { /* Timeout errors come like invalid frames: 255. */ if ((R_err = teq1_frame_error_check(state, tx_frame, rx_frame)) != 0) { ALOGW("incoming frame failed the error check"); state->last_error_message = "Invalid frame received"; /* Mark the frame as bad for our rule evaluation. */ txrx = TEQ1_RULE(tx_frame->header.PCB, 255); state->errors++; /* Rule 6.4 */ if (state->errors >= 6) { return kRuleResultResetDevice; } /* Rule 7.4.2 */ if (state->errors >= 3) { /* Rule 7.4.1: state should start with error count = 2 */ if (tx_frame->header.PCB != S(RESYNC, REQUEST)) { next_tx->header.PCB = S(RESYNC, REQUEST); return kRuleResultContinue; } return kRuleResultRetransmit; } } /* Specific matches */ switch (txrx) { /*** Rule 2.1: I() -> I() ***/ /* Error check will determine if the card seq is right. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), I(0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), I(1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), I(1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), I(0, 0)): /* Read app data & return. */ teq1_get_app_data(state, rx_frame); return kRuleResultComplete; /* Card begins chained response. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), I(0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), I(1, 1)): /* Prep R(N(S)) */ teq1_get_app_data(state, rx_frame); next_tx->header.PCB = TEQ1_R(!bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB), 0, 0); next_tx->header.LEN = 0; return kRuleResultContinue; /*** Rule 2.2, Rule 5: Chained transmission ***/ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), R(1, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), R(0, 0, 0)): /* Send next block -- error-checking assures the R seq is our next seq. */ next_tx->header.PCB = TEQ1_I(bs_get(PCB.R.next_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB), 0); teq1_fill_info_block(state, next_tx); /* Sets M-bit and LEN. */ return kRuleResultContinue; /*** Rule 3 ***/ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), S(WTX, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), S(WTX, REQUEST)): /* Note: Spec is unclear on if WTX can occur during chaining so we make it an error for now. case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), S(WTX, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), S(WTX, REQUEST)): */ /* Send S(WTX, RESPONSE) with same INF */ next_tx->header.PCB = S(WTX, RESPONSE); next_tx->header.LEN = 1; next_tx->INF[0] = rx_frame->INF[0]; state->wait_mult = rx_frame->INF[0]; /* Then wait BWT*INF[0] after transmission. */ return kRuleResultSingleShot; /* Send then call back in with same tx_frame and new rx_frame. */ /*** Rule 4 ***/ case TEQ1_RULE(S(IFS, REQUEST), S(IFS, RESPONSE)): /* XXX: Check INFs match. */ return kRuleResultComplete; /* This is treated as an unique operation. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), S(IFS, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), S(IFS, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), S(IFS, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), S(IFS, REQUEST)): /* Don't support a IFS_REQUEST if we sent an error R-block. */ case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 0), S(IFS, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 0), S(IFS, REQUEST)): next_tx->header.PCB = S(IFS, RESPONSE); next_tx->header.LEN = 1; next_tx->INF[0] = rx_frame->INF[0]; state->ifs = rx_frame->INF[0]; return kRuleResultSingleShot; /*** Rule 5 (see Rule 2.2 for the chained-tx side. ) ***/ case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 0), I(0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 0), I(1, 0)): /* Chaining ended with terminal I-block. */ teq1_get_app_data(state, rx_frame); return kRuleResultComplete; case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 0), I(0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 0), I(1, 1)): /* Chaining continued; consume partial data and send R(N(S)) */ teq1_get_app_data(state, rx_frame); /* The card seq bit will be tracked/validated earlier. */ next_tx->header.PCB = TEQ1_R(!bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, rx_frame->header.PCB), 0, 0); return kRuleResultContinue; /* Rule 6: Interface can send a RESYNC */ /* Rule 6.1: timeout BWT right. No case here. */ /* Rule 6.2, 6.3 */ case TEQ1_RULE(S(RESYNC, REQUEST), S(RESYNC, RESPONSE)): /* Rule 6.5: indicates that the card should assume its prior * block was lost _and_ the interface gets transmit privilege, * so we just start fresh. */ return kRuleResultResetSession; /* Start a new exchange (rule 6.3) */ case TEQ1_RULE(S(RESYNC, REQUEST), 255): /* Retransmit the same frame up to 3 times. */ return kRuleResultRetransmit; /* Rule 7.1, 7.5, 7.6 */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), 255): next_tx->header.PCB = R_err; bs_assign(&next_tx->header.PCB, PCB.R.next_seq, bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, tx_frame->header.PCB)); ALOGW("Rule 7.1,7.5,7.6: bad rx - sending error R: %x = %s", next_tx->header.PCB, teq1_pcb_to_name(next_tx->header.PCB)); return kRuleResultSingleShot; /* So we still can retransmit the original. */ /* Caught in the error check. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(1, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(1, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(1, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(1, 1, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(0, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(0, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(0, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(0, 1, 1)): next_tx->header.PCB = TEQ1_R(bs_get(PCB.I.send_seq, tx_frame->header.PCB), 0, 0); ALOGW("Rule 7.1,7.5,7.6: weird rx - sending error R: %x = %s", next_tx->header.PCB, teq1_pcb_to_name(next_tx->header.PCB)); return kRuleResultSingleShot; /* Rule 7.2: Retransmit the _same_ R-block. */ /* The remainder of this rule is implemented in the next switch. */ case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 1), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 1, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 1, 1), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 1), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 1, 0), 255): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 1, 1), 255): return kRuleResultRetransmit; /* Rule 7.3 request */ /* Note, 7.3 for transmission of S(*, RESPONSE) won't be seen because they * are * single shots. * Instead, the invalid block will be handled as invalid for the prior TX. * This should yield the correct R-block. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(0, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(0, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(0, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 0), R(0, 1, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(1, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(1, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(1, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 0), R(1, 1, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), R(0, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), R(0, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), R(0, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), R(0, 1, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), R(1, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), R(1, 1, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), R(1, 0, 1)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), R(1, 1, 1)): /* Retransmit I-block */ return kRuleResultRetransmit; /* Rule 8 is card only. */ /* Rule 9: aborting a chain. * If a S(ABORT) is injected into this engine, then we may have sent an * abort. */ case TEQ1_RULE(S(ABORT, REQUEST), S(ABORT, RESPONSE)): /* No need to send back a R() because we want to keep transmit. */ return kRuleResultComplete; /* If we sent it, then we are complete. */ case TEQ1_RULE(S(ABORT, RESPONSE), R(0, 0, 0)): case TEQ1_RULE(S(ABORT, RESPONSE), R(1, 0, 0)): /* Card triggered abortion complete but we can resume sending. */ return kRuleResultAbort; /* An abort request can interrupt a chain anywhere and could occur * after a failure path too. */ case TEQ1_RULE(I(0, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(I(1, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 0), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 0, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 1, 0), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(0, 1, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 0), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 0, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 1, 0), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): case TEQ1_RULE(R(1, 1, 1), S(ABORT, REQUEST)): next_tx->header.PCB = S(ABORT, REQUEST); return kRuleResultContinue; /* Takes over prior flow. */ case TEQ1_RULE(S(ABORT, RESPONSE), 255): return kRuleResultRetransmit; /* Note, other blocks should be caught below. */ default: break; } /* Note, only S(ABORT, REQUEST) and S(IFS, REQUEST) are supported * for transmitting to the card. Others will result in error * flows. * * For supported flows: If an operation was paused to * send it, the caller may then switch to that state and resume. */ if (rx_frame->header.PCB != 255) { ALOGW("Unexpected frame. Marking error and re-evaluating."); rx_frame->header.PCB = 255; continue; } return kRuleResultHardFail; } } /* * TODO(wad): Consider splitting teq1_transcieve() into * teq1_transcieve_init() and teq1_transceive_process_one() * if testing becomes onerous given the loop below. */ ESE_API uint32_t teq1_transceive(struct EseInterface *ese, const struct Teq1ProtocolOptions *opts, const struct EseSgBuffer *tx_bufs, uint8_t tx_segs, struct EseSgBuffer *rx_bufs, uint8_t rx_segs) { struct Teq1Frame tx_frame[2]; struct Teq1Frame rx_frame; struct Teq1Frame *tx = &tx_frame[0]; int active = 0; bool was_reset = false; bool needs_hw_reset = false; int session_resets = 0; bool done = false; enum RuleResult result = kRuleResultComplete; uint32_t rx_total = ese_sg_length(rx_bufs, rx_segs); struct Teq1CardState *card_state = (struct Teq1CardState *)(&ese->pad[0]); struct Teq1State init_state = TEQ1_INIT_STATE( tx_bufs, tx_segs, ese_sg_length(tx_bufs, tx_segs), rx_bufs, rx_segs, ese_sg_length(rx_bufs, rx_segs), card_state); struct Teq1State state = TEQ1_INIT_STATE( tx_bufs, tx_segs, ese_sg_length(tx_bufs, tx_segs), rx_bufs, rx_segs, ese_sg_length(rx_bufs, rx_segs), card_state); _static_assert(TEQ1HEADER_SIZE == sizeof(struct Teq1Header), "Ensure compiler alignment/padding matches wire protocol."); _static_assert(TEQ1FRAME_SIZE == sizeof(struct Teq1Frame), "Ensure compiler alignment/padding matches wire protocol."); /* First I-block is always I(0, M). After that, modulo 2. */ tx->header.PCB = TEQ1_I(!card_state->seq.interface, 0); teq1_fill_info_block(&state, tx); teq1_trace_header(); while (!done) { /* Populates the node address and LRC prior to attempting to transmit. */ teq1_transmit(ese, opts, tx); /* If tx was pointed to the inactive frame for a single shot, restore it * now. */ tx = &tx_frame[active]; /* Clear the RX frame. */ ese_memset(&rx_frame, 0xff, sizeof(rx_frame)); /* -1 indicates a timeout or failure from hardware. */ if (teq1_receive(ese, opts, opts->bwt * (float)state.wait_mult, &rx_frame) < 0) { /* TODO(wad): If the ese_error(ese) == 1, should this go ahead and fail? */ /* Failures are considered invalid blocks in the rule engine below. */ rx_frame.header.PCB = 255; } /* Always reset |wait_mult| once we have calculated the timeout. */ state.wait_mult = 1; /* Clear the inactive frame header for use as |next_tx|. */ ese_memset(&tx_frame[!active].header, 0, sizeof(tx_frame[!active].header)); result = teq1_rules(&state, tx, &rx_frame, &tx_frame[!active]); ALOGV("[ %s ]", teq1_rule_result_to_name(result)); switch (result) { case kRuleResultComplete: done = true; break; case kRuleResultRetransmit: /* TODO(wad) Find a clean way to move into teq1_rules(). */ if (state.retransmits++ < 3) { continue; } ALOGE("More than three retransmits have occurred"); if (tx->header.PCB == S(RESYNC, REQUEST)) { /* More than three RESYNC retranmits have occurred. */ ese_set_error(ese, kTeq1ErrorHardFail); return 0; } /* Fall through */ ALOGE("Triggering resynchronization."); tx_frame[!active].header.PCB = S(RESYNC, REQUEST); case kRuleResultContinue: active = !active; tx = &tx_frame[active]; /* Reset this to 0 to use the counter for RESYNC transmits. */ state.retransmits = 0; /* Errors are not reset until the session is reset. */ continue; case kRuleResultHardFail: ese_set_error(ese, kTeq1ErrorHardFail); return 0; case kRuleResultAbort: ese_set_error(ese, kTeq1ErrorAbort); return 0; case kRuleResultSingleShot: /* * Send the next_tx on loop, but tell the rule engine that * the last sent state hasn't changed. This allows for easy error * and supervisory block paths without nesting state. */ tx = &tx_frame[!active]; continue; case kRuleResultResetDevice: needs_hw_reset = true; /* Fall through to session reset. */ case kRuleResultResetSession: /* Reset to initial state and possibly do hw reset */ if (session_resets++ > 4) { /* If there have been more than 4 resyncs without a * physical reset, we should pull the plug. */ needs_hw_reset = true; } if (needs_hw_reset) { needs_hw_reset = false; if (was_reset || !ese->ops->hw_reset || ese->ops->hw_reset(ese) == -1) { ese_set_error(ese, kTeq1ErrorDeviceReset); return 0; /* Don't keep resetting -- hard fail. */ } was_reset = true; session_resets = 0; } state = init_state; TEQ1_INIT_CARD_STATE(state.card_state); /* Reset the active frame. */ ese_memset(tx, 0, sizeof(*tx)); /* Load initial I-block. */ tx->header.PCB = I(0, 0); teq1_fill_info_block(&state, tx); continue; } } /* Return the number of bytes used in the RX buffers. */ return rx_total - state.app_data.rx_total; } ESE_API uint8_t teq1_compute_LRC(const struct Teq1Frame *frame) { uint8_t lrc = 0; const uint8_t *buffer = frame->val; const uint8_t *end = buffer + frame->header.LEN + sizeof(frame->header); while (buffer < end) { lrc ^= *buffer++; } return lrc; }