/* This file is part of libmicrospdy Copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Andrey Uzunov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file microspdy/daemon.c * @brief daemon functionality * @author Andrey Uzunov */ #include "platform.h" #include "structures.h" #include "internal.h" #include "session.h" #include "io.h" /** * Default implementation of the panic function, * prints an error message and aborts. * * @param cls unused * @param file name of the file with the problem * @param line line number with the problem * @param reason error message with details */ static void spdyf_panic_std (void *cls, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *reason) { (void)cls; fprintf (stdout, "Fatal error in libmicrospdy %s:%u: %s\n", file, line, reason); //raise(SIGINT); //used for gdb abort (); } /** * Global handler for fatal errors. */ SPDY_PanicCallback spdyf_panic = &spdyf_panic_std; /** * Global closure argument for "spdyf_panic". */ void *spdyf_panic_cls; /** * Free resources associated with all closed connections. * (destroy responses, free buffers, etc.). * * @param daemon daemon to clean up */ static void spdyf_cleanup_sessions (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon) { struct SPDY_Session *session; while (NULL != (session = daemon->cleanup_head)) { DLL_remove (daemon->cleanup_head, daemon->cleanup_tail, session); SPDYF_session_destroy(session); } } /** * Closing of all connections handled by the daemon. * * @param daemon SPDY daemon */ static void spdyf_close_all_sessions (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon) { struct SPDY_Session *session; while (NULL != (session = daemon->sessions_head)) { //prepare GOAWAY frame SPDYF_prepare_goaway(session, SPDY_GOAWAY_STATUS_OK, true); //try to send the frame (it is best effort, so it will maybe sent) SPDYF_session_write(session,true); SPDYF_session_close(session); } spdyf_cleanup_sessions(daemon); } /** * Parse a list of options given as varargs. * * @param daemon the daemon to initialize * @param valist the options * @return SPDY_YES on success, SPDY_NO on error */ static int spdyf_parse_options_va (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon, va_list valist) { enum SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION opt; while (SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_END != (opt = (enum SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION) va_arg (valist, int))) { if(opt & daemon->options) { SPDYF_DEBUG("Daemon option %i used twice",opt); return SPDY_NO; } daemon->options |= opt; switch (opt) { case SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT: daemon->session_timeout = va_arg (valist, unsigned int) * 1000; break; case SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR: daemon->address = va_arg (valist, struct sockaddr *); break; case SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_FLAGS: daemon->flags = va_arg (valist, enum SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG); break; case SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_IO_SUBSYSTEM: daemon->io_subsystem = va_arg (valist, enum SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM); break; case SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_MAX_NUM_FRAMES: daemon->max_num_frames = va_arg (valist, uint32_t); break; default: SPDYF_DEBUG("Wrong option for the daemon %i",opt); return SPDY_NO; } } return SPDY_YES; } void SPDY_set_panic_func (SPDY_PanicCallback cb, void *cls) { spdyf_panic = cb; spdyf_panic_cls = cls; } struct SPDY_Daemon * SPDYF_start_daemon_va (uint16_t port, const char *certfile, const char *keyfile, SPDY_NewSessionCallback nscb, SPDY_SessionClosedCallback sccb, SPDY_NewRequestCallback nrcb, SPDY_NewDataCallback npdcb, SPDYF_NewStreamCallback fnscb, SPDYF_NewDataCallback fndcb, void * cls, void * fcls, va_list valist) { struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon = NULL; int afamily; int option_on = 1; int ret; struct sockaddr_in* servaddr4 = NULL; #if HAVE_INET6 struct sockaddr_in6* servaddr6 = NULL; #endif socklen_t addrlen; if (NULL == (daemon = malloc (sizeof (struct SPDY_Daemon)))) { SPDYF_DEBUG("malloc"); return NULL; } memset (daemon, 0, sizeof (struct SPDY_Daemon)); daemon->socket_fd = -1; daemon->port = port; if(SPDY_YES != spdyf_parse_options_va (daemon, valist)) { SPDYF_DEBUG("parse"); goto free_and_fail; } if(0 == daemon->max_num_frames) daemon->max_num_frames = SPDYF_NUM_SENT_FRAMES_AT_ONCE; if(!port && NULL == daemon->address) { SPDYF_DEBUG("Port is 0"); goto free_and_fail; } if(0 == daemon->io_subsystem) daemon->io_subsystem = SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_OPENSSL; if(SPDY_YES != SPDYF_io_set_daemon(daemon, daemon->io_subsystem)) goto free_and_fail; if(SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_RAW != daemon->io_subsystem) { if (NULL == certfile || NULL == (daemon->certfile = strdup (certfile))) { SPDYF_DEBUG("strdup (certfile)"); goto free_and_fail; } if (NULL == keyfile || NULL == (daemon->keyfile = strdup (keyfile))) { SPDYF_DEBUG("strdup (keyfile)"); goto free_and_fail; } } daemon->new_session_cb = nscb; daemon->session_closed_cb = sccb; daemon->new_request_cb = nrcb; daemon->received_data_cb = npdcb; daemon->cls = cls; daemon->fcls = fcls; daemon->fnew_stream_cb = fnscb; daemon->freceived_data_cb = fndcb; #if HAVE_INET6 //handling IPv6 if((daemon->flags & SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6) && NULL != daemon->address && AF_INET6 != daemon->address->sa_family) { SPDYF_DEBUG("SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6 set but IPv4 address provided"); goto free_and_fail; } addrlen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6); if(NULL == daemon->address) { if (NULL == (servaddr6 = malloc (addrlen))) { SPDYF_DEBUG("malloc"); goto free_and_fail; } memset (servaddr6, 0, addrlen); servaddr6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; servaddr6->sin6_addr = in6addr_any; servaddr6->sin6_port = htons (port); daemon->address = (struct sockaddr *) servaddr6; } if(AF_INET6 == daemon->address->sa_family) { afamily = PF_INET6; } else { afamily = PF_INET; } #else //handling IPv4 if(daemon->flags & SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6) { SPDYF_DEBUG("SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6 set but no support"); goto free_and_fail; } addrlen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); if(NULL == daemon->address) { if (NULL == (servaddr4 = malloc (addrlen))) { SPDYF_DEBUG("malloc"); goto free_and_fail; } memset (servaddr4, 0, addrlen); servaddr4->sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr4->sin_addr = INADDR_ANY; servaddr4->sin_port = htons (port); daemon->address = (struct sockaddr *) servaddr4; } afamily = PF_INET; #endif daemon->socket_fd = socket (afamily, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (-1 == daemon->socket_fd) { SPDYF_DEBUG("sock"); goto free_and_fail; } //setting option for the socket to reuse address ret = setsockopt(daemon->socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &option_on, sizeof(option_on)); if(ret) { SPDYF_DEBUG("WARNING: SO_REUSEADDR was not set for the server"); } #if HAVE_INET6 if(daemon->flags & SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6) { ret = setsockopt(daemon->socket_fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &option_on, sizeof(option_on)); if(ret) { SPDYF_DEBUG("setsockopt with IPPROTO_IPV6 failed"); goto free_and_fail; } } #endif if (-1 == bind (daemon->socket_fd, daemon->address, addrlen)) { SPDYF_DEBUG("bind %i",errno); goto free_and_fail; } if (listen (daemon->socket_fd, 20) < 0) { SPDYF_DEBUG("listen %i",errno); goto free_and_fail; } if(SPDY_YES != daemon->fio_init(daemon)) { SPDYF_DEBUG("tls"); goto free_and_fail; } return daemon; //for GOTO free_and_fail: if(daemon->socket_fd > 0) (void)close (daemon->socket_fd); free(servaddr4); #if HAVE_INET6 free(servaddr6); #endif if(NULL != daemon->certfile) free(daemon->certfile); if(NULL != daemon->keyfile) free(daemon->keyfile); free (daemon); return NULL; } void SPDYF_stop_daemon (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon) { daemon->fio_deinit(daemon); shutdown (daemon->socket_fd, SHUT_RDWR); spdyf_close_all_sessions (daemon); (void)close (daemon->socket_fd); if(!(SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR & daemon->options)) free(daemon->address); free(daemon->certfile); free(daemon->keyfile); free(daemon); } int SPDYF_get_timeout (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon, unsigned long long *timeout) { unsigned long long earliest_deadline = 0; unsigned long long now; struct SPDY_Session *pos; bool have_timeout; if(0 == daemon->session_timeout) return SPDY_NO; now = SPDYF_monotonic_time(); have_timeout = false; for (pos = daemon->sessions_head; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { if ( (! have_timeout) || (earliest_deadline > pos->last_activity + daemon->session_timeout) ) earliest_deadline = pos->last_activity + daemon->session_timeout; have_timeout = true; if (SPDY_YES == pos->fio_is_pending(pos)) { earliest_deadline = 0; break; } } if (!have_timeout) return SPDY_NO; if (earliest_deadline <= now) *timeout = 0; else *timeout = earliest_deadline - now; return SPDY_YES; } int SPDYF_get_fdset (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon, fd_set *read_fd_set, fd_set *write_fd_set, fd_set *except_fd_set, bool all) { (void)except_fd_set; struct SPDY_Session *pos; int fd; int max_fd = -1; fd = daemon->socket_fd; if (-1 != fd) { FD_SET (fd, read_fd_set); /* update max file descriptor */ max_fd = fd; } for (pos = daemon->sessions_head; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { fd = pos->socket_fd; FD_SET(fd, read_fd_set); if (all || (NULL != pos->response_queue_head) //frames pending || (NULL != pos->write_buffer) //part of last frame pending || (SPDY_SESSION_STATUS_CLOSING == pos->status) //the session is about to be closed || (daemon->session_timeout //timeout passed for the session && (pos->last_activity + daemon->session_timeout < SPDYF_monotonic_time())) || (SPDY_YES == pos->fio_is_pending(pos)) //data in TLS' read buffer pending || ((pos->read_buffer_offset - pos->read_buffer_beginning) > 0) // data in lib's read buffer pending ) FD_SET(fd, write_fd_set); if(fd > max_fd) max_fd = fd; } return max_fd; } void SPDYF_run (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon) { struct SPDY_Session *pos; struct SPDY_Session *next; int num_ready; fd_set rs; fd_set ws; fd_set es; int max; struct timeval timeout; int ds; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&rs); FD_ZERO (&ws); FD_ZERO (&es); //here we need really all descriptors to see later which are ready max = SPDYF_get_fdset(daemon,&rs,&ws,&es, true); num_ready = select (max + 1, &rs, &ws, &es, &timeout); if(num_ready < 1) return; if ( (-1 != (ds = daemon->socket_fd)) && (FD_ISSET (ds, &rs)) ){ SPDYF_session_accept(daemon); } next = daemon->sessions_head; while (NULL != (pos = next)) { next = pos->next; ds = pos->socket_fd; if (ds != -1) { //fill the read buffer if (FD_ISSET (ds, &rs) || pos->fio_is_pending(pos)){ SPDYF_session_read(pos); } //do something with the data in read buffer if(SPDY_NO == SPDYF_session_idle(pos)) { //the session was closed, cannot write anymore //continue; } //write whatever has been put to the response queue //during read or idle operation, something might be put //on the response queue, thus call write operation if (FD_ISSET (ds, &ws)){ if(SPDY_NO == SPDYF_session_write(pos, false)) { //SPDYF_session_close(pos); //continue; } } /* the response queue has been flushed for half closed * connections, so let close them */ /*if(pos->read_closed) { SPDYF_session_close(pos); }*/ } } spdyf_cleanup_sessions(daemon); }