# RUN: llc -o - %s -start-after=if-converter | FileCheck %s --- | target datalayout = "E-m:e-i64:64-n32:64" target triple = "powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu" %struct.rwlock_t. = type {} @tasklist_lock = external global %struct.rwlock_t., align 1 ; Function Attrs: nounwind define void @mm_update_next_owner(i8** %p1, i32* %p2) #0 { entry: %0 = load i8*, i8** %p1, align 8 br i1 undef, label %do.body.92, label %for.body.21 for.body.21: ; preds = %entry unreachable do.body.92: ; preds = %entry %usage = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %0, i64 -48 %counter.i = bitcast i8* %usage to i32* %call95 = tail call signext i32 bitcast (i32 (...)* @__raw_read_unlock to i32 (%struct.rwlock_t.*)*)(%struct.rwlock_t.* nonnull @tasklist_lock) #1 store volatile i32 0, i32* %p2, align 4 tail call void asm sideeffect "#compiler barrier", "~{memory}"() #1 %1 = tail call i32 asm sideeffect "\0Alwsync \0A1:\09lwarx\09$0,0,$1\09\09# atomic_dec_return\0A\09addic\09$0,$0,-1\0A\09stwcx.\09$0,0,$1\0A\09bne-\091b\0Async \0A", "=&r,r,~{cc},~{xer},~{memory}"(i32* %counter.i) #1 %cmp.i = icmp eq i32 %1, 0 br i1 %cmp.i, label %if.then.i, label %put_task_struct.exit if.then.i: ; preds = %do.body.92 unreachable put_task_struct.exit: ; preds = %do.body.92 ret void } declare signext i32 @__raw_read_unlock(...) attributes #0 = { nounwind "target-cpu"="pwr7" } attributes #1 = { nounwind } ... --- name: mm_update_next_owner alignment: 4 exposesReturnsTwice: false hasInlineAsm: true allVRegsAllocated: true isSSA: false tracksRegLiveness: true tracksSubRegLiveness: false liveins: - { reg: '%x3' } - { reg: '%x4' } calleeSavedRegisters: [ '%cr2', '%cr3', '%cr4', '%f14', '%f15', '%f16', '%f17', '%f18', '%f19', '%f20', '%f21', '%f22', '%f23', '%f24', '%f25', '%f26', '%f27', '%f28', '%f29', '%f30', '%f31', '%r14', '%r15', '%r16', '%r17', '%r18', '%r19', '%r20', '%r21', '%r22', '%r23', '%r24', '%r25', '%r26', '%r27', '%r28', '%r29', '%r30', '%r31', '%v20', '%v21', '%v22', '%v23', '%v24', '%v25', '%v26', '%v27', '%v28', '%v29', '%v30', '%v31', '%vf20', '%vf21', '%vf22', '%vf23', '%vf24', '%vf25', '%vf26', '%vf27', '%vf28', '%vf29', '%vf30', '%vf31', '%x14', '%x15', '%x16', '%x17', '%x18', '%x19', '%x20', '%x21', '%x22', '%x23', '%x24', '%x25', '%x26', '%x27', '%x28', '%x29', '%x30', '%x31', '%cr2eq', '%cr3eq', '%cr4eq', '%cr2gt', '%cr3gt', '%cr4gt', '%cr2lt', '%cr3lt', '%cr4lt', '%cr2un', '%cr3un', '%cr4un' ] frameInfo: isFrameAddressTaken: false isReturnAddressTaken: false hasStackMap: false hasPatchPoint: false stackSize: 144 offsetAdjustment: 0 maxAlignment: 0 adjustsStack: true hasCalls: true maxCallFrameSize: 112 hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false hasVAStart: false hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false fixedStack: - { id: 0, type: spill-slot, offset: -16, size: 8, alignment: 16, callee-saved-register: '%x30' } - { id: 1, type: spill-slot, offset: -24, size: 8, alignment: 8, callee-saved-register: '%x29' } body: | bb.0.entry: liveins: %x3, %x4, %x29, %x30, %x29, %x30 %x0 = MFLR8 implicit %lr8 STD %x0, 16, %x1 %x1 = STDU %x1, -144, %x1 STD killed %x29, 120, %x1 :: (store 8 into %fixed-stack.1) STD killed %x30, 128, %x1 :: (store 8 into %fixed-stack.0, align 16) %x30 = OR8 %x4, %x4 %x3 = LD 0, killed %x3 :: (load 8 from %ir.p1) %x29 = ADDI8 killed %x3, -48 %x3 = ADDIStocHA %x2, @tasklist_lock %x3 = LDtocL @tasklist_lock, killed %x3, implicit %x2 :: (load 8 from got) BL8_NOP @__raw_read_unlock, csr_svr464_altivec, implicit-def %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3, implicit %x2, implicit-def %r1, implicit-def dead %x3 %r3 = LI 0 STW killed %r3, 0, killed %x30 :: (volatile store 4 into %ir.p2) INLINEASM $"#compiler barrier", 25 INLINEASM $"\0Alwsync \0A1:\09lwarx\09$0,0,$1\09\09# atomic_dec_return\0A\09addic\09$0,$0,-1\0A\09stwcx.\09$0,0,$1\0A\09bne-\091b\0Async \0A", 25, 131083, def early-clobber %r3, 851977, killed %x29, 12, implicit-def dead early-clobber %cr0 ; CHECK-LABEL: @mm_update_next_owner ; CHECK-NOT: lwarx 29, 0, 29 ; CHECK-NOT: stwcx. 29, 0, 29 %cr0 = CMPLWI killed %r3, 0 %x30 = LD 128, %x1 :: (load 8 from %fixed-stack.0, align 16) %x29 = LD 120, %x1 :: (load 8 from %fixed-stack.1) %x1 = ADDI8 %x1, 144 %x0 = LD 16, %x1 MTLR8 %x0, implicit-def %lr8 BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm ...