// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Support for parsing binary sequences encoded as readable strings // or ".data" files. The input format is described here: // mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/validation_test_input_parser.h define([ "mojo/public/js/buffer" ], function(buffer) { // Files and Lines represent the raw text from an input string // or ".data" file. function InputError(message, line) { this.message = message; this.line = line; } InputError.prototype.toString = function() { var s = 'Error: ' + this.message; if (this.line) s += ', at line ' + (this.line.number + 1) + ': "' + this.line.contents + '"'; return s; } function File(contents) { this.contents = contents; this.index = 0; this.lineNumber = 0; } File.prototype.endReached = function() { return this.index >= this.contents.length; } File.prototype.nextLine = function() { if (this.endReached()) return null; var start = this.index; var end = this.contents.indexOf('\n', start); if (end == -1) end = this.contents.length; this.index = end + 1; return new Line(this.contents.substring(start, end), this.lineNumber++); } function Line(contents, number) { var i = contents.indexOf('//'); var s = (i == -1) ? contents.trim() : contents.substring(0, i).trim(); this.contents = contents; this.items = (s.length > 0) ? s.split(/\s+/) : []; this.index = 0; this.number = number; } Line.prototype.endReached = function() { return this.index >= this.items.length; } var ITEM_TYPE_SIZES = { u1: 1, u2: 2, u4: 4, u8: 8, s1: 1, s2: 2, s4: 4, s8: 8, b: 1, f: 4, d: 8, dist4: 4, dist8: 8, anchr: 0, handles: 0 }; function isValidItemType(type) { return ITEM_TYPE_SIZES[type] !== undefined; } Line.prototype.nextItem = function() { if (this.endReached()) return null; var itemString = this.items[this.index++]; var type = 'u1'; var value = itemString; if (itemString.charAt(0) == '[') { var i = itemString.indexOf(']'); if (i != -1 && i + 1 < itemString.length) { type = itemString.substring(1, i); value = itemString.substring(i + 1); } else { throw new InputError('invalid item', this); } } if (!isValidItemType(type)) throw new InputError('invalid item type', this); return new Item(this, type, value); } // The text for each whitespace delimited binary data "item" is represented // by an Item. function Item(line, type, value) { this.line = line; this.type = type; this.value = value; this.size = ITEM_TYPE_SIZES[type]; } Item.prototype.isFloat = function() { return this.type == 'f' || this.type == 'd'; } Item.prototype.isInteger = function() { return ['u1', 'u2', 'u4', 'u8', 's1', 's2', 's4', 's8'].indexOf(this.type) != -1; } Item.prototype.isNumber = function() { return this.isFloat() || this.isInteger(); } Item.prototype.isByte = function() { return this.type == 'b'; } Item.prototype.isDistance = function() { return this.type == 'dist4' || this.type == 'dist8'; } Item.prototype.isAnchor = function() { return this.type == 'anchr'; } Item.prototype.isHandles = function() { return this.type == 'handles'; } // A TestMessage represents the complete binary message loaded from an input // string or ".data" file. The parseTestMessage() function below constructs // a TestMessage from a File. function TestMessage(byteLength) { this.index = 0; this.buffer = new buffer.Buffer(byteLength); this.distances = {}; this.handleCount = 0; } function checkItemNumberValue(item, n, min, max) { if (n < min || n > max) throw new InputError('invalid item value', item.line); } TestMessage.prototype.addNumber = function(item) { var n = item.isInteger() ? parseInt(item.value) : parseFloat(item.value); if (Number.isNaN(n)) throw new InputError("can't parse item value", item.line); switch(item.type) { case 'u1': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, 0, 0xFF); this.buffer.setUint8(this.index, n); break; case 'u2': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, 0, 0xFFFF); this.buffer.setUint16(this.index, n); break; case 'u4': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); this.buffer.setUint32(this.index, n); break; case 'u8': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, 0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); this.buffer.setUint64(this.index, n); break; case 's1': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, -128, 127); this.buffer.setInt8(this.index, n); break; case 's2': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, -32768, 32767); this.buffer.setInt16(this.index, n); break; case 's4': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, -2147483648, 2147483647); this.buffer.setInt32(this.index, n); break; case 's8': checkItemNumberValue(item, n, Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); this.buffer.setInt64(this.index, n); break; case 'f': this.buffer.setFloat32(this.index, n); break; case 'd': this.buffer.setFloat64(this.index, n); break; default: throw new InputError('unrecognized item type', item.line); } } TestMessage.prototype.addByte = function(item) { if (!/^[01]{8}$/.test(item.value)) throw new InputError('invalid byte item value', item.line); function b(i) { return (item.value.charAt(7 - i) == '1') ? 1 << i : 0; } var n = b(0) | b(1) | b(2) | b(3) | b(4) | b(5) | b(6) | b(7); this.buffer.setUint8(this.index, n); } TestMessage.prototype.addDistance = function(item) { if (this.distances[item.value]) throw new InputError('duplicate distance item', item.line); this.distances[item.value] = {index: this.index, item: item}; } TestMessage.prototype.addAnchor = function(item) { var dist = this.distances[item.value]; if (!dist) throw new InputError('unmatched anchor item', item.line); delete this.distances[item.value]; var n = this.index - dist.index; // TODO(hansmuller): validate n if (dist.item.type == 'dist4') this.buffer.setUint32(dist.index, n); else if (dist.item.type == 'dist8') this.buffer.setUint64(dist.index, n); else throw new InputError('unrecognzed distance item type', dist.item.line); } TestMessage.prototype.addHandles = function(item) { this.handleCount = parseInt(item.value); if (Number.isNaN(this.handleCount)) throw new InputError("can't parse handleCount", item.line); } TestMessage.prototype.addItem = function(item) { if (item.isNumber()) this.addNumber(item); else if (item.isByte()) this.addByte(item); else if (item.isDistance()) this.addDistance(item); else if (item.isAnchor()) this.addAnchor(item); else if (item.isHandles()) this.addHandles(item); else throw new InputError('unrecognized item type', item.line); this.index += item.size; } TestMessage.prototype.unanchoredDistances = function() { var names = null; for (var name in this.distances) { if (this.distances.hasOwnProperty(name)) names = (names === null) ? name : names + ' ' + name; } return names; } function parseTestMessage(text) { var file = new File(text); var items = []; var messageLength = 0; while(!file.endReached()) { var line = file.nextLine(); while (!line.endReached()) { var item = line.nextItem(); if (item.isHandles() && items.length > 0) throw new InputError('handles item is not first'); messageLength += item.size; items.push(item); } } var msg = new TestMessage(messageLength); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) msg.addItem(items[i]); if (messageLength != msg.index) throw new InputError('failed to compute message length'); var names = msg.unanchoredDistances(); if (names) throw new InputError('no anchors for ' + names, 0); return msg; } var exports = {}; exports.parseTestMessage = parseTestMessage; exports.InputError = InputError; return exports; });